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Tamayo POV

As we talk the night away I let out a yawn followed by (Y/N) yawning.

I go to lay down on the floor to keep her company but she scoots over, lifts the blanket, and pats the bed.

"Here, after all you did keep me company so it'd be rude of me to make you sleep on the floor." She says.

'Oh my god oh my god.' I thought as I crawl in the bed laying next to her.

We both adjust as we are about to fall asleep.

I look over to (Y/N) to say goodnight but she already dead asleep.

'Welp.' I thought as I rolled back over.

I stayed up a bit longer since my head was practically beating out of my chest.

Eventually (Y/N) scooted closer to me.

"So...warm." She mumbled.

'AHHHHHHH' I internally screamed.

Time skip


I woke up to see Tamayo with a prepared breakfast while Yushiro stands by the doorway shooting me with a murderous look.

He leaves when Tamayo signals him off leaving us two in the room.

"Do you and Yushiro have a thing going on?" I ask while sitting up.

"No, why?" She questioned.

"Well your guard dog was giving me a death glare." I respond while eating the food.

"Oh yeah...he can be a bit...over protective sometimes." She says.

"Haha sometimes? More like 24/7, I swear he's always by your side it's almost like he likesss youuu" I jokingly say.

"Do you really think so?" She asked.

"Heheh you airhead! He is obviously into you!" I encouragingly say.

"Hmmm...I guess so." She responds.

"So...watcha gonna do now?" I ask rocking back and forth.

"I don't know if I like him though because I like someone else." She said.

"Well who did you like romantically first?" I ask.

"Well the other person." She replies.

"Then go with Yushiro." I say.

"But why?" She questioned."

"Well, if you truly liked the first person you wouldn't have fallen for the second. Even if you think you want the first person more go for the second one, because if you liked the first person longer your accustomed to liking them more than the other person. You have to go for the second one though because your feelings have not fully developed yet so if you give them the same amount of'd pick the second one too." I explain.

She gives me confused looks until she suddenly gasps.

"Okay...I'll give Yushiro a chance...but what about the first person?" She said.

"Well...that's for you to decide." I said giving her an open ended response.

"Hmmmmm okay..." she thought out loud.

"C-can you help me decide how to ask him?" She asked.

"Sure!" I happily respond.

After a while of drafting many many ways to ask Yushiro if he like Tamayo we finally picked one.

"Okay...I'm going to go ask him!" She says with courage.

As she left the room I am filled with emptiness.

'I knew she like Yushiro...she probably didn't realize it until now though. I'm just glad she will be happy though...' my thought trailed off until she slammed the door open.

"So? I'm guessing it went good?" I asked her.


"Haha that's great! And in a few days I'll be able to go, although I'm not in commission yet I should go back to the others." I state.

"Are you sure?" She asks with concern in her tone.

"Yeah! Plus you and Yushiro go on a date without me bothering you guys!" I state as I awkwardly scratch the back of my neck.

"You don't have to..." she says.

"No no! It's fine I should get back to the others anyways!" I reassured.

Time skip


Today is the day I leave. Yes it's sad but at the same time I'll finally leave the feelings I had for Tamayo behind, even though there wasn't much, it still stung a bit.

I made sure to leave earlier than the sun would rise to say our goodbyes.

"Goodbye, here is some food and water for your travels." Yushiro said as he handed me the items.

"You have my upmost gratitude." He whispered to me.

I simply responded with a wink.

Tamayo then came running out of the house with some medical supplies.

"Please take this in case anything happens, although I wish you the safest of travels I don't want you with overflowing bandages!" She said as she gently hugged me.

"Thank guys! Well it's time for me to go now, but I wish you two the happiest future ever!!" I say before turning around and leaving the property.

'I'm glad that you're happy...'

Nezuko x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now