Kid with a syringe

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TW⚠️⚠️: mention of suicide

Daki POV

As I showed her to a room to sleep in I was deep in thought.

'They are very interesting, although my intention was to kill them at first I ended up saving them. I didn't even think about it I just acted, even though I usually just watch people die I saved her without a second thought. How intriguing this person is.'

"Ah we got here faster than I expected!" I suddenly say.

I open the door for them.

"If you need anything my room is right next to yours, that one is my door." I say pointing to my door.

"Thank you." They bow.

"The pleasure is mine." I say before we part ways.

'I should've had them stay in my room, I wonder what their night habits are.' I thought before I lay on my bed.


'To be honest I thought she'd want to kill me, you know since I'm associated with the Slayer Corps. But she is really a sweet person once you get to know her a bit. I do wonder why she was so hostile about wether or not I was a flame user, but I'm not going to push it, after all she could probably kill me if she really wanted to, I'd also probably let her. It's not like I'm trying to live.' I thought as I pull the covers over me.

As I lay on the bed I decide to roll over onto my arm, but it hits a certain nerve from my previous injury as it is still sensitive.

"GAH." I yelp before falling off of the bed eating shit.

I lay there holding my stomach curled up, so tense that a thin layer of sweat now covers my forehead.

"Is everything okay?!" I hear Daki through the door.

"Hnnnnngh." I groaned.

She suddenly opens the door and rushes to my side.

"Are you okay?" She asks with a worrisome tone.

"J-just give me a sec..." I trail off with agony in my voice.

"Your not in good condition, so why would the Corps send you to me??" She questioned me.

As I pant the pain away I lay on the ground slightly sprawled out.

"Maybe they heard my death wish." I mumble.

She is now looking as me with a disapproving look.

"You want to die? Why?" She interrogates.

"I'm not suicidal or anything but if I were to be in a situation where I die...I would just accept it." I mumble the last part.

"Beside that what even happened to you?" She sighs.

"A bit ago I got stabbed by a...child." I embarrassingly confess.

"Pffft...a child?" She giggled.

"...yeah and then a kid with tuberculosis lectured me on how my friend soul was beautiful while I traumatized a girl because my soul was unforgivingly dark and torturous." I explain.

"How did they access your soul? She asks.

"Help me off the floor and I'll tell you." I bargain.

She bends down and carries me bridal style, but she turns toward the door.

"Wha-wait where are you going?" I frantically ask.

"I'm taking you to my room so if you feel any pain I can try to help." She explained as she sets me on her...huge bed and handed me some clothes to sleep in.

"Ah, thank you." I say before going to the bathroom to change, they fit oddly well.

As I walk out of the bathroom and lay on the bed she starts to talk again.

"Continue please." She sat next to me.

As I lay down and get a bit comfy I start my story.

"Okay so the demon Enmu, I don't know if you know him but he somehow blackmailed kids into tying themselves to us with rope and then I honestly don't know how that part works because we were put under a sleeping spell, anyways the spell made us either have the best dream or relive our worst memory and the kids had to find our core and destroy it by injection but they failed. And when we were awake a girl had her syringe and charged at one of my friends at I jumped in the yeah" I finish telling my story.

"Hmmm, did you get a good or bad dream?" Daki questioned while her head slightly tilted.

"I got a...very very bad dream." I paused.

"I see...want to tell me? If not that's fine I completely understand." She added on.

"N-no thank you." I politely decline.

"It's alright, anyways you should get some sleep." She said before turning off her lamp.

"Are you going to sleep?" I ask.

"Yes, even though that drink gave me enough energy I'd prefer to sleep tonight, it took a bit of energy being with you, not in a bad way though. I've just never been around a human like this in a long time." She said.

"I'm that case good night." I mumble pulling the covers over me.

"Good night." She said as she pulled the covers over herself.

'Is it awkward that I'm on the other side of her completely apart from her.' I thought to myself as I try not to breathe too loud.

Suddenly I feel her sash gently wrap around my torso and pull me towards the other side of the bed, soon the sash is replaced with a set of arms.

'Don't move don't move don't move'

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