•Chapter 35•

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***outfit at the top and swipe for song***
*Third person POV*
She wakes up.
Fluttering her eyes into movement and feeling sore but it's not so bad where she couldn't move. Jack, as usual, has his arm around her unable for her to get out. She chuckles noticing his normal action.
Looking down at her figure, bare body with nothing on besides the blanket reflecting the body heat of both her and Jack. Swiftly getting up from Jack's grip and walking over to the balcony.
Stopping at the door before opening it and looking down at her thin, black, silky robe and putting it on.
Opening the doors, revealing the pink sky. She smiles, greeting the new born sun that was given to her from Today.
She hopes that Tomorrow will give her the same gift.
Step by step, walking away from the balcony and closing the doors quickly and quietly so she does not disturb Jack, she walks towards the door and remembers something she should have done a few days back but couldn't. But now she can.
She opens her bedroom door which is the room right next to Jack's, and pulls the safe from under her bed.
She puts in the combination: 05-27-00.
Pulling in the handle for it to open, she takes a deep breath and let's it go.
The only thing in the box, that she know she must keep safe because they are so dear to her, are Laila's letters.
One by one, from the first to the end, Claire rereads each letter carefully.
Finally she reached the last letter only this one was different from the others.
She has never read this one.
Jack said he picked it up after Cameron took Claire to his room when Laila first visited the house and they had that giant argument. Jack gave it to Claire later that night but she was too tired to remember. He said it was scattered somewhere along the kitchen floor.
On the front the only thing that is written is: •Claire•
She opened the sealed letter carefully. Trying her best not to rip it as if it was so fragile that it could break any minute.
Finally, she unfolds the letter. And it reads:
Dear Claire,
I know that you hate me and to be completely honest, I hate myself too. I shouldn't have left you, let alone with Tina. In the back of my head, I knew you were gonna know that I did leave you, but I thought the letters could've helped. Of course, they didn't.
I'm really sorry Claire. I regret everything that I have done but I have written this letter to tell you something I've seen and it's something you need to know.
Derek is gone. He went into the military and he would've went before we knew him but Tina never wanted him to go. He as well did want to stay because when he met you, he immediately saw you as his daughter.
After all of Tina's and his constant arguments, he left.
A few weeks later, Tina left you in the house and took me with her to go somewhere.
We went to the hospital.
Tina was talking to a friend of hers who worked there and she was saying how she shot Derek because he left her.
Luckily, he survived and that's why he was in the hospital, I really wanted to cry but I knew if I did, she would've known that I was listening and God knows what she would have done to me. So I stayed silent and continued to listen.
The nurse told her that when she went to go check up on him this morning, he was gone. They couldn't find him and have no clue where he might have gone. This will be my final letter. I love you Claire, even though you think I don't, I really do.
By the end of her reading the letter, there were wet salty drops on the surface of the eggshell colored paper.
Many thoughts ran in through Claire's mind.
She ran to Cameron's room, letting her bare feet clap along the wooden floors.
She fixed her robe and entered slowly.
She peeked more through the door to see he was still asleep. She would tell him later, not wanting to disturb him.
She went back to her room and texted to see if he was awake.
C: JC?
JC: good morning babe, what are you doing up so early?
C: couldn't sleep...can I go over to your house? I have a few things I want to tell you.
JC: course baby girl! Come on over just be quiet when coming up the stairs, everyone's still asleep.
C: gotcha thanks
Claire through on some sweats and an undershirt with her vans. She was going to put on jeans but it was too much pain for her to handle.
She left a little post it on her door that read: Went over to Jc's be back in a while.
She left it just incase Jack or Cam woke up and wondered where she had gone.
Before she left the house, she made sure to put away all the letters except the last one to show it to JC.
Finally, she was out of the house and crossed the street to JC, Kian, Ricky, and Connor's house and opened the door quietly. She runs up the stairs quietly as well and too toes to Jc's room which is at the end of the hall.
She knocks softly.
