•Chapter 37•

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*Warning: Intense Feels-- By the end of this chapter...you're might have the sudden urge to cut a bitch*
Music I listened to while writing this:
•Monster - Alessandro Visintainer
•Wassup- Sammy and Skate😍😍
•Never be alone- SHAWN MENDES💕
Third person POV
The night of the carnival was a peaceful one. Everyone happy when they came home, all having at least one giant stuffed animal and some sort of junk food hanging by their side.
All the guests slept in whatever guests room the Jacks, Cam, Nash and Claire had available.
Gilinsky and Claire fell asleep as soon as they enveloped each other in each other's arms. Sam was no longer jealous and worried with Aaron because she knows that Aaron will go to the ends of the Earth to show that her loves her and no one else.
Although everyone else was asleep, Cameron and Nash seemed to not be tired at all. Quickly, they ran down to the kitchen, rummaged through the freezer, and brought out 2 tubs of cookie dough and started baking so they could fill in their sudden craving that they had at 2 in the morning.
Around 3:30 A.M. both boys yelled for everyone to get up and immediately come downstairs. Startled, a bit panicked, but mostly tired and annoyed that Nash and Cameron woke them up so early only having about an hour or two of sleep, everyone waddled down the stairs asking why they were up.
"We made you guys cookies and set out some milk, so everyone grab some cookies and your glass of milk and get your too-shies back to bed." Cameron says excitedly and Nash continues stuffing his face with the warmth and deliciousness of the scrumptious cookies. Everyone grabbed their cookies and milk and waddled back up the stairs grumpily and munching on the warm and soft cookies.
-later that same morning (Around 10)-
Aaron's POV
So apparently today we are all going back home because a storm is coming and if we don't leave today then it'll be too risky to leave Saturday, which is the day the storm is supposed to hit.
"Aaron!" Sam calls me from upstairs.
"Yea babe?"
"Everything is packed and ready to go back home." I smile and peck her lips.
Cameron's POV
We're driving the guys to the airport in about a half an hour and they're very salty cause they wanted to stay those two extra days, but they'll be back soon. Not so sure all of them like their girlfriends but the rest of the guys should be here again soon.
Claire's POV
Laying in a crib, staring up at these circus animals going round and round on a cute little tune, I sit up and search for a need of comfort. Not being able to find one, I begin to cry loudly.
"Oh, oh, oh." Woman, so gorgeous and gentle looking comes to pick me up and I smile as I feel that comfort feeling come into me.
Suddenly, this innocent, beautiful dream turns into a nightmare as Woman drops me but I do not hit the floor...I am falling in this dark world, so abandoned and scared. I cry looking up at Woman yelling,
"Mamà...Mamà!" Tears continue going down my face but Woman just looks down at me from what seems yards away but I could still see the look of once love and now disgust planted on her face.
"Mamà! Te amo! Por favor, please Mamà!"
Wondering how I am able to speak with me just being a baby but I look at my hands and see my nightmare has transform me into a toddler.
I realize Woman does not want me anymore, yet I still have that comfort to yet be restored. My nightmare continues on with me just falling down a dark, what seems like hole, but far larger and I can't do a thing about it but look up hoping Woman will change her mind and take me back.
Last thing before reaching the bottom of what I assumed was a never ending abyss, I whisper "Its okay Mamà."
Awaken by Jack shaking me,
"Morning beautiful, you started shaking a lot so I decided to wake you up." he says, I giggle.
"Goodmorning." Is all I say and kiss him. "What do you have planned for today?" I ask.
"You and I are going to an arts and craft store to buy canvases to paint whatever we want to. Kinda wanted to be artsy." he winks and I smile.
We get up and make the bed. Then, letting the cool feeling of the wooden floor connect with our bare feet and scurry downstairs to the delicious smell of eggs with bacon, cooked by the amazing cooks themselves, Cam and Nash.
"Do you guys ever stop cooking?" I laugh along with Jack.
They look at each other before answering, "Nope."
"Where's JJ?"
"He spent the night over at a girly-friends house." Jack smirked teasingly.
