6: He's promised

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"Promise you'll come back?" Lucy whispered into Peter's ear as she wrapped her arms around his neck, tears stinging her eyes.

Peter took a deep breath as he lifted her right off the floor, holding her tightly against him. "I'll try Lu." He murmered.

Lucy's heart skipped a beat. "Promise?" She choked, fear in her voice.

Peter hesitated and glanced at Susan, who only sighed sadly and placed a hand on Lucy's shoulder. With a sigh Peter placed a kiss to the side of the little sisters head. "I Promise I'll try okay?" He tried, unsure if he was able to make a promise to Lucy when there was no real guarantee of him being able to keep it.

Lucy took a deep breath but still nodded her head, eventually slipping from Peter's arms.

"Can someone stay with Ed at all times?" Peter asked slowly, voice shaking a little.

Susan nodded. "Of course." She replied. "Tumnus is with him now, but most of the time it will be either me or Lucy."

Peter nodded a little. "And Promise you'll keep talking to him?" He murmered.

Susan nodded. "We promise Peter." She reassured him. "You don't have to worry about that."

There was silence for a moment before Lucy spoke up. "Will your worst fears come in the form of a dream or real life?" She asked. "Like will you dream them, or will they actually appear to you?"

Peter frowned a little. "Good question." He sighed. "One I wish I knew the answer to as well."

Lucy stared at him for a moment before nodding slowly and dropping her gaze to the floor.

Susan placed her hand back on her shoulder as she wrapped one arm around her older brother. "Be careful." She breathed.

Peter smiled sadly as he hugged her back, nodding slowly. "I will." He told her. "Don't worry about me."

Susan swallowed hard. "I wish it were that easy." She mumbled against his shoulder. "But I have a feeling I won't be sleeping for a while."

"Oh Su." Peter choked, tightening his grip. "I'll be fine, please don't make yourself sick with worry...  I know you."

Susan smiled a little, but it only lasted a second before she nodded. "I'll try." She said, pulling away and glancing up at him, taking a deep breath to keep back her tears as she pulled Lucy close to her side.

Peter gave her a grateful smile back before grabbing the bag he'd placed on the floor and flinging it over his shoulders. "I guess I should go." He whispered.

Susan nodded hesitantly, swallowing hard and she gave Lucy a gentle squeeze. "Yeah." She breathed. "The quicker you get going, the quicker you get home."

Peter sighed slightly but nodded his head anyway.

"Just remember Peter, it's not real." Susan told him firmly. "So there's no reason to - to end your life, we're all alive and will be for a long, long while yet, so please just remember that it's not real."

Peter sighed again and shook his head. "I have a feeling the magic is gonna concentrate more of my fears involving Ed." He breathed. "Seeming as he's the one the magic is killing, and since I know he's already dying, it will be even harder to believe that."

"You're strong Peter." Lucy spoke up. "You can do it."

Despite everything Peter couldn't help but smile a little, but after a few moments he took a deep breath. "Right." He whispered. "I'll hopefully see you all soon."

Susan nodded. "See you soon." She replied.

Peter, his heart pounding and tears in his eyes which he refused to let fall, hesitantly turned and began walking away, slipping through the gate and into the woods.

Susan and Lucy watched him go for a while before Susan sighed. "We should probably get back to Ed." She said.

Lucy stared into the distance at Peter for a little while longer before tearing his eyes away and looking up to Susan. "Yeah, we probably should." She agreed.

The two made their way back up to their brother's room, thanking Mr.Tumnus as he left before closing the door and joining Edmund on the bed.

Susan stared at him, reaching over to brush the hair from his eyes. "Hey Ed." She all but whispered, clearing her throat before carrying on. "Peter just left, and he promised that he'd try his hardest to come back, and you know Peter will, he will try Ed."

Lucy swallowed hard when Edmund made no movement and there was no sign of him waking up.

But Susan still continued. "Both you and Peter are gonna be just fine okay?" She said gently. "He's promised that he'll try and come back, and you've promised that you'll try and hold on. None of us know when you're time is gonna be up Ed, but please, don't make it anytime soon, you're strong and I believe you can do this, we all do, especially Peter. He believes in you Ed, probably more than the whole of Narnia put together." She paused for a moment and let out a quiet chuckle, smiling at Lucy when she giggled a little. "Me and Lucy are gonna keep talking to you, we'll help you keep going in as many ways as possible, because we love you Ed, and we will not let you just give up. You're our brother, and we need you to survive. Peter needs you to survive, I've seen what he's like when he believes you're dead, I was sure he'd either starve himself to his own death or die of exhaustion from lack of sleep or broken heart. So please, hold on. For Peter's sake... and for yours. Ed you're twelve, you've still got your whole life ahead of you, make sure you live to see it, make sure you hold on long enough to wake up, because you never know what your life has in store for you.
We love you Ed, we promise, and we won't let you give up on yourself, not now... and not ever."


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