"Come in." a loud whisper says.
Walking in, she looks at JC with sad eyes, her tall but skinny figure in the door frame, looking so sad with the letter in her hand.
"Is that...?" JC asks, he already knows what it is. Claire nods and sits on Jc's large bed with him vertical to her.
JC reads the letter and finishes by rubbing his small stubbly beard, thinking.
"I'm scared JC." she looks at him with soft watery eyes and her lip pouting a bit.
"Why baby girl?" He pulls her onto his lap, "This letter proves that he might be out there." he smiles trying to cheer her up and hopefully stopping her from crying.
"That's what's scaring me," a few tears start to make a stream down her face, "what if he finds me? What if he take me away from everything and everyone I love?"
"He can't do that." JC says surely and Claire put her head into the crook of Jc's neck.
"And why not?" She sniffles.
"Because, didn't Tina kidnap you?"
Claire nods.
"Then that means that he has no custody over you."
Her eyes widen in realization.
"That's true. But what if he sees me and expects me to go with him, I don't think I have the heart to tell him that I don't want to go with him after all these years."
"Baby girl," he kisses her forehead gently, "we'll cross that road when we get there." and she agreed.
"Now, is there anything else you want to get off your mind, Claire?"
"Well, um...yea." She plays with her fingers.
"I'm listening." He presses her.
"Last night, Jack and I might have gone..." she trailed off.
And JC lifted his eyebrows, "all the way?" He finished for her.
Claire nodded.
"Wow... And how was it, are you sore?"
"It was the best experience. I'm glad that Jack and I did it and I'm glad to say that I don't regret a single moment of it because we finally showed each other our feelings that were trapped underneath our surfaces.
We didn't have sex, we made love, and yes I am a bit sore, but he was gentle. I don't think I can love another man more than I love him, JC."
He kisses her forehead again but this time a bit longer and says, "well I'm glad you did something that you weren't gonna regret, babygirl. But let's just keep this between you, me, and Gilinsky because I'm sure that you definitely do not want Cameron to find out. I know it was hard for him to accept your guy's relationship let alone y'all already made love." he said and she nodded.
At that moment she got a text from the best brother himself, Cameron Dallas.
Cammy: Claire come back to the house and get dressed, we are going on the Ellen Show in about 2 hours, we were supposed to go a whole back but we rescheduled because of your eyes.
Claire: kk Camerella! I'll be over right now!😘
She explained to JC where she was going and thanked him for listening an finally, she showed herself out.
She ran home, as fast as she could go without hurting herself which wasn't very fast considering how sore she was, and immediately got dressed in something cute yet casual. She didn't want to look like some movie star on tv when she knows she's just a normal girl.
~Outfit on the top~
Claire's POV
I finish my makeup and head downstairs to greet the guys. Cams in the kitchen making French toast with Nash, Jack and Jack are in the living room all nicely dressed and playing on their phones, while everyone else is still sleeping because they're not going with us since the interview is just for me, JJ, Gilinsky, Nashy, and Cam.
"Good morning Cam, Morning Nashy!" I hug Cam and kiss Nash's cheek.
"Morning Claire." they say in unison.
I walk over to the living room to greet Jack and Jack. I give JJ a kiss on the cheek and Gilinsky a kiss on the lips.
"How did you sleep?" Gilinsky smirks.
"Watch it, Finnegan." I warn and puts his hands up in surrender while both of them chuckle.
We eat and finally leave and arrive to the set.
Cameron pulls me aside and says,
"Claire, I want to warn you."
"About what, Cammy?"
"There are probably going to be questions about your eyes and what happened, are you okay with telling the truth?"
"Yea Cammy it's okay, I don't want to lie to our fans. It's fine, really."
"Okay Claire, but if you feel pressured just tug on one of our shirts and we'll help you out, k Claire?"
We walk in and we greet Ellen and she introduces us to the make up crew. They tell us to sit in some chairs and start giving us a little touch up.
Next thing I know, they push us out to the stage and someone's counting down by 5.