"Aye, good for JJ. Think he'll ask her out soon?"
"Hopefully, I think he really wanted a girlfriend for a while now but he didn't want just any girl." Jack says.
"Aww, that's sweet." I smile looking down at my plate of eggs and bacon.
"Guys, we need to go to the grocery store, we're running out of food." Nash says.
"Shocker." I raise my eyebrows and Nash sticks his tongue out at me and do the same while Cam and Jack just laugh while shaking their heads.
"Well there's a grocery store right next to the arts and crafts store Jack and I are going to. How about we go get our supplies and even get you guys some canvases too so you can have some fun painting, while you go get whatever you need from your grocery list?" I suggest.
The guys agree and I'm actually pretty excited even though I don't know what I'm going to paint yet.
"So you guys get dressed while I go over to Jc's house real quick, he said he wanted to talk for a moment." I lie, I actually wanted to go talk to him about the dream.
"Okay but hurry up." Cam says.
I run upstairs and throw on light blue jeans, a white designed crop top, a flowy torquiest cardigan on top, and my black Vans, along with putting my hair into two side braids and a white beanie on top. Quickly, I grab my penny board and run out the door, skating across the street carefully to Jc's house.
I make it to the door and knock. A wet, naked, only wrapped in a towel Chris answers the door.
I blush furiously and look down from his piercing green eyes, embarrassed.
"Hey." he says happily.
"Hi." I say shyly.
"Oh! Sorry, I just got out the shower, but come in."
"Thanks, I came to talk to JC."
"He's upstairs." he smiles and so do I as I start to walk upstairs with Rodney, my penny-board, in my hands.
Going up the stairs I still feel his stare on me and I shuffle against the carpeted floor as fast as I could without showing that I was feeling uncomfortable with him staring at me. I reach Jc's door and knock.
"Hold on." I hear JC say.
He opens the door a crack and sees its me. "Claire!" He opens the door a bit more, only to step outside and hug me.
I look at him skeptically. "who's in there?" I raise an eyebrow.
"Umm...no one?" He lies.
"Yes there is JC, is it someone who shouldn't be in there?" I start to feel angry with the thought of the person I feared was in there.
"Well..." he took too long so I scooted him aside and pushed open the door slightly to see the one and only Lia sitting on Jc's bed looking upset. I close the door quickly and quietly to look at JC angrily.
"Why is she here?!" I whisper angrily.
"She wanted to talk and she showed up to the door, I swear I didn't invite her. In fact, I never wanted to see her again. But right now she was talking about getting back together-"
"JC no! Give me your left arm," he gives me his arm, "remember what you did to yourself because of that monster?!"
He nods. " you're right."
"You can't let that happen again and I'm not gonna stand here and watch it happen." I say with sincerity on the verge of crying from the memory of that. I pull him into a hug and wrap my arms around his neck, his around my hips.
"Please do what's right, and what's going to make you happy JC. I love no matter what okay?"
"Okay Claire, thanks. I love you too." he kisses my nose and puts me down.
"I need to tell you something but it can wait after you sort this out, I gotta go bye babe." I kiss Jc's cheek before walking from where we were in the hallway to the stairs.
"Bye babygirl." I hear him call out then he walks back into the room and closes the door.
I walk back downstairs showing myself out when I'm stopped by Chris.
"Oh! You startled me," I laugh, "what's up?"
"Hey, I was just wondering if you and your boys wanted to come to our barbecue on Sunday. We'll be out in the pool, eating burgers and just having fun."
"Sure! Let me just tell the guys and I'll text you what they say?"
"Okay great! Then I'll talk to you later, bye." he raises a hand as I open the door.
"Bye." I smile and shutting the door.
I head back to the house and the guys are ready. We head out and turn up to the songs in the car. Never Be Alone by Shawn comes on the radio and Nash takes out his phone and goes on snapchat recording our very funny reactions. The entire video is us all pretty much fangirling about Shawn's song being on the radio.
"Oh my god! THATS SHAWN!"
