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I woke up from my light slumber due to Nezuko moving slightly.

'I finally...slept' I thought as I go to pull Nezuko tighter to my chest, but I end up hugging myself.

"N-NEZUKO?! TANJIRO?! ZENITSU?! INOSUKE?!" I yell as I run out if my room.

There's no answer. I turn on all the lights, I go to check the boys room and there no trace of them like they weren't here at all. I run to check on the elder woman and there's no one is the house, just me.

'T-they can't be gone...' I thought as I drop to my knees.

I quickly get on my uniform and attach my sword to the side of my hip. I look for any traces of a demon but there's none.

'It's almost like they weren't even here, there's no traces of fighting, and there's no futons out exept mine, and the house looks empty.' I thought as I double check the rooms.

I start to wander outside of the house to look for them.

"I mean it's still dark outside, I just hope Nezuko is in her box by the time the sun paints the sky blue" I thought as I cautiously walk with my hand resting on the sword.


I burst into a sprint occasionally shifting into a shadow and going as far as I can to go faster.

'Even if it's a small difference in time, every second is worth it' I thought as I shift again.

I keep shifting until I can't anymore, by this time I'm exhausted but I won't let anything bad happen to my friends.

I finally get to the station ready to collapse, I board the train and get seated in my own little booth with a door that separates the aisle from me.

I immediately close the door behind me and collapse onto the seat.

'I hope they're alive' I thought as I feel a tear roll down my cheek.

Time skip

The train finally came to a halt, I got off. I was back in the city where Tamayo is. But I'm here for a different reason, my friends are in danger.

I walk around the city trying to blend in.

'They were my happiness' I realize as my smile is gone again.

'I have to find Muzan, he's either holding Tanjiro and Nezuko hostage or Tanjiro is looking for him' I thought as I check alleys for any signs.

I see a door guarded by two sketchy people.

'That's probably the building they're in' I thought as I shift through the wall ready to fight.

I see Nezuko knocked out and Tanjiro beat and tied up in a corner, I quickly run towards them and slice through the rope quickly yet carefully with my sword.

"PUT NEZUKO IN THE BOX AND RUN! THERE'S TWO DEMONS GUARDING THE DOOR SO BE FAST AND RUN INTO A CROWD!" I yell as I run towards the next room over which is where I'm guessing Muzan is waiting.

I watch them run out of the building.

'Good bye, I hope you guys have a happier life.' I thought as I burst into the next room over.

"Well well. Finally you're here, I've been watching you lately and you'd make a great demon...especially with that one of a kind skill set you have." Muzan says as he stands alone in a plain room.

"Sorry but I would rather stay human" I say with my blank face.

Suddenly three demons come from thin air.

Nezuko x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now