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'We have been walking for HOURS and we're still not at the butterfly mansion.' I thought as I drag my feet

"Do you want a piggy back ride?" Nezuko asks me

"No, because if I'm tired then you're tired too." I dreadfully say wanting a piggyback ride.

"That's not what I asked, I asked if you wanted a piggyback ride." She bluntly said turning around to face me

"No thanks, but can we stop for a sec?" I asked her not wanting to make her carry me even though I'm tired as hell.

She agrees so we stop to sit on a fallen tree.

She sits next to me but something seems off, she's not exactly acting like her usual self. She's usually so expressive with her body language but now it's like her world had turned to grey.

I sneak a peek at her to see she's just staring at the air with a blank expression, like a robot.

"Uh hey Nezuko, is everything okay?" I carefully ask her.




I get somewhat nervous that she isn't responding.

'What is she thinking about that can keep her in such a deep trance?' I thought as I stare at her waiting for her to do something.

I poke her shoulder with a stick I picked up scared she's going to flinch and punch the fuck outta me.

"Hm?" She responds

"We should get going, I'm better now." I say not wanting to bring up the fact that she was like that for about ten minutes.

We both get up and start walking until she looses her balance but quickly recovers.

I take a breath to say something but decide not to. That is until she completely collapses.

"NEZUKO!" I say rushing to her side.

'She's out cold' I thought as I feel her forehead.

'Holy shit this isn't good at all!' I thought as I picked her up marriage style and start sprinting to the mansion.

I run as fast as I can but not shifting, it's too risky because I might lose balance.

I keep running, I can tell we're getting somewhat close due to the heave woods that surround the estate.

As I'm running I trip over an elevated tree root causing us to fall, but before she could hit the ground I quickly maneuver my body under hers so she doesn't get hurt.

'Damn that stung' I thought as I quickly get up carrying Nezuko again not caring about wether I'm bleeding or not.

As I'm nearing the estate I yell for Shinobu, she quickly rushes to me and examines Nezuko.

"She has fever, let's get her inside quickly." Shinobu said leading me inside her estate.

As Shinobu tends to Nezuko I pace back and forth hoping she's okay.

'Why didn't she tell me about this? Does she not trust me enough? Was she too scared to tell me she wasn't feeling okay? It's all my fault, I noticed she was acting off but I did nothing about it until she passed out.' I was deep in thought until I hear my name.

"(Y/N)?" Shinobu says

"Huh?...Is Nezuko going to be okay?!" I worriedly ask.

"Yeah she'll be just fine, she just needs some time. But your back is all cut up and bleeding." She says

"It is?" I rhetorically asked

"You're adrenaline is still high which is probably preventing you from feeling it but it's pretty bad, it looks like a demon was clawing at your back." She states.

"Let's go into the next room over, Aoi can you please stay with Nezuko and get me if she wakes up?" She asked Aoi

She nodded so me and Shinobu made our way to the room next to it.

I sat down and took off my shirt without thinking so she could have easier access to my back.

She pauses for a moment and then continues to gathering supplies.

I grunt in pain now that the adrenaline has worn off.

"My my, I'll get this done quickly." Shinobu says as she starts to disinfect my wounds.

"OWIE!" I yell trying not to move

She doesn't react and quickly moves onto the next stage...stitches.

"Okay this is going to hurt but you really need to stay still." She says before she starts.

I just nod anticipate the pain from the needle.

I hurt like a son of a bitch but only a few cuts needed stitches, the rest just needed bandaging.

"Okay all done, here's one of your shirts you left behind from last time. I'll get a new uniform top for you soon." She states as she left the room to check on Nezuko.

'Thank god she's going to be okay.' I thought as I put my shirt on in slowmo trying not to aggravate my back.

'Owieowieowieowieowieowieowie' I thought as I put it on.

I check on Nezuko before going to a spare room to lay down on my stomach to try and relieve some of the pain from my back.

'I shouldn't be mad at Nezuko, she was trying not to worry me.' I thought before I drifted off into a light slumber.

Well...tried to, Tanjiro and Zenitsu bursted into my room showering me with questions on top of questions.

"What happened to Nezuko?!"

"Is she going to be okay?"

"How did this happen?"

"What's wrong with your back?"

"Was there a demon?"

"Is this about Muzan?"

"How are you injured and she's out cold?"

"Did she get hurt?"

All the questions Tanjiro and Zenitsu were asking started to get a bit much.

"Calm down, jeez. Nezuko had a fever but didn't tell me so she passed out, I picked her up and ran here and tripped but I caught her so she wouldn't hit the ground and that's why my back is injured." I explain.

"So she's going to be alright?" Zenitsu asked

"Yeah she'll be fine." I reassured him

"Thank you for taking care of my sister." Tanjiro thanked me

"Of course, I'd do anything to keep Nezuko safe." I say

'Even if she finds someone else, I won't hesitate to push her out of harms way.' I thought

"Anyways where's Inosuke?" I asked

"Oh he's eating rice cakes." Tanjiro responded

"Of course he is, at least he's still himself. If he somehow turned into a gentleman, I'd think I was in a dream." I jokingly say

"Anyways well get going and let you rest up." Tanjiro politely said before closing my door.

'It may be hectic but, I wouldn't want it any other way.'

Nezuko x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now