Surprise, Surprise

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It was total chaos as we boarded the ship. There were hardly any crew members left, making it harder to know who we had to fight with. The ship was in ruins too, making me even more mad. I used up all of this anger along with the adrenaline to help me fight.

         Jack picked up a gin which Elizabeth was intended on using. I had to hand it to them, the crew had some good ideas. Barrels had been grouped up in a net, which they were going to make explode. I saw some barrels of rum, that saddened me a little, but if I survived I would have all the time in the world for it. The shot was fired, causing a huge explosion. The krakens tentacle were mashed up and it made it's way back to the depths of the ocean. 

        Everyone was silent. We all knew we had to get out of there, it had only angered the creature.

"Captain, orders!" Gibbs shouted.

"Abandon ship, into the longboat." Jack said. My heart broke at the thought of losing the ship again. I had had so many memoires on her.

"But, Jack...The Pearl?"

"She's only a ship mate."

"He's right we have to head for land." Elizabeth butted in.

"I think we figured that out Elizabeth." I snapped.

"It's a lot of open water." Pinto pointed out the obvious.

"We have to try." Will sighed."We can get away as it takes down the Pearl."

"Abandon ship. Abandon ship or abandon hope." Gibbs said last, as we all prepared the boat. We left Jack to have a few moments with his ship. He may not be an emotional type of person, but right now he was showing a lot of sadness.

         We were waiting for Elizabeth and Jack, all of us anxious to get away. Will looked stunned, like he had seen something he shouldn't have seen. When asked if he was alright, he simply didn't answer. Finally, Elizabeth climbed in.

"Where's Jack?" Will almost, sneered?

"He elected to stay behind to give us a chance." Elizabeth snapped.

"What? No he didn't. You're lying!" I panicked, trying to climb out the boat. I was pulled back by Gibbs, him holding onto me tightly. The boat started to move away from the ship. We were far away quickly and I could see the tentacles rising. The ship was enveloped in the krakens hold, bringing Jack and the ship down to the sea.

          I thrashed around until Gibbs let go of me. Clambering forward, I tried to jump off the boat but no one would let me. He was gone again andi had just gotten him back.


And that was the last thing I shouted before a huge wave crashes onto us.


Spluttering, I coughed up salt water, feeling sick. The blazing sun beat down on my skin, not helping with my sight. I soon regained my sight, stumbling onto my feet. Pulling bits of seaweed out of my hair, I looked around. I had been washed up onto a beach along with pieces of wood, which I assumed was from the boat. There was no one else but me, though I wondered if any of them were dead.

          There were sudden battle cries coming from the forest. This was not good, these people could kill me. Picking up a large plank of wood, I ran down the beach, trying to hide a hiding spot. I could hear them behind me, driving me into the rainforest. It was the worst mistake to make as I soon found out, stumbling into a trap. A net sprung from the ground, pulling me upwards. My legs and arms became tangled in the holes, making it impossible for me to get out.

            The warriors cut me down and dragged me away. I was screaming all the way, trying to get out of the trap but just making it worse. Suddenly, I was picked up and thrown into a hole, resulting in a tunnel. No, this wasn't happening again. It was pitch black until the ground was opened up, revealing two guards. They pulled me out by the net, and there were villagers everywhere. It was my nightmare coming true.

"Darling, why couldn't we meet in a more simpler way?"


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