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I had left a bit on my door stating information about my mission.

'I hope someone sees it eventually.' I thought as I trek on.

'Not too bad, all I have to do I basically stalk demon, but the catch is shes a kizuki. As long as I don't get caught I should be fine.' I thought to myself as I near the location of her reported sightings.

I shift to the top of a nearby tree as I watch the sunset waiting for nighttime.

As the stars come out I hear a branch break from being stepped on, my eyes averted to where the sound had come from yet nothing is in sight.

'Hmph probably just a small animal.'

My gaze wanders back to the starry sky. Eventually the sun begins to rise again.

"So no demon huh, well I have to study her so looks like this is going to take a while." I mumbled to myself.

As it is now daytime I wonder around the nearby shops buying some food and other essentials.

Before I know it the sun starts to hide while the stars come out.

'Already?' I thought to myself as I go back the my tree.

'Hmmmm the demons name is Daki, she sounds rather interesting.' I thought as I stare up at the starry sky.

Before I know it I hear a voice from behind me.

"The stars tonight are rather interesting."

I whip my head around to see a beautiful woman with a flower mark on the bottom left of her chin.

I open my mouth yet no words come out.

"Awwwww demons got your tongue?" She seductively says.

"Y-your a demon?" I question.

"And your a slayer, no?" She replies.

"Yeah..." I run out of words.

"My my, do you want to kill me?" She asks.

"Not really if I'm being honest, may I ask what your name is though?" I reply.

"I see, my name is Daki." She whispers in my ear.

'She's Daki?! Although why is she being so calm right now?'

"Ah...I see my name is (Y-Y/N)..." I stutter due to the closeness of her face.

"Your eyes are very pretty." She says in a seductive tone.

"T-thank you..." I say turning the other way.

That is until her sash cups my chin and gently bring my face back into her view.

"Are you a flame user?" She asks in a more serious tone.

"N-no...shadow." I stutter.

"Ahhhhh very rare, I only know of one other shadow user, his name is (F/N), sound familiar?" She questions.

My heart drops.

"Yeah, he's my...f-father." I hesitate not trusting my voice.

Little did I know my eyes betrayed me.

"I see, by your reaction I'm guess you two don't have the best history." She said wiping a tear from my cheek.

"I'm sorry for asking." She says with the slightest guilt in her tone.

'The demon that's so ruthless they needed someone to study her habits, strengths, and weaknesses just said sorry and really meant it?!' I thought.

"By your confused face I'm assuming you've heard a bit about me." She stated.

"Just a bit but nothing too in depth." I replied.

"So...let me ask again, do you have a desire to kill me?" She interrogates.

"No." I confidently answered.

"Well that's a relief, I'd hate to see such captivating eyes have to close and never open again." She said leaning back while her arm prop her up.

"Say, you look a bit parched, would you like a drink?" She offered.

"I don't see why not." I said hopping off of the branch forgetting that I'm 50 feet high.

I go to scream yet nothing comes out, I prepare for the worst and let myself free fall. I fell my body come to a complete stop, I hesitantly open an eye to see that I'm hovering right over the ground.

That's when I feel a pressure around my torso, I tilt my head to see Dakis sash.

"We can't get drink if your dead" she giggles before unraveling her sash letting me fall from an inch off the ground.

"I've gotta say your quite interesting." She said implying how I was so carefree that I forgot we were at the top of a tree.

"Aren't you slayers supposed to be more observant?" She asks.

"Well it's been a while since I got commissions since I just recovered, which is probably why they sent me on an easy mission." I said.

"What mission have they given you?" She asked.

"They just had me check to see if the city was a hotspot for demons." I reply not telling her the truth.

"Well...is it?" She asked.

"Not sure, you're the only one I've seen." I said while jogging a few steps due to her quick pace.

"I see." She simply replied.

As we arrive at an ally way she knocks on a door.

A slot opens and then immediately lets her in.

As we walk I hear the noises getting louder and louder, as we get to the underground bar I notice they're all demons.

They all go silent as they stare in fear and hatred.

"Look over here one more time and it's gonna be me that kills you!" Daki raised her voice, they all nervously looked at the table they were sitting in trembling in fear.

We kept walking though until we arrived at yet another door which she just opened to reveal a private self serve bar.

"Welcome to my private bar." She said while she gets behind the counter and starts making drinks.

She made me a drink but then while making her drink I noticed she only poured one type of liquid in her glass...human blood.

But all things set aside I'm too tired to worry about it.

"Your not startled?" She asked knowing that I knew she was drinking blood.

"Not really, I mean how surprised can I be? Your a demon, no offense, but what else are you going to have?" I rhetorically said while drinking the drink she made me.

"Hmmm I could have...you." She whispered the last part in my ear, I could even feel her breath against my skin.

I turn bright red considering I haven't had this kind of affection in a while.

'But she is a demon after all.'

Nezuko x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now