•Chapter 38•

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Kinda short and not edited well...sorry😁💕 and play music when instructed in through the chapter✌️😘👑💕💕
Third Person POV

Standing less than 6 feet away, Claire felt a lump in her throat and a sob threatening to come out. Staring, thinking as if the once beautiful but now very confusing, emotional figure will blur from her mind, but it doesn't.

"Claire, is it really you?" this mysterious woman asks and takes a step towards Claire but Claire takes one back. A sudden feeling of abandonment and sorrow impaled Claire once again.

Standing silent, Claire tugged on Cameron's shirt, who was standing right next to her, and Cameron took charge of the situation in a demanding but respectful manner.

"Who are you?" Cameron asks demandingly.

"My name is Maria de la Paz, but the name that I use here is Maria Santos....That is my daughter."

"Not anymore, I have adopted her as my sister."

Maria stood silent and looked at Claire with pleading eyes and continued, "I have been summoned by the hospital. What has happened to Laila?"

This time Jack G. spoke "We don't know, all we know is that she was in a car wreck with a truck. They refuse to let us in because of the condition she is in."

Maria walked and sat on a chair in the waiting area next to them, she rubs her temples and sighs sadly. She already knows that she messed up horribly, she's known it for years now.

Cameron whispers in Claire's ear, "go talk to her. You guys need to communicate...We will be in the cafeteria, call us if anything happens and dont go anywhere if its not to find us, if anything goes wrong." Claire nods and walks over to Maria as the boys behind her leave.
Claire stands in front of her, but says nothing. Maria looks up, with tears in her eyes and as she sees Claire's scolding and confused expression looking down upon her, her tears rush down her face.
"Claire, mija, I'm so sorry! I know I'm horrible for abandoning you but you have to understand," Maria reached her hand and touched Claire's cheek but Claire pulled Maria's hand away with a mad expression this time on her face, "listen... I know what I did was wrong but I couldn't keep you. Your father was doing drugs and I've known Tina since middle school. We both agreed that she would take you because I didn't want you around your father and I didn't want either of you seeing if he ever hit me....I did it for your own good."
That last part made something in Claire snap like a thin twig on a snowy, windy day.
"My own good?" Claire whispered so lightly, "my own good?" She repeated louder, now she was incredibly angry, "So my own good is being abused since I was little and seeing my only sister get abused constantly?! Being whipped and sometimes having Tina's new boyfriends touch me! That's for my own good?!" Claire screams and Maria thanks god that there is no one around them.
"Claire please keep your voice down." Maria urges quietly.
"Why?" Claire already has streams of tears plummeting down her face, "why do you care what happens to me?! When did you ever care?!" Claire sobs and falls on her knees to the floor putting both of her hands over her eyes and just letting all of her sobs out. She knows that Maria means well and she accepts her now showing up and forgives the past, but she is definitely more cautious of everything that had to come. But the most important thing in her mind is that she finally forgave Maria. It's not Maria's fault that her dad was on drugs, that Tina took her and Laila and moved away so she wouldn't know that she beat them, but it is her fault for doing the most destructive out of all: nothing...
Maria swiftly gets up from her chair and cradles Claire on the floor.
"I'm so sorry mija. I promise when you come home, I'll be the best mother you could think of." Maria sniffles and Claire pauses. Did she just hear that correctly?
"Maria... I'm not going with you..."
"What? Why not? Don't you want to be with your mother? Your father is gone and it's just my boyfriend and I and he's normally at work so it gets lonely. Come with me Claire."
"I can't, Cameron and the boys have been with me for so long and they've helped me through everything. They loved me when no one else did. I can't abandon them." the word abandon seem to strike Maria and she knew that she did not want Claire to have any problems with her new family.
"Okay...okay, why don't we start off as friends? Work our way up to being mother and daughter and you can stay with the boys but you are always welcomed to live with me if you change your mind. My house is very big and we have another room that'll be just for you." she snuggles Claire and finally...finally, finally, Claire has found her comfort feeling again, in her mother's arms.
"Maria Santos?" The lady at the desk says.
"Yes, that's me." Maria stands up.
"Laila Foster can see people now, you can go in if you want. It's room 302." they both nodded and started walking towards the elevator.

"dont think that we are finished talking about this. I still have many questions for you." Claire says sternly.

"and I'd be happy to answer them." Maria grabs Claire's hand and no matter how much Claire wanted to be stubborn so her mother wouldn't get too comfortable, she couldn't take her hand out of her mother's loving grip for she was finally able to touch her soft skin once again, that has seemed familiar for so long but at the same time so foreign.

Reaching the third floor, Claire's vans and Maria's flats pat softly against the hospital's tiles as they search for room 302. Maria starts to breathe deeply to try to calm herself down but she can't help but feel a bit of anxiety. This is the first time she would see Laila in a very long time. She has not a single clue how Laila will react and at the moment, she fears for the worst.

Claire puts her hand on the knob and knocks on the door with the other, once they have reached the door. Claire opens the door cautiously and enters with Maria right in back of her.

"Laila?" Claire says as the see her in horrid condition. Laila, laying on a white bed in a white room. All too familiar to Claire. Laila in patches, wraps, and a leg cast, Claire wonders what she did that was so horrible to Sabrina to make her do this to her sister. No matter how much they disputed they in the past, she will always be her sister.

Start the song: My immortal by evanscence

Maria walks over to the side of Laila's bed and Claire goes over to the other side.

Laila looked so hurt, her eyes bloodshot and bruised, looking so lifeless.
"Laila..." Maria sobs.
Laila flutters her eyes open and stares at her little sister and this foreign strange woman I front of her.
"Ahh, what happened? Who are you?"
"You got in a car accident, Laila." Claire says and begins to cry. "Laila, this is our mom."
Laila looks at Maria confused and her eyes widen in realization.
Laila begins to sob, "So it's true."
"What my daughter, what is true?" Maria asks.
A pause occurred and silence swiftly took over the room, until Laila whispers, "I saw him."
"Who? Who did you see?" Claire asks.
"I saw God!" Laila sobs. "he talked to me, he told me I would meet you again and to not be hostile, for great things will come to those who accept the present instead of refusing it, for it will affect the future as well."
Maria continues to sob and gently kisses Laila's forehead.
"Mija, what else did he say?" Maria asks.
"He said that I didn't have much time, my human spirit is too weak and I will be going the clouds very soon. He gave very little time to see you...Mamà" Laila gasps and Maria and Claire look at Laila with worry and tears starting to blur their vision, "Mamà, Claire..." she gasps again, "I love you. Nothing that has happened or will happen will ever, "another gasp, "change that..." to their horrid luck, Laila took a final gasp and released it peacefully. With her eyes dull and skin pale, bruised, and dimming, Laila was gone. And her letters will be the words unspoken to both the universe and Earth, for her words had meaning within each space but it was hard to read in between her lines, so no one ever understood her reasoning.
IM SO SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG!! I had a major writers block but I'm coming up with more ideas so hang in their. love you guys and I'm almost to 50K!!! AHHHHHH!!!!
Stay Palmy🌴

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