After New Life

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(A/N: Hey guys! So I'm sorry that I haven't been updating much (and this goes for any of my other stories too) but I've just been so busy with my GCSE work. I just started them in September and there is a lot of work to do. So anyways, I'll try to update more often than usual on these. Thanks guys, Bethan xxx)

As I woke, I heard rustling and small footsteps coming from within the room. Yawning, I sat up, seeing Dorian packing everything he could into three suitcases. Confused by this early activity, I waited until he noticed that I was awake. Finally he did just as he was yelling to get a servant.

"Well, it is about time darling." He jumped onto the bed, crawling towards me. I flinched a little as he came nearer. Dorian kissed me on the lips before I could even move to dodge it.

"What is happening?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"We're going on a adventure." His hands cupped my cheeks gently as he looked me straight in the eyes.


"I have talked to some people I know, and they have gotten us a ship. It'll be just like when we met, only this time better. We will have a crew that can do everything for us, we won't have to lift a finger."

"So, we're leaving? When?"

"Today! I have had the maids pack all of your things, we shall leave just after breakfast." Kissing my cheek this time, he hopped off of the bed and rushed out if the room. Laying back, I thought about the idea of it all.

On the one hand I was stuck with Dorian, though I could probably keep my acting up for a little longer. But on the other hand, I could find out if the Black Pearl really had sunk to the bottom of the sea, along with Jack. Maybe news had gotten around about it. Though, what if that never happened and I was in fact happily married to Dorian? My mind wandered to the flower, which the woman had given me, the flower that was sitting beside me on my bedside cabinet.

Twiddling the flower in my fingers, I thought about the possibilities that could happen. The first time I met Dorian, I was acting like a little girl who had a crush. Even after he had locked me in a room, I still felt something for him. The compass had pointed to both Jack and Dorian, so I had no help there. None of it was adding up.

At breakfast, everyone was saying their goodbyes, wishing us luck on our trip and promising to look after the tribe. I just smiled and nodded, accepting the hugs and offerings people had kindly showered upon us. Some were even saying that this might have been our honeymoon seeing as we never actually got one (apparently).

The ship was just the same as any other. It had no competition with the Black Pearl, it would have lost in a second. But it was a ship all the same and I was happy to get off the island. Parts of the longboat were still all over the beach, making me think of the others. Were they alive? Had they survived?

And if this was all a lie, if I had just fought the kraken only a couple of days ago, how did Dorian get all of his people to cooperate? Was this why he was taking me off land and away from the people? Was someone bound to tell me the truth?


Men shouted orders to one another as the blazing sun hit onto them. No one was of a kind face on the ship, the only person who was really talking to me was Dorian. No one was speaking to me because (a) I was their queen or (b) Dorian ordered them not to. I decided to take a tour of below deck, to see if I could find anything to do.

The bedrooms on here were exquisite, each fitted with a living room. The dining room was separate but also quite grand. Dorian sure had good taste. Most rooms were the same though and they kept repeating. It started to get boring until I found another door which was of different shape and colour. This door was more circular around the edges and had a rusty look to it. Before I could even reach for the doorknob, Dorian suddenly stepped out from the other side.

"Scarlett, what are you doing here!?" He seemed angry at me.

"I'm sorry. I got bored so I decided to explore the ship." I was genuinly afraid of him at that point.

"I don't ever want to see you here again, do you understand?" He fastened a chain of keys onto his belt, securing them tightly.

"Why? What's in there?"

"It's nothing!" He raised his voice. Taking a breath, he placed his hands on my shoulders, looking calmer."It's just none of your concern."

For the rest of the day, Dorian showed me the rest of the journey we would be taking and it was a very long one. We wouldn't be returning back to our tribe anytime soon; not that I wanted to go back anyway. But why had he chosen such a long journey to take? Was he trying to brainwash me with gifts and kindness?

       All over the maps were places I had never heard of. I wasn't sure whether they were real or whether Dorian had made them up. Though that didn't matter to me. The real thing I was worried about was how complex the route was; I would never be able to make it back by myself. And the only person who could help me get back was Dorian. But maybe that was his plan, to make sure I couldn't escape.

"What is it darling?" Dorian's voice suddenly said. We were in the drawing room, sprawled out on the plush sofas. He walked over to me, lifting me up from my lying position, sitting down with me."You look puzzled."

"I was just thinking." I mumbled, twiddling my thumbs.

"About what?"

"Just about the journey."

"What troubles you?"

"It's's just so long. I mean, we don't have to go away for this long do we?"

He sighed before standing up."My dear, you will find the answers to all of your questions soon enough."

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