15: The source of the magic

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"Ed?" Peter choked, running his hand gently through Edmund's hair. "Ed listen, its gonna be okay, I promise, you'll be fine."

Edmund let out another heartbreaking sob and took another deep, forced breath. "Please." He choked out, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Shhh." Peter murmered quietly. "Listen to me Ed, please. I'm gonna get you home okay?"

Edmund stared at him and slowly nodded, his breathing getting worse.

"You are going to be absolutely fine." Peter said firmly. "I'll get you back to Cair."

"It - it's so far." Edmund sobbed out.

"I don't care Eddy." Peter said quickly. "I will get you home and to Lucy's cordial, you have my word."

"It - it hurts Peter, it really, really hurts." Edmund sobbed, shaking his head back and forth slightly.

Peter swallowed hard and glanced down at the stab wound, which was pouring blood fast, not to mention the whip lashes that were trickling blood.

Taking a deep breath, Peter placed his hands to the stab wound and pressed down at hard as he dared, feeling sick at the feeling of his brothers blood between his fingers.

But it's not your brother...

Peter frowned, but panicked slightly when Edmund let out a cry of pain, struggling to move away from Peter.

"No Ed, stay still." Peter said quickly. "I need to try and stop you bleeding, I'll find something to bandage you with and then I'll take you to Cair."

Edmund squeezed his eyes shut for a second before allowing them to flicker open again. "You won't make it." He choked out. "It's way too far Peter."

"I will make it." Peter said firmly, nodding his head and pressing down a little harder on Edmund's stomach.

Edmund swallowed hard, before wincing. "Peter." He whispered. "Peter please, just - just... you won't make it. You have to listen to me Peter, you won't."

"I won't give up on you Ed." Peter snapped, giving Edmund a glare that easily made him give up arguing.

"Thanks Peter." Edmund choked, managing the smallest of smiles.

But it was then that Peter frowned.

"Please Peter, please help me."

"It - it hurts Peter, it really, really hurts."

"It's way too far Peter."

"You have to listen to me Peter ..."

Peter's eyes went slightly wider, if Edmund was in this much pain, if he was hurting this much, if he was crying... he would call him Pete at least once... which was something he hadn't done at all since he found him.

Feeling sick again, everything came back to him.

Edmund was at Cair, at home, dying!

And he would die if Peter didn't stop wasting time.

Removing his hands and scrambling to his feet, Peter slowly backed away, shaking his head back and forth as he did.

"Peter?" Edmund whimpered.

There it was again, with that tone of voice Edmund would've said Pete, not Peter.

So with a quiet sob Peter turned and ran, ignoring the cries of his brother as he did.

He ran as fast as he could, not looking back and not slowing down until he had absolutely no choice to stop.

He leant against a tree, gasping for air and trying to rub the blood from his hands, horrified that it was there despite what he'd seen only being imaginary.

He wiped his hands over his clothes, but it didn't do much, and he found himself actually gagging.

It's not his blood.

It wasn't Edmund.

It's not Edmund's blood.

This managed to calm his down eventually, and he collapsed against the tree, tears rolling slowly down his cheeks as he trembled, and hard.

He had nearly taken that Edmund back to Cair, and allowed his brother to die, he'd nearly wasted precious time, because he couldn't fight the magic.

He didn't know how much more of this he could cope with, but he did know he was still gonna try, because his brothers life depended on it.

He stood there for only five minutes before he slowly carried on, he was still somewhat shaking and there were still tears in his eyes, but he couldn't waste another second.

He glanced down at his hands after a couple of seconds, and was glad to see that the blood was gone, he'd fought the magic again so there wasn't a trace left, and this allowed him to fully relax.

He grabbed the map from his bag and managed to figure out a rough idea of where he was, and was startled to see that the source of the magic should be somewhere within a mile around him.

But now he just had to find it.

He had no idea what he was looking for, or if it was even visible. He had no idea where it was and what exactly he'd have to do to destroy it, which made him extremely frustrated.

But he of course was gonna look anyway, because he wasn't going to give up that easily.

He decided to keep walking in a straight line for around a mile, and if he didn't find anything, turn direction and walk a mile that way, and hopefully he'd find what he was looking for.

So he began walking, staring at the map held tightly in his hands, actually probably a little too tightly seeming as his knuckles had gone white.

He walked for around twenty minutes, and he was starting to give up all hope, until he heard something.

It made his heart drop and tears sting his eyes, but he slowly forced himself to turn around.

What he knew to be the source of the magic was behind him, but it wasn't anything he'd expected.

The magic had taken the form of a human, and Peter knew he'd have to kill them to destroy the magic.

But it was easier said than done... because, real or fake, not many people would be able to kill their own brother...


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