Piggy Back Rides

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Time Skip

Me and Nezuko have been dating for about two months now while Tanjiro and Zenitsu have been dating for three months.

We all left the butterfly mansion a few days ago when our crows told us to some random town and slay a demon that's been kidnapping and killing at night.

Although we were a bit disappointed when we had to leave Inosuke behind since he had to stay there because he broke his swords again, but at least he gets to spend more time with his new girlfriend.

"Ugh I'm tired of walking, Nezukooooo please let me ride on your back." I complain

"Sure hop on." She offers

"Thank youuuu!" I say while getting on her back.

At first I was scared to exhaust her but Shinobu did some research on her and it turns out she kept a lot of strength from her demon form, so now I beg for piggy back rides.

"Oh Tanjiroooooo! It would be paradise for my oh so tired feet if you would offer me your back." Zenitsu dramatically says.

"Fine, get on." Tanjiro sighs

Zenitsu got a bit excited and practically tackled Tanjiro from behind knocking both of them down.

Zenitsu sprinted away while Tanjiro was getting up ready to chase him.

"Zenitsu! Get back here! Oh so NOW your feet aren't tired!" He yells going after Zenitsu.

"Jeez, those two are absolute opposites." I giggle

"You know, it's not like we're so similar." Nezuko adds on.

"Yeah yeah, but I'm happy with it." I say kissing her cheek.

"M-me too" Nezuko stutters out being a blushing mess.

I look up to see Tanjiro and Zenitsu barely in sight. Tanjiro had Zenitsu pinned down on his stomach while Tanjiro was pulling on his leg.

"Jeez, if you didn't know any better you'd think they're brothers or cousins by the way they act." I sigh

"Haha true, but at least they like each other and they make each other happy in their own...weird way." Nezuko tries to say supportingly.

We eventually catch up to them to see they're still wrestling like kids.

I hop off of Nezukos back.

"Get off, you two act like brothers instead of lovers." I say dragging Zenitsu while Nezuko drags Tanjiro away.

"W-WHAT?!" Zenitsu rhetorically asks

That's when both of them link brains or something and they calmly walk towards each other. When they get close they pulled each other In for a long kiss.

"Do brothers act like that?" Tanjiro rhetorically asked

I smirked and in seems Nezuko knew what was coming next.

That's when we both gently leaned in until our lips touch, we stay there until Tanjiro says something.

"W-WHAT YOU CANT JUST DO THAT TO NEZUKO?!" Tanjiro over protectively yells.

"Jeez calm down Tanjiro, I leaned in too. And do you just expect me to ignore the fact that you two just kissed? You're not the only protective one here." Nezuko sassily responds.

"How I haven't seen you be protective at all?" Tanjiro asks

"Zenitsu. Care to explain? You have my permission to say it." Nezuko says as everyone is now staring at Zenitsu who looks like he's ready to shit out rocks.

"U-uhhh well when me and Nezuko were training she pulled me aside and threatened to tear me apart if I hurt Tanjiros heart...y'know cuz of her inhuman strength." Zenitsu sputters out.

Tanjiro just stands there in awe while I start laughing so hard tears form at the corners of my eyes.

"Hope no one messes with me." I laugh

"Y-yeah" Tanjiro stutters still surprised many the fact that Nezuko threatened Zenitsu, usually she is the most forgiving.

Either way the sun was setting and we knew we had to find a place to stay for the night. We were by a field and Tanjiro asked the farmer if we could stay the night, which he let us.

We all split into boys and girls since the farmer didn't want any funny business...but little did he know that was beneficial to us.

As soon as me and Nezuko get to our room she became super clingy to me, even so she'd wait outside of the bathroom because I wouldn't let her in while I pee.

"Hey, what up?" I ask crawling in bed

"Hmmm, nothin much." The bluntly responds while cuddling up next to me.

"Nothin much huh? So you've just got suddenly clingy as soon as we walked in this house for no reason?" I ask

"W-well...the last few times we stayed the night like this, one of us went missing." She whispers on the verge of tears.

"I'm sorry for asking." I soothingly say as I hug her tighter.

Since we were both greatly exhausted she fell asleep first, but for some reason I ended up staying awake throughout the whole night.

A/N: okay sorry for the short-ish slow chapter but I'm tired but I also wanted to show you guys a new book I literally wrote last night because I was bored, please check it out if you're interested!

A/N: okay sorry for the short-ish slow chapter but I'm tired but I also wanted to show you guys a new book I literally wrote last night because I was bored, please check it out if you're interested!

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