•Chapter 26•

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(Important note at end of chapter in authors note)


Claire's POV


We get to the hospital and they immediately put me in a room and start injecting me with different medicines. They refuse to let the boys in while they were inserting things in me. I sense someone in the room with me.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hi I'm Rose. I'm going to be your nurse while you're in here." She said nicely. "May I ask what happened to you?" she said and I could feel her sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Umm, do I have to say what happened?" I asked unsurely.

"It will help a lot to let is know how hurt you are. I mean I can already tell that you can't see, but you could see before." she said.

"Okay, well, it all started when I was 'taken care of' by a stranger named Tina. Tina was supposedly my sister and I's foster mother but in reality, she kidnapped us and beat us whenever she had the chance. My sister, Laila, left and I was then alone with no one else besides Tina since my foster dad, Derek, left as well. I ran away weeks ago from Tina's house and bumped into Cameron who I've known since I was little but lost touch with for about 2 years. Now Cameron is my adopted brother. He helped me through everything. I've always thought of him as a brother, which he is and he has never hurt me to the point where I can't trust him. I love Cameron. He takes care of me and always makes sure that I eat since I was about 20-25 pounds underweight because Tina used to starve me saying I was too fat. Laila who is my sister but who I now don't care about, abandoned me just like my mother. A few days ago, we went to MAGCON and had a great time, yesterday Jack, my boyfriend, and I went to the mall and he left to go put all the stuff that we bought in the car so we could continue shopping. After he left, I felt someone put their hand around my mouth. I turn around slightly and it's Tina. She followed me from California all the way to New York, from this point I could see but that did last very long. She drags me to this castle and locks me in the tallest and highest room of the castle. She beats me...really bad and her final beating caused for me to lose my sight..." I say full on crying at the end.

"She beat you blind?" she asks sadly and I can hear the tears in her voice.

I nod and continue.

"After her final beating, she pulled out a gun and almost shot me, but I blended her elbow and she shot herself. I then had no way of getting out of the castle so I jumped out of the window, landing in a cold and deep lake, just as the sun was rising. Then JC picked me up from the water and carried me to the grass while the rest of the boys came in the same way he came. Finally, we came here." More tears came out as I finished.

"Well, thank you. I know this must have been very hard for you. I'll let your friends in now."

"They're not my friends..." I say just as she was about to leave, "they're my family...my life...they're the reason why I fought." I say with a smile.

"Oh I'm sorry. They are very lucky to have you." she says.

"And I'm very lucky to have them." I say and she leaves.

The boys come in and I instantly hear one of them break down. A confused expression occurs on my face as I try and figure out who it is. The person sobbing came and held my hand, I instantly knew that it was Cam.

"It's ok Cammy, I'm ok." I put my other hand on top of his.

Cameron's POV

The nurse let is in and she was crying. We all gave her a confused yet sympathetic look, she saw and said, "your little sister told me everything that happened. Quite the little warrior you got there." she said smiling then walked away wiping the tears under her eyes. We all run into the room and I'm the first in the door. I immediately break and start sobbing as I see her small image in bruises, cuts, and her once chocolaty brown and now pastel green eyes. She's just staring at nothing and it breaks my heart thinking that it's all my fault. I could have token better care of her...but I didn't.

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