•Chapter 31•

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•Start music when instructed later on in this chapter so it can go along with scene- swipe the picture left then tap video to play•
Hello my lovelies! I'm so sorry its literally been like forever. I'm 💩 ik😔. but Fear not cuz I'm here with another update.
*bit dirty😏*
Claire's POV
I'm not sure...if I'm dreaming or is this reality because normally bad things happen in reality and when I close my eyes beautiful things shoot into my dreams. But then again, that was before because now I have Cam, Jack, JC, my family. Isn't life funny?
I mean think about it...one minute I'm being hit, next I'm taken into safety and being cared for.
One minute I'm thinking that I'll never find that special click that Tina and Derek had. They would look at each other with love, not lust which most get confused, not sure why. And now I'm with Jack and I have that click. He's my click. My click.
I stare at the pink clouds. I stand and walk a few steps forward away from the boys. All pain has disappeared and for once...for once... everything is in blissful silence and humble peace.
"Claire?" I hear from behind me. I turn and there they are. My family. My eyes start screaming joy and slide down my cheeks.
Cam's POV
She turns and there are those beautiful brown eyes that I love so much. She starts to cry which makes all of us smile and tear a bit as well.
"Oh my god." I laugh joyfully and we all get up and run to her smiling face. We group hug and she's happy, she's so happy that it makes my heart pound with excitement.
Jack's POV
She's back! My baby's back! Her gorgeous eyes are back and I look at her with such happiness because I know that she can see me now and she can see the love splashed on my face when I look at her. Later I'm going to show her how much I really do love her.
After she takes a few good looks at all of us, the guys decide to have a mini movie night and order a whole bunch a junk food.
~they get to the house~
Claire's POV
We all walk in the door and the guys plop down on the couch going over who's going to go get food, find blankets, pillows, pick out like 20 movies because tonight were pulling an all nighter. oh yea!
"Guys I'll be back in like 20 minutes, I'm gonna take a shower real quick." I said and they said okay. I get into the room and strip off my shirt, I hear the door open. I cover my body.
I quickly turn around to see a smiling Jack who sneaks in through the door and closes it quietly.
•Start music - swipe left in the picture and tap it for it to play•
"Hey" he whispers.
"Hey" I chuckle still covering my body a bit. He walks over to me.
"Baby...why are you hiding?" He smiles comfortingly and squiggles his arms through my crossed ones and onto my waist. His eyes gleam into my eyes and I can't help but smile back at his contagious grin. He leans down and kisses my lips then down to my neck and starts to look for my sweet spot. Once he found it he kept on sucking as I moaned. I knew there was most definitely gonna be a hickey there tomorrow. I decided to pause this cause I still had to shower.
"Jack..." I laughed as he started to tickle me telling me to shut up and enjoy, "Jack! I'm serious! I gotta get in the shower." he suddenly froze and pulled away from my lips slowly.
He smirked. "can I join?"
"No! Absolutely not." I crossed my arms in front of my chest.
He gave me a little pouty face, "pwease Cwaire?" He asks in a cute little baby voice and I just can't say no to that face.
"Ugh! Fine, you can join." I said defeatedly.
He perks up and smiles at me, then kisses my lips a few more times before we enter the bathroom.
As soon as we get in, we both start stripping off our clothes and to be honest I'm a bit nervous because we haven't seen each other fully naked yet, the most he's ever seen me is when I had on just my panties and a sports bra but that's about it, this is the real thing. I try not to think about it as much in this moment and just do it, so I do and once I toke off my bra and slid it on the floor, I stepped into the shower, waiting for him to finish undoing his belt which he was obviously struggling with but I think he almost got it. I rinse my body in the nice cool water before I start washing and then I reach for the shampoo. Just as I was about to grasp the shampoo, Jack's hand intertwined with mine from behind. His body got closer to mine and I felt his hot breath on my shoulder giving me goosebumps all over. He kissed the back of my shoulder and started going up to my neck, then my lips then he started going down. Back down to my neck, then to my chest, next to my stomach, and finally to my inner thighs where I trembled at his touch. He looked up at me with gentle eyes and I smiled and redness crept onto my cheeks.
I bent down and kissed his lips and this heated in a mili second, I pulled away slowly to look into his eyes again and they darkened. Love was hidden behind lust in his eyes and I'm sure mine were the same. He got a bit rougher and it drove me crazy!
He got up and pushed against the tile wall, putting his body incredibly close to mine, legs on either side of my body and hands on my ass. I put my hands in his hair and started going down to his shoulders. He bit my lip and I scratched his back, he let out a deep moan that made me crave more. He pulled away and examined my body slowly...very slowly. Making his 'friend' rise even more. With his head still down, his eyes shifted to mine and he bit his lip. "you...are so..." he said and then leaned down to my ear, "fucking sexy." and then nibbled on my ear, I moaned in pleasure and couldn't take this feeling that he gave me. I needed him but I knew I had to wait because after all I'm only 14 and now that he's 18, it's kinda...illegal.
"Baby?" He asked.
"Yea babe, what is it?"
"I need you...real badly, but I think it's best that we wait. I mean we can still have fun like this you know...often"he smirks, "but I want to wait just a little longer." he says and caresses his soft hand on my face.
"I was just thinking the same thing." I smile.
"Perfect." he finally says and kisses me. Finally we finish with our shower, get changed into our PJs, and go start watching the movies downstairs while having a major cuddle session. In the middle of the second movie, I notice that JC isn't here.
