New Taverns

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"Right, don't expect me to buy your drinks. I may be the valiant hero who just saved you all from the so called devil, but my budget doesn't stretch that far." Jack announced as the crew stood outside the pub, all eager to taste the sweet rum that was calling them inside.

"You have a budget?" I asked him as they all hurried inside.

Jack scoffed, holding the door open for me."Who do you think I am? I wouldn't share my budget even if I had one!"

We weren't coming to the nearest tavern just for a celebration drink. Jack had wanted to get to work straight away, an unusual trait for him to have. So, a few men were left behind to guard Dorian whilst of us went to a nearby tavern, apparently meeting someone who could help us. With what, I didn't know. I also didn't know hat thisnperspon looked like or who they were, because Jack was being Jack.

The crew men barged past each other and those in the tavern to get to the bar. All of them deserved a drink, that was very much true. I too wanted one but someone was going to have to keep Jack out of trouble. Jack wandered off, leaving me having to hurry after him. He pulled aside beads hanging from a doorframe, letting go as soon as I stepped through. Untangling myself, I soon found us in the whore house part of the tavern; and ultimately, I felt very awkward standing there.

I caught up with Jack."Jack, now is not the time for-"

"Isn't his fantastic! This is where he wanted to to meet." Jack smiled like a child at Christmas. He waved at a few (not fully clothed) women, who obviously giggled, wanting his money.

"Fine, but could you walk a bit quicker please?" I shoved his back making him stumble forward into a woman (she did have a decent amount of clothes on).

"Ah, madame." Jack kissed her hand."Would you be as so kind to direct me and my colleague to the Master?"

"Of course right this way." She purred. As we walked on, I chuckled quietly.

"What's so funny?" Jack whispered.

"'The Master'? Really? Couldn't they have come up with something a bit more original?" I tried to hide my smirk.

"When you see him, you'll swoon!"

"You've seen him?"

"No, but I hear he's gorgeous."

A huge, red, oval shaped door was opened for us, leading into yet another room full of prostitutes. However, there was a man sitting in a huge chair. Girls were surrounding the chair, literally just sitting there and doing nothing, all of them looking bored. The man in the chair had his head hung, so we couldn't see his face. Jack, started to move towards the chair, but he was stopped by two women.

"Jack Sparrow...." The 'Master' lifted his head up. A gasp left my lips, making Jack look at me confused."Did you miss me, your majesty?"

It was him, the sarcastic man who was chained up with those other dying souls on Dorian's ship. At first I did not recognise him, not with all of his skin on his face. He was well dressed, a smile on his face and a glow in his eyes

"You two know each other?" Jack broke the silence.

"Ladies, could you give me and my friends a moment?" The women all dispersed, and all was quiet until the door slammed shut.

"How are you here?" I suddenly shouted.

The Master simply laughed as he stood."I understand your confusion. Come, sit with me."

Hesitantly, we followed him to the corner of the room which had dozens of huge cushions on the floor. He sat, gesturing for us to do so too. As we did, he reached over to a cupboard, grabbing three wine glasses and a bottle of wine. We waited as he poured them out, giving us a genorous amount.

"Now," he started, getting comfortable,"I know why you're here, but first I'll explain. To put things into short terms, once Dorian was taken down, all those souls rotting away on that ship, have been set free."

"Wait, all those men aren't on the ship anymore?" I asked

"No, like I said, they were set free."

"Ok, my turn!" Jack exclaimed."How do you know each other?"

"It's that sarcastic guy from the ship. You know, when you were locked up in a cage."


"So, my friends, seeing as you have freed me, what is it that I can do for you?" The Master leaned back even further into the cushions.

"Ah, yes. Well you see, we still have Dorian on the ship. And, I think you know a few people who will want him." Jack said, suddenly becoming serious.

"You have him?"

"Yes, is that a problem?"

"It's a very big problem!" He leapt up, pacing the room.

I sent Jack a panicked look."Why? Why is this a big problem?"

"You don't know how dangerous he is!"

Jack stood, strolling towards The Master."Mate, I was stabbed by him, I think I know-"

The Master grabbed Jack by his coat and slammed him against the wall."No! You don't understand!" His voice was different now, it was much lower and sounded like two people were talking at once.

Jumping up, Itried to pull back on The Master's shoulders, but instead he took one hand off of Jack and pushed me back. I went flying into the wall, some of the plaster crumbling on top of me as I landed with a 'thud' onto the floor. Groaning, I listened to The Master as I stabled myself.


The Master let go of Jack, stumbling about the room, his breath heavy from exhaustion. He knocked over vases, pictures on the walls before he fainted onto the floor. Jack shrugge his coat on more so that he looked tough.

"I think that went quite well."

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