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Hey guys! Sorry if last chapter was rushed or bad, I wrote it on my break😅

Kanao POV

While I apply fresh bandages on her torso I notice some previous scars from past battles, as I finish up I notice the slightest movements as she take soft calm breaths while I try to hold my breath trying not to be too loud.

"Okay...all done." I say signaling for her to put her shirt back on.

"Thank you so much." She says as she puts her shirt back on.

"Okay bye." I rush out of her room.

'I just saw basically saw her changing.' I thought as I feel the blood rush to my cheeks.


'Honestly at this point who hasn't seen me without a shirt and only a bra on top?' I thought as I lay in bed.

Once again I find myself unable to sleep, I then stare at the ceiling reflecting on my life.

'I wonder what would've happened if I never met Tanjiro and final selection, would I be here right now? Would I even be alive? Would Nezuko date Zenitsu sooner? What if I never moved away? Would I have discovered shadow breathing, I got it from staying in the shadows and only coming out at night or when there no people around so I learned to go basically unnoticed, but how did my father get it too though?' I thought as I continue to stare at the plain ceiling.

'It's honestly weird to think Inosuke had a an actual girlfriend, I honestly thought that he was girl repellent.'

I then turned over to face the wall that separated me and Kanao.

'I wonder what her backstory is, I know her and Shinobu wear simulate hair clips and they always cooperate well, I wonder why she doesn't talk much, I honestly don't think it's shyness but I feel like she didn't have a free will since she said something about not being able to make her own decisions easily. But I'm not going to push as answer out of her, I wonder if Tanjiro knows, how are they doing? Either way I hope everyone is happy.'

Kanao POV

I wonder if Tanjiro likes me, yes he made me feel a certain way when he flipped the coin and said I could make my own decisions but my heart flutters when I'm with (Y/N), I mean it's not like they do anything special it just happens, but I know me and Tanjiro have a thing going on. But am I just his rebound?' I though as I stare at the wall that separates me and (Y/N).

Time skip

I wake up before the sun does so I get dressed into my uniform and put my hair up with the butterfly clip before going outside to watch the sunrise.

As I walk around I spot (Y/N) doing the same thing, waiting for the sun to rise. I start to walk over to her when I hear.


I look over to see who it is.

"Oh...hi Tanjiro." I respond.

"Wanna go watch the sunrise over there?" He asks.

"Sure." I simply say.

I follow him but I glance over to (Y/N) to see if she heard him, but luckily I don't think she did.


I hear light footsteps in the distance, then I suddenly hear Tanjiro call out for Kanao.

I sit there pretending I didn't notice anything but deep down it feels as if there's an invisible border between the others and me making it impossible for things to return to normal, and everyone I see them with someone else the distance grows bigger and bigger.

I've been waiting for the sunrise for quite some time now and was honestly hoping for some company but now I'll just watch as the navy blue sky turns into a beautiful fiery orange with pink streaks by myself.

'I wonder if Tamayo and Yushiro are watching the sunrise too...oh wait...they'll kinda die nevermind.'

As the sun is fully exposed I decide to head back to my room for my sword when I see out of the corner of my eye Nezuko sitting with Zenitsu while Tanjiro and Kanao also accompany them along side Inosuke and Aoi.


I then continue to walk to my room to grab my sword, as I open my door i flop on the bed not noticing a figure standing in place.

"So it's you in this room now?" I hear a woman's voice speak.

"WHA!?" I fall out of the bed only to see Shinobu with her iconic smile.

"Jeez, you know you don't always have to smile around me, and yes Kanao said I could stay here unless you want me to switch rooms." I say still on the floor.

"I wonder if the others know of your arrival?" She asks reaching out a hand to help me up.

"Probably not but I know it won't take long until then." I say grabbing her hand allowing her to pull me up.

"How are your injuries?" She asks.

"What injuries?" I ask trying not to reveal the I got stabbed in my fucking stomach by a child.

"It's obvious your injured, just tell me where. You don't want me worried about you, no?" She says.

"Tch." I say before lifting up my uniform top to my bra line.

"Hmmm looks pretty well treated, how is the pain?" She asks.

"Not too bad, it's been healing pretty well." I respond.

"How'd you get it?" She questions me.

"This feels more like an interrogation." I respond.

"True, anyways I won't bother you too much but you should still get some rest, and don't worry I won't tell the others you're here yet." She says making her way to my door.

"Thanks..." I awkwardly trail off as she leaves while closing the door behind her.

I lay back in bed.

'Well that went better than I thought it would, I just hope it won't be awkward between me and Nezuko, I mean Tanjiro and Zenitsu seem fine now after their explosive break up so I hope things won't be too rocky between me and Nezuko'

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