5: If it was real

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Peter took a deep breath as he sat on the edge of Edmund's bed after getting changed the next morning.

He stared at his brother for a long while before finally opening his mouth. "If - If last night was real," He murmured, placing a hand on Edmund's shoulder. "If it was real and you really can hear me, please listen."

He was silent for a moment or two, before eventually continuing. "Listen when I say that everything's gonna be okay, I swear it will be Ed." He murmured. "You're my brother and I - I love you so, so much. I will not give up on you, I won't stop until the magic is destroyed, you have my word.
But you have to keep your promise, just like I'll keep mine. Hang in there Ed, no matter how hard or painful it gets, please don't give up, for your own sake as well as ours, I beg you."

He was half hoping for a response, but wasn't surprised when Edmund just lay there, doing or saying nothing. So instead he just grabbed his little brothers hand and held it tightly in his own, taking a deep breath to avoid bursting into tears.

He looked up when the door opened and Susan walked in, smiling gently at seeing Peter gripping his brothers hand tightly in his own. "You ready to leave?" She asked, joining him on the edge of the bed.

Peter nodded. "Yeah." He breathed, his voice choked as his grip got somewhat tighter. "I gotta tell you something before I go though."

Susan frowned a little. "What?" She asked.

Peter sighed before taking a deep breath. "I spoke to Ed last night." He whispered.

Susan's frown got even deeper before a sympathetic look appeared on her face. "Peter," She said slowly. "Edmund's-"

"I - I know." Peter cut her off, tears filling his eyes before he quickly closed them, taking a deep breath. "But the magic, it allows me and him to talk to one another, when I'm asleep."

Susan nodded slowly, but she still looked a little confused. "Right." She said.

Peter stared at her. "He - He told me that he was going to hold on for as long as he could." He sighed. "And - and also said that he can hear us, everything we say he can hear."

Susan blinked. "Are you sure it wasn't just a dream?" She asked hesitantly.

"That's what I thought at first." Peter admitted. "But afterwards, It didn't feel like a dream, It felt real... well, as real as it could be."

Susan sighed  little before nodding. "Alright." She breathed.

"He asked me to ask you to talk to him." Peter said softly. "He said hearing our voices gives him the strength to hold on."

Susan's eyes filled with tears as she glanced down at her little brother. "Oh Ed." She murmered, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Promise me you'll keep talking to him." Peter choked.

"Of course." Susan said quickly but gently, turning back to her older brother. "Of course I will Peter, I promise."

Peter nodded a little. "Thanks." He whispered, before he took a deep breath. "Where's Lucy?"

"She's just finishing her breakfast." Susan sighed. "I told her to meet us by the oak tree in the gardens so we could see you off."

Peter smiled gently, before slowly letting go of Edmund's hand and standing from the bed, walking over to grab his cloak which had been hanging on the back of the chair at his desk. "Sword." He muttered to himself, walking across the other side of the room to grab his sword, attaching it to his belt with a sigh.

"I just hope you have no reason to use it." Susan all but whispered as Peter turned back to face her.

"I doubt I will." He said with a shrug, sitting back down on the edge of the bed with a sigh. "But you can never be too careful I guess."

"Hmm." Was all Susan replied with before she fell silent again.

Peter gave her a half smile before taking hold of Edmund's hand again, running his fingers over his knuckles. "He's looking a bit pale." He pointed out, slight fear colouring his  voice.

Susan glanced at Edmund's face before sighing, nodding his head in agreement. "He is isn't he." She sighed. "But hey, he's always been pale, I'm sure he'll be alright."

"Not this pale." Peter whispered.

"Peter..." Susan sighed. "He'll be fine.

Peter stared at her for a while before nodding and taking a deep breath, before saying:  "I - I should probably leave."

Susan swallowed hard and nodded back. "I guess you should." She whispered. "But please just remember these three words Peter."

Peter gave her a slight frown, but listened closely, already having a slight idea on what she was going to say.

Susan took a deep breath before fixing her eyes on her older brother's. "It's not real." She murmered. "Just try and remember that Peter, none of it's real."

Peter swallowed hard, nodding his head slowly. "I'll try and remember that." He sighed. "But as everyone's saying, my mind will trick me in to thinking that it is real."

"You're stronger than you give yourself credit for Peter." Susan said gently, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You may be able to fight the magic."

But Peter shook his head. "I couldn't fight the last one." He breathed. "What makes this one any different?"

He was silent for a moment before he bit his lip and turned to Edmund, it may seem like a long shot, but he would try. "I - I promise I'll do this Ed." He murmered. "And I promise I will come back, we'll both be fine." 

He paused for a moment before leaning forward and placing a kiss to the top of Edmund's head. "I love you Ed." He choked against his brother's dark, scruffy hair. "More than you'll ever know."

"Come on then." Susan choked, standing from the bed, pulling Peter gently up with her.

And as they turned away, as they began walking towards the door, one tear slipped from closed eyes and rolled slowly down Edmund's cheek.


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