1: One thing after another

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"I - I don't know what to do!" Peter choked as he gripped Edmund's shoulders, talking to Susan even though he never took his eyes off his brother. "He's not waking up."

Susan took a deep breath, trying to keep herself calm. "I'll go and find a healer?" She suggested.

Peter swallowed hard, finally turning to face her as he nodded his head. "Hurry." He told her, worry in his voice that he didnt even both trying to hide.

Susan nodded back at him before dashing from the room, the door slamming loudly behind her.

Turning back to Edmund, Peter took a deep, shaky breath and loosened his grip on his brothers shoulders, not wanting to tear open the scratches again. "Ed?" He whispered, reaching up to instead run his hands through Edmund's hair. "I - I don't know if you can hear me, but - but you're gonna be okay, I promise we'll figure out what's going on. We'll figure out why you aren't waking up."

He sat in silence for the next five minutes before the door opened again, Susan walking in followed by a faun and Lucy, who looked extremely worried.

"What's happening?" She asked, rushing over to the bed.

"He - He's not waking up." Peter murmered, to both Lucy and the healer.

The healer frowned a little and walked slowly over, standing by the edge of the bed as Peter moved a little to give him room.

"How long has he been asleep?" The healer asked after a moment.

Peter took a deep breath. "Um, since yesterday afternoon." He choked. "Early afternoon, he hasn't woken since. We thought at first he was either just drained from what had happened or unconscious, but today he still isn't awake and we don't know what to do."

The healer nodded at him, taking a close look at Edmund. "Has he moved much?" He questioned.

Peter frowned a little. "No he hasn't." He mumbled. "Maybe only once or twice."

The healer gave Peter a nod before placing a hand to Edmund's forehead. "Well, he doesn't seem ill." He murmered.

Peter nodded. "He's perfectly fine except for his injuries." He sighed.

"His injuries would not of caused this." The healer said. "Unless the dagger was covered in poison."

Peter froze. "P - Poison?" He choked.

The healer nodded. "But I don't think that's the case either." He said. "If it had been dipped in poison, it would be obvious. There would be something that would give it away, whether it was a high temperature, or an infection of the wound."

Peter took a deep breath. "I'm checking his wounds." He choked out. "I don't care what anyone else says."

And with that he shuffled down so he was sitting at Edmund's feet, rolling up his trouser leg a little and unraveling the bandage from around his leg. "I don't get it." He whispered. "Its seems to be healing."

The healer nodded a little. "Wrap it back up before it starts bleeding sir." He said quickly.

Peter did as he was told, cringing as he did before glancing back up at the faun. "There isn't any sort of poison that does this?" He asked.

The healer sighed. "I'll look in to it." He said slowly. "Report back to you if I do find anything."

Peter nodded and gave him a grateful half smile. "Thanks." He mumbled.

The healer bowed his head before slowly leaving the room, leaving the four children alone.

"You don't actually think it's poison do you?" Lucy asked, voice shaking.

Susan sighed. "The healer said he doubted it." She mumbled, pulling up a chair and sitting beside the bed.

"But there's still a chance." Peter choked.

Susan stared at him for a moment before taking a deep breath. "Everythings gonna turn it fine Peter." She murmered.

But Peter shook his head. "It's just one thing after another." He choked. "Whether it's me or Edmund."

Susan sighed. "I understand how this is making you feel Peter." She sighed. "You've both been through a lot since coming here-"

"Ed's been through the most." Peter interrupted, voice nothing more than a whisper.

"I know he has Peter." Susan sighed. "But I promise everything will be fine. You never know, he might actually be unconscious."

"He's not and we all know it." Peter muttered. "This is something serious... again.

"The fact that all of this has happened because Jadis tricked him." Lucy suddenly whispered.

Peter took a deep breath. "I will never forget what it felt like to stab her in the back." He practically growled. "Its the best feeling I've had in a long time."

"Peter." Susan mumbled. "Calm down."

Peter shook his head. "This is all because of her." He snapped. "I'm glad she's dead, and I hope she stays dead."

"We all hope she does." Lucy sighed.

"I just wish things would stop happening to you two." Susan whispered.

"I don't regret what happened to me." Peter said firmly. "Everything happened because I saved Edmund, I don't regret it one bit."

"I know you don't Peter." Susan said gently. "And you never will."

Peter swallowed hard and glanced back down at Edmund, tears filling his eyes. "No." He whispered. "I won't. I just regret that I couldn't stop it all from happening in the first place."

"Don't start blaming yourself again." Susan said quickly. "I know what you're like Peter, but it wasn't your fault, none of it was."

Peter sighed, leaning down and placing a kiss to Edmund's forehead. "I just hate this this time it seems to be his turn." He whispered, ignoring Susan completely.

But he couldn't of been more wrong.

Sure Edmund was the one that wasn't waking up... but it was Peter that was going to go through the most pain, the most suffering... and the most heartbreak.


This book is dedicated to Abby, Lucy and Amy ineffable_narnia kingedmundpevensie valiantlucy

Hope you all enjoy the book and let me know what you think!!! Xox

Nina xx

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