Throw Away The Key

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My eyes fluttered open as I felt someone touch me. They were stroking my hair delicately, stopping as I turned to face them. Dorian smiled at me, pecking my cheek. Sitting up, I yawned and stretched pulling Dorian on top of me. He didn't put all of his weight on me for the fear of squashing me. As I played with his curls, I recapped yesterday. I knew Jack was somewhere on this ship, Dorian wanted something with him; what he wanted I didn't know. Though I had an urge in me to go and find him, I knew that I shouldn't. What if my actions resulted in Jack being hurt? Deciding to think up a plan later, I closed my eyes and relaxed with Dorian by my side.

Dorian was soon called away from me. Though angry and reluctant, he went anyway, knowing that duty called. As I was getting ready for the day, a knock came from the door. Wrapping my robe tighter around me, I opened the door just a crack. A puny, dirty man stood there, his gaze averting to the floor. Slightly opening the door a little more, I asked him what he wanted. His trembling hand held out a note. Taking it from him, he bowed and scurried away. Peeking out of the door, I watched him run around the corner, before I went back inside.

The note was quite small, even as it was folded in half. As I opened it, I instantly recognised the handwriting. Jack had written me a note, a risky thing to do but all the while still sweet.


I have no clue where I am on this bloody ship. They've taken away everything, my pistol, my sword and the only rum I had left from that pub! Scarlett, you must clear you're head, the Scarlett I know would not be with that monster that calls himself a man. Once you've done that come and track me down because for all I know I could be in a crate at the back of this ship.

Jack (p.s bring some rum, they're forcing me to drink water)

Holding the note to my chest, I took a deep breath. What was I supposed to do? I couldn't just go around and search for him. There were too many people who would report me to Dorian. However, if I didn't find him, I would have guilt hanging on my shoulders. I was torn between the two.

Debating whether to go upstairs and onto the top deck, I lingered about the bottom of the stairs. The right thing to do was to find Jack and work out what he was doing here. However, if I wanted to stay out if trouble, I should go up to Dorian and spend the day with him. My mind played with these two ideas, until someone pushed past me.

"Oh, your majesty, I'm so sorry! Please forgive me!" He rambled as he bowed down.

"No, it's fine. No harm was done." I tried to calm him down.

"Your majesty isn't thinking of going to the top deck is she?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Well, it is very hectic up there. I do not think our king wants you up there. Shall I ask him?"

My mind went with my instinct, I didn't even think about it."No! Ahem, I mean, do not bother him with questions he already knows the answers to. I shall just read for the afternoon."

"Very good, your majesty."

After bowing once again, he ran up the stairs and out of the door. I wouldn't have to decide between the two now, I could go and do the right thing.
Today, I would find the room Jack was trapped in. But first I had to get the keys. However, I wasn't sure whether Dorian had them and if he did, I wouldn't be able to get anywhere. Firstly, I checked our room, hoping that he had left them there. As I made my way back, I felt some sort of presence. Looking around me, I couldn't see anyone, though I could feel their eyes watching me. Quickly moving on, I hurried towards my room.
Opening the door, I heard it scrape something on the floor. Another note had been left for me. Picking it up, I slammed the door shut. Hastily, I opened the letter, almost cutting myself.


Don't come looking for me! Dorian has his men everywhere. Even the walls.


It was very brief but I knew that it was urgent. It didn't surprise me that Dorian had his men all over the place, I couldn't be trusted. But the fact that I now couldn't go find Jack frustrated me. I needed to get to him and save him, I felt responsible for him; he had the mind of a child at times. Suddenly, the door opened. Holding the note to my chest, I tried to cover it but I was taken into someone's arms.

Dorian twirled me about before he seems me on my feet again. His stomach was pressed against my back, with his arms tightly around mine. Soon, his lips were attacking my neck, making me breathless.

"I have have ten minutes. They'll notice I'm gone soon." He was getting more into the kiss, trawling them up to my jawline. Turning me to face him, he stopped when he saw the note. Despite my tight hold he managed to rip it out of my hands. I tried to get out of his grip, scared of what he might do. Glancing at me, he tucked the note into one of his pockets.

"Dorian, I-"

"Just save it Scarlett. I'll be back tonight." Surprisingly, he deeply kissed me, before storming out of the room.

Just as he opened the door, I shouted out."Dorian, wait!"

Sighing, he closed the door and faced me."What it is darling?"

"Just...can't you stay? I can't stand being alone all this time."

"You have to understand-"

"I'm sorry to interrupt but I don't want to argue with you! Isn't this supposed to be our honeymoon?"

"Darling, there is a lot of work to do." He walked towards me, trying to hug me. I pushed his arms away.

"But this is a time for relaxing is it not?"

"Look, how about tonight?" He quickly grabbed me, pulling me closer."Tonight will be all about us two with no interruptions, ok?" I nodded.

He placed a kiss on my forehead."I love you."

"I love you too." Glumly, I let him go."Dorian, promise me you won't do anything drastic."

"I can't make a promise I know I'll break. I can try though."

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