4: You'll never lose me

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Peter sat by Edmund's bed late that night, running a hand gently through his brothers hair, never taking his eyes off him. He'd been sat there since his sisters had left the room around an hour before, but he just couldn't bring himself to move. He wanted his brother to wake up, but he knew that wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

"I - I will save you Ed." He whispered. "I promise you I will."

Tears filled his eyes as he sat there, but he quickly blinked them back before climbing into the bed beside Edmund, pulling him close and settling back against the pillows.

"Night Eddy." He murmured, placing a kiss to the top of his brothers head before allowing his eyes to slip shut.



Peter frowned and spun around, his eyes going wide when he spotted his brother stood a little way away from him. "Ed?" He practically whispered.

Edmund nodded a little before sighing. "Please don't go." He whispered.

Peter frowned a little. "What?" He murmured.

Edmund sighed. "You're going to destroy the source of the magic." He said slowly.

"Okay, please explain what an earth is going on." Peter said quickly.

Edmund almost laughed. "I can hear everything Peter." He said gently. "I may be unconscious but I can hear you."

Peter swallowed hard. "Right." He breathed. "But - But this is only a dream... isn't it?"

Edmund smiled a little. "Yes and No." He said slowly. "The magic allows us two to talk to each other until you get too close to the source of it, you know-" He paused for a moment and took a deep breath. "To say your goodbyes just in case you aren't able to destroy it."

Edmund's voice was barely above a whisper and it broke Peter's heart. "I will destroy it Ed." He said softly.

Edmund swallowed hard. "Maybe you will." He said. "But who's to say you won't fall to the magic too, believe everything you're seeing."

Peter swallowed hard. "Ed, I will do everything in my power to ignore the things I'll see." He said firmly. "I can promise you that now."

Edmund took a deep breath. "Don't make promises you can't keep Peter." He said, slowly shaking his head back and forth.

Peter's heart skipped a beat. He hated when Edmund said that. "I'm making that promise because I will keep it." He said. "I promise I will try my very hardest to ignore it all."

Edmund swallowed hard, nodding a little. "But - But if you can't you'll just think we're - we're all dead, and you won't bother coming - coming back, and I would've lost you again." His voice was choked and he was barely able to get the words past his lips, but he forced them out, tears filling his eyes.

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