16: I can't kill you

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Peter took a deep breath, his head already pounding. "Ed?" He murmered.


"Yeah." Edmund laughed a little. "It's me, your brother, if I can still call myself that."

"Edmund what?" Peter choked out, extremely confused as the map fell from his fingers.

"You never cared for me." Edmund spat. "You never loved me, never once did you show it, you were always showing your love to the girls, but did you just forget about me completely?"

"Ed that's no true!" Peter cried. "I do love you!"

None of this is true.

Edmund practically laughed as he drew his sword. "You know..." He said casually. "If you had just shown you cared, perhaps I would still be on your side, perhaps I wouldn't of challenged you to single combat."

Peter took a deep breath. Single combat? He couldn't fight his own brother!

"Perhaps one of us wouldn't have the kill the other." Edmund added, smirking. "And I'm afraid to say, its gonna be you who's getting killed."

Peter's eyes went wide as he ducked under his brothers sword, which had come flying at his head so fast Peter almost didn't miss it.

The voice deep down had completely disappeared now, and to Peter, all of this was real.

To Peter, his brother had turned on him.

To Peter, Edmund wasn't the same boy he used to be.

To Peter, This really was a fight to the death.

"I - I wont fight you Ed." Peter choked out. "You're my brother."

Edmund smirked. "Well, if you won't fight me, then I will just kill you and go after your sisters as well as the rest of Narnia."

"Our sisters Ed." Peter almost sobbed.

"Either way, they'll be dead along with you, and the rest of Narnia shall suffer." And with that Edmuns swung his sword forward again, but this time was blocked by Peter's.

"Ed please don't do this." Peter begged even as he blocked his brothers sword again.

"To the death." Edmund reminded him before stabbing his sword forward, causing Peter to jump to the side and nearly trip.

He managed to stay on his feet and attempted to disarm his brother, but Edmund was too quick, he jumped out the way and ended up behind Peter, causing Peter to twist around to block his sword before it could slice his back.

"You aren't putting much effort into this are you?" Edmund teased, smirk on his face, but there was nothing kind about that smirk.

"I - I can't kill you Eddy." Peter whispered.

"Don't call me that!" Edmund snapped, his and Peter's swords clashing once again. "And remember, if I don't die, the rest of Narnia and Susan and Lucy will pay, but you know, I'm gonna win anyway."

Peter took a deep breath and swung his sword, getting Edmund to jump over it and land without a sound, swinging his sword towards Peter's neck and causing him to quite literally bend over backwards to avoid getting sliced.

"Ed you don't have to do this." Peter pleaded even as the two fought on.

"Save your energy for the fight." Was all Edmund said.

Peter took a deep breath and, before he'd known it, managed to slice his sword across Edmund's leg, causing it to buckle beneath him as he collapsed.

Peter stood there and gasped for air, feeling sick as he watched his brother grip his leg, groaning in pain.

"Aren't you gonna finish it then?" Edmund spat, his hands as well as he trousers coated in blood.

"I said I won't kill you." Peter choked, shaking his head before hesitantly turning away.

He'd only gotten so far though when a loud cry behind him caught his attention.

He turned just in time to see Edmund running, yes running, at him with his sword raised.

Before Peter had even known what he'd done, he ducked out the way of Edmunds sword, before bringing his own forward and shoving it straight through his brothers chest.

Peter's heart stopped beating.

Edmund's eyes went wide in shock and agony.

The two brothers stared at each other, neither able to look away.

"Ed..." Peter choked out after a very long time, finally having the sense to pull the sword from his brother.

Edmund stared at Peter, eyes blank and wide, before they slowly slid shut and he collapsed, landing with a dull thud on the floor.

Peter let out a sob and fell to his knees beside his brother, hardly daring to turn him over, because he knew what he'd see.

He eventually did it though, and his heart shattered... Edmund was dead, that much was obvious.

"Edmund?" But still Peter tried, shaking his brother as hard as he dared. "Edmund! Eddy wake up! I'm sorry, I - I never meant for this to happen! Edmund please, Ed! I love you! Please wake up! You're my brother Ed! You have to wake up!"

This went on for a further ten whole minutes, before Peter found himself unable to breathe.

His brother was dead.

He'd killed his own brother.

It was all his fault that Edmund was dead, he'd died by his hand, his sword and there was no way Peter could reverse or forget that.

Edmund was gone, and it had been all Peter's fault.

He had killed his own brother.

Peter was gasping at this point, hardly able to draw breath as he stared down at his lifeless brother, his face pale and cold, his eyes closed, body limp.

He sobbed... sobbed and cried and gasped, unable to quite understand what he'd just done.

He sat there for ages, just gasping, almost going into a full on panic attack, before he reached his breaking point.

He didn't even care, his mouth opened, his eyes squeezed shut and he screamed.


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