2: Brothers with an unbreakable bond

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"Any change?" Susan asked hesitantly as she stepped into Peter and Edmund's room later that day, come to bring Peter some lunch seeming as he refused to leave Edmund's side.

Peter sighed and looked up at her, shaking his head. "He hasn't moved." He whispered.

Susan bit her lip as she walked over and sat on the edge of the bed, handing Peter the plate she had. "We will find out what's going on." She told him gently.

Peter nodded a little before frowning. "He needs to eat and drink." He mumbled. "He'll die if he doesn't."

Susan took a deep breath. "Try giving him some water a minute." She said, sitting up straight.

Peter placed the plate down before grabbing the cup of water on the bedside table. He placed his other hand on the back to Edmund's neck and lifted his head up, causing his mouth to open slowly.

He seemed to swallow the water Peter gave him, much to Peter's relief. But he was still out cold.

"How did he swallow it?" Susan murmured.

"His bodys instincts?" Peter replied with a shrug, although even he didn't sound sure.

Susan nodded a little. "Perhaps." She breathed.

"But how do we get him to eat?" Peter whispered, a hint of panic in his voice.

"Smoothies and stuff?" Susan suggested.

Peter glanced at her as he lay Edmund's head back against the pillows. "Sounds like a good idea." He said with a small nod.

Susan smiled.

"Have the healers found anything?" Peter spoke up after a while of nothing but silence.

Susan shook her head. "I don't think so." She breathed. "But they're searching non stop in the library, trying to find some sort of poison that fits what's happening to Edmund."

"So they do think it's poison?" Peter asked.

Susan sighed. "They still arent a hundred percent sure it actually is." She mumbled.

"What could it be if it isn't though?" Peter murmured.

Susan shook her head. "No idea." She breathed.

Peter swallowed hard. "I swear if it is poison I'm gonna wanna bring the witch back to life just to murder her again." He muttered. "But this time in a much more painful way."

Susan blinked at him before taking a deep breath. "Peter." She sighed.

"Its all her fault Su." Peter snapped. "All of it has led from her tricking Edmund, and I'm done."

"She's dead Peter." Susan reminded him. "Shes going to stay dead and isn't going to hurt Edmund anymore."

"Shes hurting him now!" Peter exclaimed. "This wouldn't be happening if she hadn't tricked him."

"You're right Peter." Susan said softly. "But being angry at her isn't going to fix anything. Shes dead, shes gone, theres no point in coming back to it."

Peter took a deep breath. "It's my fault too." He whispered. "I - I was too hard on him."

"Peter how many times have we been over this?" Susan muttered.

But Peter shook his head. "He's my brother, Susan. My little brother. And with the way I treated him it was no wonder he went off with the witch. I'm to blame for it, I should've shown him that I cared, should've shown him that i loved him, but all I did was shout and put him down, and now look what's happened. He's nearly died multiple times and he isn't even thirteen yet!"

"Peter listen." Susan said gently. "You can't change the past, but you can change the future. You and Edmund are as close as you can be now, you love him and you show it, he loves you and he shows it. You're brothers, with an unbreakable bond. It may of taken you a while to realise just how important you are to each other, but you got there eventually, and that's all that matters. Edmund doesn't blame you for what happened, doesn't blame you for any of it. He blames himself Peter, in his eyes he betrayed us for his own gain, and whilst we know that's not true, whilst we know there was something else going on that made him that way, Dad going to war and the new school, he still believes it. He's never once blamed you Peter, and he hates it when you blame yourself. So please, for Edmund's sake, try and forgive yourself."

Peter stared at her, a little shocked at her speech, before he took a deep breath. "I - I can't." He whispered.

Susan sighed. "At least try." She murmured. "For Edmunds sake as well as your own."

Peter swallowed hard, hesitating a little before slowly nodded his head. "I'll try." He whispered.

The second after the door burst open and Lucy ran in, followed by one of the healers.

Lucy looked terrified and worried, eyes wide and full of tears, causing Peter to stand from the bed in alarm. "What's wrong?" He asked quickly, pulling Lucy close when she ran over to him.

The healer took a deep breath as he closed the door and turned to the siblings. "We've found out what's going on, your majesty." He said, bowing his head.

Peter's heart skipped a beat. "What's wrong with him?" He choked, voice quiet and broken.

The healer sighed. "It's not poison." He said. "We are one hundred percent sure your brother has not been poisoned because..." He trailed off, hesitating.

Peter swallowed hard. Whilst he was glad that his brother hadn't been poisoned again, he had a feeling that whatever was happening to him was much, much worse than any poison.

He glanced down at Edmund for a moment before looking back up at the healer, his grip tightening around Lucy's shoulders as he took a deep, shaky breath. "If it's not poison," He said slowly, trying to keep his voice steady. "Then what is happening to my brother?"


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