10: Goodbye Peter...

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"Okay Ed... for you." Peter took another deep breath before continuing. "Please listen, and listen closely. I love you with all my heart, and I mean that. You're the bravest, strongest and kindest person I know, and I am so, so proud of you, more than you'll probably ever know. I can also never thank you enough for everything you've done for me, the fact that you're willing to sacrifice your life for mine means absolutely everything, although I really don't want you to ever do it again.
Even if this is actually goodbye Ed, it won't be goodbye forever, we'll see each other again... I promise."

Edmund burst into tears and wrapped his arms tightly around Peter's neck, hugging him as tightly as he could and burying his face against his older brothers shoulder.

Peter held Edmund while he cried, gently rocking him until his brother had calmed down enough to talk. "I love you too Peter." He choked, voice hoarse from crying. "I love you so, so much. I'm sorry I have to say goodbye, I really am."

"Ed..." Peter let out a shaky breath and forced back anymore tears. "It's not a definite goodbye yet, I'm still gonna try and reach the source of the magic before it's too late."

Edmund hesitantly nodded. "I know you are." He breathed. "But if you can't... promise you'll try your hardest to return to Cair, promise you'll try your hardest to remember."

Peter nodded back and placed a gentle kiss to the top of Edmund's head. "I promise Eddy." He choked.

The nickname caused Edmund to let out another sob and bury his face further against Peter's shoulder.

Peter swallowed hard. "Sorry." He whispered.

But Edmund shook his head. "Keep saying it." He all but whispered.

Peter's heart shattered. "Oh Eddy." He choked out, pulling him as close as humanly possible and whispering nonsense under his breath for the next five minutes.

"You should probably go." Edmund murmered after a long while.

Peter took a deep breath. "Yeah." He whispered. "I probably should."

"I love you Peter." Edmund said gently as he reluctantly pulled from his brothers arms.

"I love you too Ed." Peter whispered, keeping a hand firmly on Edmund's shoulder.

"Pete-" Edmund sighed.

Peter swallowed hard at the nickname, realising that he'd probably never hear it again, no one called him that but Edmund.

With a sigh he let his arm fall back to his side, the two no longer touching each other.

"Let the girls know I love them when you get back." Edmund choked, two more tears escaping and rolling down his cheeks.

Peter took a deep breath. "When." He said firmly, almost to himself as he nodded. "But you never know, you might be able to tell them yourself."

"You and I both know that's probably not going to happen." Edmund whispered.

Peter swallowed hard. "We don't know it for sure." He said firmly.

"Right." Edmund whispered.

"I will carry on the second I wake up, and I won't stop until I reach the source of the magic." Peter told him.

"You know it won't be that easy Peter." Edmund sighed.

"It won't no." Peter said. "But I'm still gonna try."

Edmund gave Peter a half hearted smile. "Thanks." He murmered, before taking a deep breath. "Goodbye Peter."

Peter swallowed hard, blinking back tears. "See you soon Eddy."


Peter took a deep breath as he woke, his eyes immediately filling with tears which soon made their way down his cheeks.

He couldn't believe everything Edmund had just said to him, everything he'd just said to Edmund.

Peter was never one to say goodbye unless it was absolutely necessary, so deep down did he really know Edmund was gonna die?

Swallowing hard Peter shook his head and stood from where he'd been laying on the ground.

He didn't care if it was still dark, he needed to find the source of the magic, and semming as it wasn't going to be easy at all, he really needed to start now.

So grabbing his bag, he set off through the woods, two words ringing in his ear.

Goodbye Peter


Susan blinked in the rising sun as she woke the next morning, having to take a moment or two to get used to the light before slowly sitting up.

She glanced across at Edmund, having been sleeping in the armchair all night, to of course find her brother still sleeping, or unconscious, whichever way you wanted to look at it.

With a sigh she stretched slightly before standing and walking over to the bed, sitting down beside her brother and reaching up to brush the hair from his eyes.

So flinched when she felt how cold Edmund skin was, before frowning deeply.


Her heart skipped a beat, and she immediately pulled her hand down to rest over his chest.

She waited anxiously for a heartbeat, and when she felt one she allowed herself to relax.

But his heartbeat was slower than it normally was, and this really scared her.

She felt his forehead again, wondering why exactly it was already ice cold, but eventually telling herself that it could just be to do with the magic.

And anyway, as long as he was still breathing, there wasn't anything to worry about.

With a sad sigh she ran a hand through his hair. "You gave me a fright then Ed." She breathed. "Just hang in there, I know it hurts, but please, for all of our sakes, mostly yours. Like I said before, you're too young to die, so make sure you don't."

Of course she had no idea of the conversation him and Peter had had that night, and if Edmund could, he would've warned her, but of course all he could do was lay there, unconscious but able to hear every word that was being said.

Swallowing hard, Susan leant against the headboard and brought Edmund up so that his head rested in her lap. "I love you Ed." She whispered. "We all do."


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