'Plan S'

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Lying down on one of the plush sofas, I tried to figure out how we were going to get away with this. The Master had just collapsed onto the floor just after he started talking in some sort of devils tongue. I wasn't sure if he was ok but I didn't want to go anywhere near him, not after what he did to me; how can a man have that much strength?

Jack was sitting in the red chair that The Master had been in before. He was looking very confident, almost as if he imagined that he was in charge of the place. It annoyed me how he thought that everything would be alright, he never thought about the consequences.

"Jack!" I shouted, snapping him out of his daydream.

"Yes, my dear Scarlett?" He smiled. He was always like this when he felt he had power.

"What now?" I tried to sit up but groaned from the pain it caused. There was a dent in the wall from where The Master had thrown me, the paint crumbling around it.

"Relax, luv. We'll just sit back and enjoy ourselves for now."

"No! You're going to sort this all out whilst I relax here. Who's injured here? Oh, I am!"

"Alright, fine. Just let me have five more minutes, to take in the glory."

Sighing, I gave up, knowing that he wouldn't be persuaded. Lying back again, I closed my eyes though no peace came. After a few minutes the doors burst open, and women came crowding in.

"Master!" Numerous women shouted, running to him. The others sent us glares; they all looked entranced.

"You did this!" One woman pointed to me.

Forcing myself to sit up, I tried to remain calm."I did nothing, neither of us did. He started talking in a demonic sort of tone, I don't know if you're familiar with it."

They're faces looked worried."It has happened again. Please,come with us."

The group split in two, one group with The Master, the other took us through to another room. Much to our surprise, it was a miniature version of library. Jack and I glanced at each other, obviously confused by all of this. Five remained with us whilst the others left. The women sat at a round table, one of them gesturing for us to come closer. Hesitantly, Jack and I approached, not sure of what was happening.

"Please, do not be afraid. Our Master cannot help the sudden outbursts that you have witnessed." She said, holding her arms out.

"Why does he have those? Is he cursed or something?" I said, still deciding whether to trust these women.

"We are not all entirely sure. His past is strange and twisted and full of mystery."

"I'm sorry to interrupt you beautiful ladies," Jack spoke up, eyeing up the women,"but I came here for...for, um-"

The woman smirked."For what Captain?"

"Look, can we please stop with the teasing? There is enough sexual tension in this building as there is." I sighed.

"I know you've been hurt by someone you loved....or maybe more than one." The woman seemed more interested in me now.

"We aren't here for me, Jack is the one who deals with the business."

"So you just sit there and look pretty? Well then, I must admit that it is working, but I can only speak for myself."

Was this woman flirting with me? Who did she think she was?

"Could we maybe get down to the problem at hand? Your little coven is starting to freak me out." Jack said, obviously annoyed that he wasn't the centre of attention anymore.

The women all nodded towards each other, before the main one was handed a small notebook. It looked new, it was either that or it had been kept in perfect condition. She stared at the book for a few seconds, looking hesitant for what she was about to do.

She started."The Master hasn't been in this world for long. He was born just like you and I, but he was always different; as most of us with gifts are. He grew up in a small village. No one knows exactly where or how to get there. So, as he aged, he obviously knew that he had some sort of powers or a gift in him; his parents were outcasts, mother and father both sorcerers. And being the young man he was, he set out to find someone to help him discover his true abilities. That's when he met me."

Jack's face turned to shock."And you were how old?"

The woman sighed, looking fed up with Jack."Don't you know hat it is rude to ask a lady such a question?"

Jack sunk into his chair, a pout on his face.

"I kept him under my care, taught him everything I could, showed him the work; I gave him love, both as a mother and lover."

"Wait, isn't that....incest?" She ignored me.

"Now, he is the most powerful man I know. These women around you also inherited the wonderous powers that have been running through their family for generations. Tell me, what don't you see around here?"

Before Jack could answer with something stupid, I said."Men, there aren't any men in your service."

"No, there isn't. These women pass off as ladies of the night. We have taken in some normal girls too but they know nothing of this place. The Master does not let any man stand in his way. It isn't because of his power, it's because of his fear. No one has ever stood in his way and he I scared because he doesn't know what the competition is like.

"That's understandable. Who wouldn't be afraid of something they don't know about? But what of his powers?"

"They aren't powers per say, they are more of...well, a curse. He can't help it, they are warnings from another side, another universe!"

"He warned us about Dorian. He warned me on the ship when I was...." I didn't finish my sentence but the women before me urge me to carry on."When I was married to him."

They all looked startled until they leapt out of their seats. Three of them grabbed me, another two grabbed Jack. We were being dragged in opposite directions and quickly. Screaming for each other, both of us tried to escape of these women were using their magic to hold us....either that or they were really strong.

There was another library but this was was made of old and brittle stone and had an odd stench to it. In the middle of the room, there was a slab of stone shaped as a large rectangle, almost like an uncomfortable bed. They pinned me down on it, using the leather straps to tie me down. My wirsts, ankles, waist and neck ere restrained tightly, causing my body to panic and start a wild frenzy of squirming.

Each woman scattered around the room. I couldn't move my head to see what they were doing but I heard pages being flipped through quickly, bottles clanging against each other and some sort of metal (a sword or knife perhaps!?) being drawn.

"What are you doing?!" I managed to scream out.

One called back."This is for you! We don't mean any harm!"

"Any harm!? What do you mean!?"

The leader came back to me, raising a knife."You'll be fine, just don't think about the pain."

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