"AND TAKE A PIECE OF MY HEART" Cam songs loudly.
Finally we reach the stores and Cam parks the car close to them and we all get out and split up into Jack and I and Nash and Cam (#Cash😏).
We quickly go into the store and buy 5 large canvases for us 5, we bought one for JJ so when he came home, he can join in on the fun, and paints, brushes, and canvas stands. By the time we were done, so was Nash and Cameron.
Damn they're fast and they got ALOT of groceries, that by the way I'm not unpacking (#ThatIsNotMyJob!😂😂) lol no I'm kidding of course I'll help, mainly cause if I don't do it, no one will.
We arrive home and just leave all the groceries on the kitchen counter for later worries as we start to set up our art studio, also know as the living room. Immediately the guys set out painting and subconsciously, I just painted whatever came to mind, Woman.
I paint her just as she appeared in my dream. Hair long, down to her waist, but as well as black as a Ravens feathers. No rose could compare to how red her lips were naturally and her skin, was so fair and soft, like a newborns blanket. I painted Woman holding a single rose, and she wears a brown dress and a silver necklace.
Two hours pass by and I have completely zoned out the rest of the world because I have entered a world of music and my focus on perfecting this painting to capture Woman's beauty just right as it was in the dream.
I'm just about done, all I need is to name it and put my signature at the bottom when I'm brought back to Earth when Nash pulls out one of my ear buds letting all the music escape.
"Yea?" I ask
"This is beautiful." he says in awe and the rest of the guys stand around it. Wait when did Chris and o2l come in? (<besides Trevor and Sam. Btw o2l is still together in this fanfiction)
Was I that into the painting that I didn't hear not see them come in?
"Who is that?" Ricky asks.
"I don't know, but I had a dream about her last night."
I finish by at the bottom putting in satin black paint: Mamà~C.M.D.
"Is that what you called her in the dream?" Kian asks cautiously.
I nod, still looking at my work and I can feel the boys all look at each other with worried faces, but I'm too busy looking at Woman's beautiful face.
Later that night, I put Woman's painting in my room and lay on my bed hearing the chatter of all the guys outside. I told them that I was going to shower and now that I have, I'm too lazy to go back out.
I hear a knock on my door.
"Come in." I sit up.
JC enters with a smile. "JC." I smile and go to hug him tight. "how did it go with 'you-know-who'?" I ask.
"Well...if you count me telling her I never wanted to see her again and she left cursing at me angrily, good...then it went perfectly fine." he laughed and I laughed really hard.
His smile started to fade a bit as he looked toward the painting.
"Is this what you wanted to talk to me about earlier today?"
"JC, it was horrible! It started out okay but it turned into a nightmare. Woman looked like she didn't want me anymore and I was nothing to her but a stupid baby and when she 'dropped me', I think that was just my minds way of thinking how she let me go. Because she didn't just let me go, she let go of my sister...but she wasn't in the dream. I really just want to know why she hated us." I told him sadly as he climbed onto the bed and cradled me, I clung onto his shirt and Cameron walked in.
"Cammy." I get up from Jc's grasp.
"JC, can you give us a sec man?" He asks nicely.
"Course man." he nods and kisses my forehead and leaves the room, closing the door.
Cam sits on the bed and pulls me into his grasp just like JC did and snuggle in.
"I heard what you said to JC, babygirl. And I'm sure 'Woman' or whatever you call her doesn't hate you. Are you even sure that this woman that you saw in your dream could be your mom, your real mom?"
"No, that's why I call her Woman. But it's the closest thing I got to getting some sort of image of what she looks like Cammy. I just want to know why. I would never ever want to change the past because then I wouldn't have you guys and you guys have given me love and affection and I could never, ever imagine a greater big brother." I kiss his cheek and he smiles.
The rest of the night goes on and the guys sleep over and we all sleep in the living room watching movies. JJ came back hours ago with a whole bunch of goodies and we just dug right in.
Around 11 we all woke up and started to clean up while JJ, JC, Nash and Cam made us breakfast. Chris was helping me clean up the garbage from the junk food we all ate and the rest of the guys were putting away the blankets and tidying up the living room.
