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I managed to get a light sleep in last night, I woke up to see Nezuko already awake though.

"Mornin' Nezuko, you know you could've just got out of bed, you didn't have to stay here if you didn't want to." I say

"It's okay, I wanted to" she says as she looks into my eyes.

We both get out of bed, she gave me some privacy so I can change into some comfy clothes that aren't pajamas.

I got downstairs and overheard every talking about going back to the Butterfly mansion so Shinobu can help Nezuko train to become a demon slayer and help me further recover.

Time skip

Nezuko POV

We were walking to the butterfly mansion...well not everyone, I made (Y/N) ride piggy back on me so she doesn't push herself.

"Nezuko I can walk, it's okay." She says

"I'm not sure, it's fine anyways I should be training to become a demon slayer anyways." I say trying to convince her that I'm fine.

"O-okay...sorry" she says with guilt.

"(Y/N)! It's fine, besides I don't mind at all!" I say back.

She rests her head on my shoulder in defeat. We keep walking until the sun starts to set so we set up tents.

"Oh by the way where's Inosuke and Zenitsu?" She asks while slightly tilting her head.

"Oh they're already at the butterfly mansion...those dummies already got themselves hurt again." Tanjiro said

"Ahhhh gotcha" (Y/N) said as she was setting up her tent.

She suddenly weakens at the knees and falls to the ground gripping her shirts where she got stabbed.

"(Y/N)!!!" I yell rushing to her side.

"I-I'm fine..." she said while looking at the ground.

'So stubborn, but I wouldn't want her to be any other way' I thought as I finish setting up her tent.

" don't want to sleep with me?" I ask

"W-well it's not that, it's just I don't want to keep you up or make you stay still if you wake up earlier than me." She responded

"It's no problem! Besides, will you even be able to sleep?" I ask

"Probably not but it's good to have some time alone I guess." (Y/N) said as the looked at the ground as if it were the most interesting thing in the world.


As I watched everyone get into their tents I decided to stay out, shivers run down my spine as a cold breeze blows through the air.

'Ugh it's so cold' I thought as I walk around to find a hill to watch the sunrise.

I quickly realized I made a mistake leaving Nezuko and Tanjiro when I hear a scream coming from the direction of where our camp is set up.

I sprint as fast as I could to get back to camp.

'Shit...WHY DO I ALWAYS MESS UP?!' I thought as their tents came into my line of sight.

When I get closer I see a demon wielding my sword, Nezuko with a pretty deep gash in her arm, and Tanjiro knocked out from being thrown against a tree.

'I...will...fucking...kill matter what' I thought as my body started to emit a black aura, but this time it was much stronger.

My eyes started to glow and my whole body disappeared behind the thickness of my aura.

'I'm so pissed' I thought as I slowly walk towards the demon.

As I approach him he tries to swing at Nezuko to finish her off with my own sword.

I quickly appear in front of her catching the blade with my hand, but my skin didn't break.


I grip harder on my sword to take it back while the demon froze in horror. But then...he smirks.

'What the hell'

Soon a group of men form around me.

"Hey (Y/N), you remember us?" One of them said

'O shit, they're my fathers buddies.'

They always hated me since I never obeyed them or my father.

"Your father died because of should've been dead." Another says

'Too many people to track' I thought as I scan the area.

Three men lunge at me but I easily counter attack them leaving them so weak they can barely breathe.

I look over to Nezuko and they have her pinned down, my aura quickly disappears and my knees weaken due to the strain it put on me.

"P-please don't hurt her...I'll do anything" I desperately offered.

"Hmmm anything you say?" A man said

"Yes, but only if you leave her alone" I replied

"Heheh okay you'll be coming with us then" they all said synchronized.

They let Nezuko go shoving her to the ground.

"(Y/N)!! WHY?! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!" She screams

"Because it's my fault you got hurt...I'm sorry" I said before being dragged off with the men.

They tied up my arms and legs to carry me like a sack of potatoes.

We finally arrived to a sketchy shed, they opened the door and there was a small dining area and a staircase leading to a secret basement.

Before I knew it I was falling down the cement stairs. I was thrown, the cement corners slicing through my skin, leaving bruises everywhere.

When I reach the bottom I feel a warm sensation all over my arms and rolling down my face.

'Fuck I'm bleeding a lot' I thought as I look around the basement. There were only metal handcuffs chained to a wall giving the captured person some mobility but still ensured they couldn't fight back.

'And I was right as my wrists were now locked in the restraints'

The rope had been cut off, but the metal cuffs were somewhat tight and dug into my skin with every movement irritating my wrists to the point of bloodshed.

The men eventually came back down but started punching and kicking me, while I just payed there not able to get up.

I woke up to see myself surrounded in a pool of my own blood.

'I can't move...hurts too much' I thought as I lay there

'I'm so sorry Nezuko...but I think that was our last goodbye'

Nezuko x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now