"Hello! Welcome, today we will be interviewing the very famous Nash Grier, Cameron Dallas, Claire Dallas, Jack Gilinsky, and Jack Johnson." Ellen introduces us one by one.
"Hello, nice to have you here! Thank you for coming." She tells us.
"Thank you for having us." Cameron says nicely beside me.
"Now tell us, did you ever expect to get where you are today?" She asks.
The boys all give there answers saying how they just started vine because they thought it was funny and they were completely shocked even up till now how far they've come.
"That's very heart warming. And now Claire, can you please tell me what's going on in this picture?" She points to the screen behind her and it shows me sleeping on Nash's belly with the bandages still over my eyes.
"Umm, I fell asleep on Nash and Nash as well fell asleep."
"Yes but what I am inferring to is, what has happened with your eyes?"
"Recently... I was kidnapped and taken away from my boyfriend, Jack, while we were shopping in the mall. He couldn't find me and I was terrified as I was shoved into a van and taken somewhere in New York. The...woman... who kidnapped me beat me so bad that I became blind from so much impact pressured on my head and body. Now in this picture, " I point to the screen, " I already had surgery to fix my eye sight and on that day when the picture was taken, was the day that they took off my bandages and I was finally able to see again."
"And what was the first thing you saw?"
"We went to the park and all of a sudden my eyes started to hurt and I got up from lying on the grass and boom! My vision came back and the first thing I saw was this gorgeous pink and orange sunset, I will never forget."
The rest of the interview went on talking about Nash and Cameron's projects and Jack and Jack's new music coming out.
After the interview, we called the guys up to be ready and hurry up because we were all going out to eat.
We had to fit in like 3 or 4 cars from there being so many of us.
We went to Taco Bell and I told Jack to order for me because I needed to use the restroom.
As I was walking, I felt someone behind me.
I turned around to this very attractive guy who looked about my age. Brown quiff hair, piercing green eyes and a very tall figure.
"Hi." he says happily.
"Hi." I reply just as friendly.
"I'm Chris."
"You look very familiar, do I know you?" He asks.
"Well, perhaps you might have seen me on vine or something?"
"Yea that's it! Your brother is Cameron Dallas, right?"
"Well, hey if you ever want to hang out, just text me."
"Okay." I give him my phone and he quickly types in his number. I do the same to his.
He leaves and I go into the restroom and come back taking a seat next to Gilinsky.
"Thanks babe." I kiss his cheek.
"Who were you talking to over there." he starts to sound a bit angry.
"Oh. I think he was a fan but I'm not sure because at first he couldn't remember who I was, but he was friendly."
Jack suddenly growled. "I don't like the looks of him." he starts to glare at him a few tables over but I don't think Chris notices.
I put my hand on his leg for comfort, "Baby, who do I love?" I whisper.
"At the moment, not so sure."
I chuckle at his jealousy. "you. The answer is you." I say then I peck his lips and start to unwrap my burrito.
Everyone else was too caught up in their own conversations to even give notice to us.
Jack looks over to me and says, "I love you too baby girl." he smiles and I smile along too.
All of a sudden I get a text.
I look at it and it says,
Totally love what you're wearing by the way. But I wonder what those legs look like under your leggings and skirt😉
I don't reply but I look over to him and smile shyly as he smirks. I don't think he knows that Gilinsky is my boyfriend.
We all get up and start to leave, we arrive home and this car has been following us since Taco Bell, but I think I'm the only one who noticed.
We all park and the car parks behind the street and none other than Chris comes out the driving seat.
Is he like following me or something?
JC comes out and give him a bro hug.
Then I see him take out his phone and type something,then I get a text.
Didn't know you lived across from my cousin JC.
Fucking shit!
Hello my beauties! This was an interesting chapter. Sorry it took so long, it took me a few days to write but guess who has Regents Week off?!? ME!! So expect a few more updates😘
Comment what you guys thought of this chapter!
Love you!

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