25: Blood

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- Time skip -

"Tomorrow." Susan mumbled, taking a deep breath as she watched Peter pack a bag. "He'll be back with us tomorrow Peter."

Peter sighed. "I know." He whispered, grabbing his sword and attaching it to his belt. "I just... miss him."

Susan gave him a sad smile. "We all do." She breathed. "But he's gonna be back soon, and he'll be alright."

"I doubt it." Peter muttered. "That hag has definitely hurt him, I can tell you that now."

Susan nodded a little. "Well, if it's that bad then Lucy has her cordial okay?" She said gently.

Peter stared at her for a moment before nodding his head. "Okay." He agreed, grabbing his cloak and flinging  it over his shoulder.

"We'll probably leave in half an hour." Susan told him. "Orious and the others just have to finish packing the tent for tonight."

Peter nodded his head again, sitting slowly down on the edge of the bed. "What do you think is happening to him?" He choked, voice almost a whisper.

Susan sighed and sat beside him. "Don't think about it Peter." She murmured, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Its hard not too." Peter replied quietly, and all Susan did was sigh and nod her head. "Yeah." She choked. "It is."


Edmund's head snapped up and he jumped violently as the hag appeared in front of him, that permanent smirk spread across her ugly face, a glint of satisfaction in her eyes that reminded him all too much of Jadis. "Do you have to do that?" He muttered, staring at the creature.

The hag smirked at him, shaking her head. "Well how else do you suppose I get in here?" She said simply, laughing a little as she pulled a knife from her cloak.

Edmund's heart skipped a beat and he watched her carefully as she walked over, grabbing his hand and yanking his arm forward. His eyes went wide and he tried to pull his hand away, but the hag's grip was tight, and she wasn't letting go. "No." Edmund choked, shaking his head back and forth. "No, please don't... don't bring her back."

The hag laughed again. "No fear of that." She said. "I'm not bringing her back, I was never even one of her followers, so why an earth would I waste my magic on something like that?"

Edmund relaxed slightly at this, but he was still rather wary of the knife. "Then what are you doing?" He asked hesitantly.

"Casting a spell." The hag whispered, before slicing the dagger along his arm, digging deep and allowing the blood to drip.

Edmund hissed and squeezed his eyes shut in pain, forcing back a cry as the hag grabbed a glass vial and collected a few drops of his blood, before hiding it somewhere in her cloak. "What - What was that for?" He choked out eventually, forcing his eyes open to see her.

The hag laughed. "For the spell." She said. "But don't worry, you don't need to know what the spell is for, actually... you won't even remember any of this."

That being said, she clicked her fingers, and just as she had said, Edmund didn't remember anything that had just happened, and only sat staring at the hag, taking deep breaths to calm himself. "What - What do you want?" He choked suddenly.

"To punish you." The hag whispered. "For what you did."

Edmund sighed and nodded, lowering his gaze to the floor. "Yeah." He whispered.

"Don't you worry." The hag said. "You've nearly paid for what you did, just one more day, and then it will all be over and you can go back to your siblings, knowing that you paid for what you did to them."

Edmund nodded again but didn't say anything, bracing himself for the pain he knew was coming.

The hag circled him for a while, making Edmund's heart pound and tears sting his eyes. He sat there, waiting until pain consumed him, causing him to let out a loud cry of pain and double over, eyes squeezing shut as he gasped loudly.

This once again went on for ages, and he once again didn't fight back, he just took the pain, tears rolling quickly and continuously down his cheeks, but the hag didn't seem to care and just continued, a grin spread across her face the whole time.

It felt like an eternity later when the pain eventually stopped, only for the hag to backhand Edmund the second it had, splitting his lip wide and bruising him right down to the bone.

His head hit the stone wall behind him, and he groaned in pain before collapsing to the floor, trying his hardest not to knock his arm, holding it close to his chest as he lay there, taking deep breaths and feeling blood rolling down his chin.

"Sleep well tonight." The hag mocked, kicking Edmund in the stomach causing him to curl in on himself. "Big day tomorrow."

Edmund swallowed hard, licking his lips and cringing at the strong taste of blood. He looked up at the hag, taking a deep breath. He wanted to say something, anything, but no words would come. So instead he just sighed, shook his head and lowered his gaze back to the ground.

The hag only laughed before disappearing, the vial of blood still in her possession. But of course Edmund couldn't remember her taking his blood, and could only stare down at his arm, confused at the cut going across it.

He frowned a little, trying his hardest to remember where he'd gotten it from, but he couldn't for the life of him remember, so he just shook his head and forced himself into a sitting position, leaning against the wall with a sigh.

One more day... one more day and he'd be back with his siblings... one more day and he'd be safe.


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