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Jack had left me to rest after our little 'heart-to-heart'. There were no clothes that I could change into so I would have to stay in my dress. A huge weight was lifted off of my shoulders after that talk. My anger for him had gone and it was now replaced by concern. We had to deliver these souls to Davy Jones no matter what. I wasn't going to let Jack disappear from my life now that he had come back.

      Instead of sitting around doing nothing, I walked out of the room. It was an overwhelming feeling to be back on the Black Pearl. I had loved this ship with all my heart. I was there when Jack received this ship from Davy, I was there for the deal. It was me who even decorated it, though much of it had gone to waste. Most of the furniture had been blown up from previous battles.

      As I arrived onto the top deck, I received a few wolf whistles from the men, making me laugh. I had told them they would never see me in a dress again, yet here I was. The men were performing their daily tasks, some putting more work in it then others. I wandered around for a while, not really knowing what to do.

"Miss Pearl, what are ye doing up here?" I heard Gibbs say. He was right behind me, holding his bottle of rum.

"I didn't want to stay cooped up in that room. Um, do you know where Jack is?" I asked, playing with my hands.

"He be up there." He pointed to the wheel. Jack was stood, looking at the compass, shaking it as he became frustrated. I began to walk towards him but Gibbs stopped me,"Leave him be, Jack isn't what he used to be."

"And what did he used to be?"

"I don't think anyone knows, but he certainly isn't himself."

"He's probably under stress, he has to find ninety nine souls in three days."

"Ah, but we be heading to Tortuga. There will be many a souls waiting for us there."

"I see your point."

        We made it to the port in Tortuga. I could only think of Dorian though not in a good way. This was where I had first met Dorian, when I fell for him. It brought back so many bad memories. I wasn't sure whether I could even step foot on the land.

"Gibbs, Scarlett, come with me, everyone else stay here. Keep a wary eye." Jack ordered.

"Jack don't you think I should get changed into something that I can fight in? You know, just in case." I asked wary of my outfit.

"No, keep it on. You may even attract more men."

"Really?" I placed my hands on my hips, slightly annoyed at how he was using me.

"I said maybe."

        Jack and I sat away from Gibbs, who was sat at another table getting low life's to apply for the crew. Jack was still struggling with his compass and wouldn't tell me what was going on. I felt uncomfortable in this tavern. I could see the table in which I had sat and saw Dorian. A bunch I of men too drunk to even speak were sat there, trying to attract a woman over. It wasn't a pleasant experience and I was hoping this would be over soon.

"Are we almost done? I want to get out of here." I moaned at Jack. He ignored me, shaking his compass viscously. I kicked the chair in which he was leaning back in, causing him to fall to the ground. No one saw, there was too much noise to even take any notice.

"What was that for?!" He snapped. He seemed under a lot of stress.

"You wouldn't answer!" I raised my voice, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Well I'm sorry if I'm trying to work out where to go!" We were getting closer, both of our voices becoming louder.

"Would ye stop acting like children!? It be setting a bad example for the sign up."

    Both if us huffed and sat back in our seats. We were acting like children, anyone could see that. But both of us weren't our usual selves. We were never going to be, not this soon anyway.

"How are we going?" Jack asked.

"Including those four, that gives us, four!"

Jack was still shaking the compass.

"So, what be your story?" Gibbs asked the next person in line.

"My story? It's exactly the same as your story just one chapter behind. I chased a man across the seven seas," Jack grabbed the tree plant next to him, hiding behind it,"The pursuit cost me my crew, my commission and my life." The man grabbed a bottle of rum, taking a swig.

"Commodore?" Gibbs questioned. I immediately looked up, seeing the poor state he was in. He was filthy and drunk. There were no better words in which to put it.

"Not anymore,  weren't you listening?!" He leant forward on the table,"I nearly had you all off Tripoli. I would have if not for the hurricane."

"No, you didn't try to make your wat though it!?"

"So do I make your crew...or not? You haven't said where your going. Somewhere nice!" He flipped over the table causing Gibbs to topple over. I rushed over to grab him and tried to see if I could find Jack.

"So am I worthy to serve under Captain Jack Sparrow?" Commodore held out his arms, asking the whole tavern. He pulled out a gun, aiming it at Jack who was still hiding behind a tree branch,"Or should I just kill you now?"


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