"Guys where's JC?" They all turn their attention to me.
"He got a phone call from Lia and toke it into the kitchen then he hung up and went into our house across the street pretty angry so we decided not to bother him and let him cool down since he probably won't listen to us anyways." Kian says and I nod.
"Well I'm going to go check on him, just to see if he's ok." I said and they nodded. I gave a kiss to Gilinsky and then left across the street to the new O2L house. I walk in.
"Jc?" I hear soft and distant sobs.
"JC where are you?!" I demand. I run to his room. Empty. I look at his closed bathroom door. I really hope he didn't do anything stupid. I put my hand on the knob and sigh deeply before opening it. The door creaks, "JC?"
I see him huddled next to the sink with blood dripping down his arm and onto the floor.
I feel my eyes start to flood. I look at him in horror.
"Oh my god... JC why...why would you do this?" I say as I cry and run toward him smacking the razor out of his other hand, making it shatter and then gripping him into a hug. I pick up his head that had been down and look into his teary eyes and grab a small towel and wrap it right around his wrist.
"JC...what..." I gulp away the rest of my tears, "what happened?" I try to ask as calmly as I can.
"Lia." he said and more tears ran down his face.
"What about Lia, JC? What about Lia?!" I demand.
He gulps and says "we started going out about a week and a half ago and today she told me that she couldn't take it anymore and she said she was sorry and I asked her what couldn't she take." he looked at the ceiling impatiently and more sobs caught in his throat.
"What couldn't she take? What did she do?" I asked with my voice cracking at the end and tears stilling strolling from my eyes. God, I hate looking at him like this, it hurts me. It really does.
"She...she cheated on me."
"Oh no JC."
"With-with three other guys." he sobbed some more and this really was horrifying.
"Three?" I asked in disbelief.
"Three." he nodded his head.
"I'm so sorry JC." I got in his lap, straddling his waist, grabbed his face into my hands and my forehead on his.
"JC...JC listen to me." I wiped the tears under his eyes.
"Yea?" He sniffled.
"You wanna hear about the dream I had last night? I think you probably might want to hear this one."
"Okay." he nodded.
"I was about to bungee jump off of a gigantic bridge and I was by myself. all of a sudden you come and jump over the rail, intertwined our hands together and just smiled at me.
I asked you 'what are you doing here?' And you said 'well we never go through anything alone no matter how hard it is for another person to be involved. You jump, I jump.' you said and smiled at me, I smiled back." I looked into his eyes and he was looking at me with amazement.
"Then, I told you 'the rope could break, we could drown, are you really gonna take that fear of risk...for me?' And you said 'babe, if I could, I would take away all of your fears so I can see that smile on your face constantly leaving you not a worry in the world, and the universe would be yours.' Now tell me something JC, isn't that something you would say?" I asked him.
He simply nodded.
"Well then I have something to tell you...if you jump, I'm jumping with you." I said and his eyes widened.
"Claire, I don't want you to-" he said but I cut him off.
"No, we don't go through anything alone no matter how hard so if
you jump, I jump,
you fall, I fall,
if your rope breaks, then so does mine,
if you drown, your ass better know that I'm drowning with you.
We go down together...you jump, I jump." I look at him and he looks at me sadly but with a smile, his lips apart, his eyes go from my lips to my eyes and he smiles.
"You jump, I jump?" He smiles excitedly.
"You jump, I jump." I whisper.
"So JC my last question for you is, so you want to see me drown?" He frowned and shook his head while looking down.
"Then please, please JC never make me feel like you fell off the bridge and I wasn't there to catch you. so I'm letting you know now, next time you think about 'jumping' know I'm jumping too," I pause, "and that's a promise." I said and he nodded while giving me a small smile.
Well after my little moment with JC, I went back to the house and told them everything was fine and I decided to text Aaron since he told me to text him when I got my sight back. I went upstairs, got my phone, went back into the living room, and plopped on the couch starting to text Aaron as the guys continued watching the movie.
Me: hey Aaron, guess who can see again?😏
😛Aaron😛: OMG CLAIRE that's amazing! I can't believe it. so what are you doing now that you have your sight back?
Me: watching movies in the dark. Doc said I shouldn't stress out my eyes too soon so I can't really be in brightly lit rooms and I had to put my phone on dim light.
😛Aaron😛: aww but atleast you could watch movies and I don't even wanna know what else you watch😏
Me: Lmaoo shut up!😂😂 Wyd?
😛Aaron😛: with Hayes since he came to come visit and he's with his girlfriend Carly. They've been so cute together and it's seriously making me OD jelly that I don't have a gf😒
Me: don't worry Aaron I'm sure you'll find one😉 I mean what girl could resist the 'Aaron charm'?😂
😛Aaron😛: true true😂😂 but anyway I gtg I'll text u later gurly! 😘💜👑
Me: kk bye Bæ😍😘💕
Gilinsky😘: who u texting😶
Me: 😂do u NEED to know?
Gilinsky😘: yas
Me: fine weirdo😋 I was texting Aaron.
Gilinsky😘: oh ok, wanna go to bed?
Me: why you tired?😴
Gilinsky😘: nope😏
Me: 😳......lets go😂
Hello my loves! I felt like that was one of my favorite chapters and it was really long to apologize for not updating in so long. Anyway, next update is soon especially since I'm on vacation soon so expect more updates😉
Bye my snippy panda bears💕🐼

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