22: The creator of the magic

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"Come on." Peter murmered, standing shakily to his feet and pulling Edmund up beside him.

Edmund swayed dangerously, gripping Peter's hand and his elbow to stay standing as he took a deep breath.

Peter frowned as he steadied him, looking rather quite concerned. "Ed?" He mumbled slowly.

"I'm alright." Edmund whispered, shaking his head and slowing letting go of Peter's arm.

Peter didn't look at all convinced by this. "What's wrong?" He asked, voice firm.

"I said I'm alright." Edmund repeated, but his voice was even quieter this time.

Peter almost glared at him before looking up at Susan, a questioning look on his face.

"Well..." Susan said slowly. "Let's just say he had no time to properly recover before he came after you."

Peter's face fell. "Ed?" He whispered.

Edmund sighed. "I'm sorry." He choked. "But I had to find you!"

Peter stared at him for a long while. "What's wrong?" He asked eventually.

Edmund swallowed hard. "Just dizzy and tired." He mumbled.

"You brought horses I'm assuming?" Peter asked Susan, who nodded. "Well you can sleep on the way home then, you'll ride with me."

Edmund nodded in agreement to this as he rested his head against Peter's shoulder. "I'm so glad I found you." He whispered.

Peter's heart broke. "So am I." He murmered, placing a hand on the top of Edmund's head and playing with the dark strands. "But come on, you really need to rest."

"Sounds like a good idea." Edmund mumbled, sounding extremely exhausted all of a sudden.

"Oh Ed." Peter sighed. "You've pushed yourself too much haven't you?"

Edmund knew there was no point I'm arguing, so he just nodded his head, taking a deep breath and allowing his eyes to slip shut, but he stayed awake and standing.

"You idiot." Peter murmered kindly, getting a small smile from Edmund before he went to pick him up.

But they all stopped dead when a loud crack echoed behind them, followed by dead silence.

"What was that?" Lucy asked, hardly daring to turn around.

Peter took a deep breath, finally turning and frowning when he spotted a hag stood a short way away from them.

Orious drew his sword, ready to protect the Kings and Queens at any cost, and Peter pushed Edmund behind him, whispering at Susan and Lucy to stand back.

"Oh you can put the sword away." The hag muttered, rolling her eyes.

"Who are you?" Peter spat, noticing Edmund leaning heavily against him.

"The creator of the magic you just destroyed." The hag said, a small smirk on her face.

Peter frowned. How was that anything to smirk about?

"You cause so many people so much pain and all you can do is smirk?" Orious snapped, sounding angry.

"Well it would seem both kings here have bested my magic." The hag said, nodding at Peter and Edmund. "And no one has ever done that before."

"What, so you've come to reward us?" Edmund grumbled. "How very kind of you."

Peter rolled his eyes at the typical Edmund reply, but after a moment he lowered Edmund to the floor against a tree. "Mind if I borrow this?" He asked, reaching for Edmund's sword.

"Go ahead." Edmund mumbled, sounding utterly drained. "although we should probably go back and find yours at some point."

Peter frowned a little but nodded his head. "Probably." He murmered, before standing and walking over beside Orious, holding Edmund's sword out in front of him. "What do you want?" He asked.

"As I said, no one has ever defeated my magic before, let alone destroyed it." The hag explained. "So you can understand my anger, and my thirst for revenge."

"You will not touch the High King." Orious said firmly.

"Who said anything about the High King?" The hag laughed.

Peter's heart skipped a beat. "What do you mean?" He asked, voice shaking just slightly.

"Well if you think about it, it was your brothers fault you got your memories back in the first place." The hag said slowly.

"No." Peter snapped quickly. "It was the witches followers fault, they're the ones that hurt him."

"Perhaps he shouldn't of taken you out for a ride then." The hag said, and Peter couldn't help but frown... how did she know that?

"Look." He said quickly. "If you want revenge take it out on me, leave my brother alone and do not hurt him."

The hag smirked. "Too late." She whispered.

Peter swung around, eyes going wide when he didn't see Edmund where he had been. He turned back to the hag, only to stop dead when he finally saw his brother, knelt in front of the hag with a knife to the side of his neck.

"Take when step closer and he dies." The hag said quickly, before chuckling. "Are you forgetting hags have magic?"

Peter was half scared and half angry as he stared at his brother. "What do you want with him?" He asked, moving his stare across the the hag.

"I want him to pay." The hag replied simply.

"I was the one who destroyed the magic." Peter snapped. "Make me pay and leave my brother out of this."

The hag laughed. "You see, this is where it gets funny." She said. "You love your brother so much that if I hurt him, it will destroy you just as much as it will him. You loving your brother puts him in more danger than anything ever will."

Peter's heart shattered. "Please." He whispered.

"Oh don't worry, I'm not going to kill him." The hag said. "I have no interest in that, I just intend to make him suffer, therefore making you suffer as well."

"Let. Him. Go." Peter all but growled.

"Meet us at the stone table in one week." The hag replied simply. "Then he's all yours."

And with that, the hag and Edmund disappeared, leaving Peter standing there, eyes wide with shock and worry, his heart breaking.

You all really thought it was over?😏😂

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