28: Reunited

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It took a long while, but eventually Edmund's tears slowed and he collapsed against Peter, utterly exhausted and in a lot of pain.

"Ed?" Peter murmured, running a hand through his brothers hair.

"Hmm." Edmund replied, hardly having the strength to form a proper reply.

Peter hesitated a little before taking a deep breath. "What has she done to you?" He said finally.

Edmund sighed quietly, hesitantly and weakly pulling away from Peter and sitting up straight. "It - It was worse than it looked." He choked, struggling to get the words out.

"What do you mean?" Peter asked warily.

"Most of the pain wasn't caused by an injury." Edmund whispered, his eyes dropping but he forced them open as best he could. "All she had to do was click her fingers and I'd be in extreme agony, leaving no injury behind at all."

Peter was horrified, but took a deep breath and kept calm. "And what about the - the blood?" He asked, nodding to Edmund's shirt.

"There were times she didn't injure me, and then there were times she did." Edmund whispered, before slowly pulling up his shirt to show Peter the knife wound... but still he didn't move his broken arm.

Peter winced at the depth of the wound, and immediately turned to Lucy.

"Don't bother." Edmund stopped him, lowering his shirt and wincing as he did.

"But - Isnt the month over?" Susan said slowly. "It has to be."

"I'm not exactly sure." Edmund sighed. "But the cordial won't work anyway, the hag made sure of that."

Peter stared from his chest, down to his leg and then spotted the slash on his arm.

"I have no idea where that one came from." Edmund muttered when he caught Peter staring. "I have no memory of getting it."

Peter frowned deeply at this. "Were you unconscious or something?" He suggested.

Edmund slowly nodded. "I must've been." He whispered, before he leant forward again, resting his head on Peter's chest.

Peter sighed, wrapping an arm around his brothers shoulders, only to freeze when Edmund gasped. "Eddy?" He whispered, sounding scared.

"Sorry." Edmund sighed. "Didn't mean to scare you, it's just my arm is broken."

Peter's heart skipped a beat. "Why didn't you say anything?!" He  exclaimed.

Edmund sighed, his eyes closing. "I'm tired." He slurred, leaning heavily against Peter.

"Hey, hey Ed stay awake." Peter said, nudging him gently to make sure he didn't fall asleep. "Let's just get you to a healer first okay? I know one came with us."

"There are more of you?" Edmund whispered.

Peter nodded. "Orious is here, Tumnus, and a few others alright?" He said. "One of them can help you, ease the pain?"

Edmund smiled weakly. "That sounds nice." He murmured, one tear rolling slowly down his cheek.

Peter wiped it away with his thumb, tears stinging his own eyes again. He'd tried his hardest to hold his tears in since he'd gotten his brother back, but he wasn't sure how much longer he could do it for, especially when Edmund was wincing every five seconds. "The tents are literally just in the woods." He whispered softly. "You - you reckon you could stand?"

Edmund didn't say anything but slowly shook his head. "No." He choked.

Peter sighed. "I'll carry you then." He mumbled. "But we need someone to clean your injuries and set your bone back into place so it can start healing properly."

Edmund's eyes snapped open as his heart skipped a beat. "That's gonna hurt." He choked.

Peter swallowed hard. "I know." He murmured. "But your arms gonna hurt even more if they don't do it."

When Edmund didn't say anything in reply, Peter slowly went to pull away, but stopped the second fear flashed in Edmund's eyes and he shuffled closer. "Don't." His little brother choked, voice shaking.

Peter's heart broke. "I'm just gonna pick you up okay?" He said slowly, before slipping one arm under Edmund's knees and the other under his shoulders, being extremely careful.

With a little struggle he stood, bringing Edmund with him. As careful as he was though, Edmund still gasped loudly and buried his face against his brothers neck, hiding a sob as best he could.

Peter sighed sadly and looked at his sisters, who had slowly stood beside him. "I'll go ahead and let the healers know." Susan said quickly, before dashing off down the steps and into the woods.

Peter watched her go for a moment, waiting for Edmund to calm down and relax slightly, before he too made his way down the stairs, Lucy following silently behind.

"I - I missed you." Edmund choked out suddenly, and when Peter looked down it was to see Edmund's wide, dark brown eyes staring up at him, filled to the brim with tears.

Peter had to swallow hard before he could force any words out though, but eventually managed to whisper: "I missed you too." Before placing a kiss to his forehead, letting out a shaky breath as he did.

Edmund closed his eyes and rested his head against Peter's shoulder, holding his arm across his chest as Peter carried him towards the woods.

"I'm so sorry this happened Ed." Peter murmured after a few seconds.

Edmund sighed and opened his eyes again, shaking his head slowly. "You don't need to apologise Peter." He whispered. "It wasn't your fault."

Peter swallowed hard. "It was my fault." He choked. "Because I love you, you're my weakness. She got to me by hurting you."

Edmund sighed and squeezed his eyes shut for a moment before staring back at his brother. "Can we talk about this later?" He whispered. "My head hurts too much."

Peter sighed. "As long as there is a later." He said.

Edmund nodded. "Yeah." He choked. "There will certainly be a later."


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