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Nezuko POV

I woke up but this time I was in a different place, the butterfly estate.

"Awake now huh" Shinobu said.

"Hmmmph" I groaned and rolled over to face away from her.

"You know. you really worried (Y/N) when you passed out like that, but for now rest." She said while preparing some sort of medicine.

"Here, you have a fever." Shinobu said while setting a cup of the medicine on the table next to me.

'How worried was (Y/N)? Did she run while carrying me? Is she okay? This medicine tastes like shit.' I thought while Shinobu left the infirmary.

'I mean (Y/N) isn't here so she's not hurt...I don't think so at least. After I get better I will check up on her, she's probably staying in her room right now. Why isn't she in here though? Is she not worried about me? Was Shinobu lying when she said she was worried? Stupid (Y/N) I guess she wasn't that worried then if she hasn't visited me yet.' I was lost in thought until Shinobu came with soup.

Time skip

After a while I noticed the sun was setting and the moon came out.

'(Y/N) still hasn't visited me yet. Did she forget about me? Does she not want to see me? Ugh this sucks.' I thought while getting somewhat cranky.

'She really just doesn't want to see me.' I thought before drifting back asleep.

Another time skip brought to you by cranky Nezuko

I was finally released and I'm not sick anymore, I went to the training area to see Tanjiro

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I was finally released and I'm not sick anymore, I went to the training area to see Tanjiro. But the whole gang was there training. Exept (Y/N) who was picking dandelions and making a flower crown.

"NEZUKOOOOO" Tanjiro and Zenitsu said in sync while sprinting towards me, but (Y/N) was walking. And Inosuke didn't even notice me, but that doesn't really matter.

After Tanjiro and Zenitsu got done showering me with questions they went back to training while (Y/N) finally got to me.

"Hey Nezuko! How are—" she got cut off

"So you didn't even want to visit me but here you are training?!" I scold

"Nezuko that's not it at all, I was about to visit you but you got released earlier than I thought so I couldn't surprise you." (Y/N) says looking at her shoes.

"So you were going to surprise me?! After not visiting me for 4 whole days you JUST NOW want to visit?!" I yell

"N-no that's not it...—"

"JUST STOP! I've heard enough, I get it you just don't care now go back to training." I scold her

(Y/N) looks at me with glassy eyes and dropping her flower crown before running off.

I walk over to Inosuke, Zenitsu, and my brother.

"Why did (Y/N) just run off like that? She was supposed to critique my technique." Tanjiro says scanning the area behind me.

"I don't even want to deal with her right now. I was sick and she didn't even bother to visit me and when I got released that's when she decided to say that she was going to visit me." I angrily say

"N-Nezuko...she was going to visit you though, she was making the flower crown for you."  Zenitsu says

"I don't want it. What I wanted is for even a single visit from my girlfriend. IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK FOR?!" I yelled

"But Nezuko, she couldn't visit you. This was her first time outside too. She wasn't in the infirmary but rather decided to stay in her room to heal so you could have space and peace to recover."

"What do you mean...heal?" I ask

"Well after you fainted she picked you up bridal style and sprinted all the way here, but when she was in the woods she tripped but maneuvered her body so you wouldn't hit the ground. With that though her back was severely damaged and she just started walking around but still I know it's pains her a lot to do such a simple thing." Tanjiro explained

"How bad was she hurt?" I asked feeling my heart drop.

"Well she had many stitches and severe bruising, but luckily her spine is okay so she just incredibly sore and has moderate aching." Tanjiro said.

I stood there in awe.

'I treated her like shit...and this whole time she went out of her way to make a gift for me even if it caused her pain...she still did it for me....'

I turn around and sprint to her room.

'She just started walking and I made her run away, she must be in so much pain I've gotta find her.' I thought as I open her door.

But she wasn't there...

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