The o2lers wanted to get back to there house before the storm started which should be any minute now so as soon as we were done eating breakfast, we all said our goodbyes and they left.
Third person and Narrative POV
Now, you didn't think that Sabrina was gonna give up that easily did you? No no, Sabrina is a clever one. Her uncle was a mechanic and he taught her everything she needed to know about cars. See where this is going? I don't think you do...
Sabrina knew all about Laila and decided to follow her one day and find out a few things...just for research...but it turned out to be something more.
Friday night: 11:34 P.M.: Sabrina quietly looked inside Laila's apartment window and saw Laila snuggled up with her boyfriend on the couch.
"Perfect." she whispered to herself.
Sabrina went to Laila's car and quietly pulled up the hood showing many wires and parts. With one little snip, she knew how much damage she was about to create and it was just because of her hatred for Claire. (THIS IS WHERE YOU CUT HER!😡🔪)
Closing the hood softly, she smiled and left.
-Present time: Saturday afternoon-
At the moment everything was peaceful: everyone in their houses, listening to the heavy wind and rain of the storm. When Laila's boss called in telling her that there was an emergency at the shop she worked at and every employee was to come immediately.
Quickly, Laila hung up and ran to her car, cautiously trying not to fall. Starting the ignition, she put the car in drive and drove as fast as she could without sliding from the rain and still going the speed limit, approaching the only stop light which was a block or two before her job she starts to step on the brakes seeing that the light has turned red as she got closer to it.
The car didn't stop...
Desperately she she pounded her foot on the brake and looked for anyone around her for help but only saw a girl with green hair sitting on a bench near the stoplight, just watching.
She passed the light and all desperation for it to stop has ended... she saw everything going in slow motion as a bright white beam from a truck to her left, impaled her car with an extreme blow... she felt water on her face and she just stared to the sky. The truck hit her so badly that it made her car go over and she fell out through the cracked window. She smiled seeing the rain that she has only seen a few times as a kid, greet her again. "Hello, old friend." She said to the breathtaking sight of the puffy clouds and wet sky and she shut her eyes and they remained shut...
The green haired girl then got up, not to help, but to smile at her sadistic work.
She then pulled out her cell phone as she saw the ambulance come and take Laila and the truck driver who they had to get out of his vehicle and into their trucks going to the hospital.
She called Claire but put her number on private.
Claire's POV
I'm cuddled on the couch with Jack and the rest of the guys on the other couches when my phone starts to vibrate in my pocket.
I take my phone out and it says: Private Caller.
I answer.
There is nothing but the sound of breathing which makes me scared so I put it on speaker for the boys to hear.
"Who is this?" I ask worried.
"Better get to the hospital...Laila looks in pretty rough shape. If only her brakes worked and that truck was coming...oops."
"Sabrina?!" I yell as a few tears start to go down.
"Now, now Claire. I told I'd get you and now that I have, you learned a very valuable lesson. NEVER MESS WITH ME!" Sabrina yells angrily and hangs up. We all immediately get up and drive to the hospital. Parking the car quickly and we all run out and rush into the lobby.
"Laila what?" The lady behind the desk asks.
"Uhh...Laila..Laila Foster." I struggle since we never really had last names as kids.
"She's in very critical condition but we just called her only family member." She informs.
"What? No I'm her only family member and I didn't receive any call from you guys." I say.
"We didn't call you, we called...her." She points to someone behind me.
We all look back.
OOOOMMMMGGGGGG WTF?!?! This even got me all hype!! Agh!!! sorry it took so long but I had a bit of a writers block and then when I did write it...Wattpad deleted it-.- soooo I had to write it again! Anyway sorry again and COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT WHAT YOU GUYS THOUGHT OF THIS CHAPTER! It was pretty damn long too, phew! Next chapter is on the way! And sorry for any errors in this chapter.
Love you guys, thank you for always making me smile😌☺️😘
Stay Palmy🌴

Cameron's adopted little sister ( Jack Gilinsky fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now