7: I'm worried about you

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Peter sighed a little as he wandered through the woods.

He'd been walking all day, with only a few short breaks, and he knew he should keep going, but he also really wanted to speak to his brother... if only through magic.

Sighing a little he glanced up at through the leaves of the tree, seeing that the sun had set and it was now beginning to get dark.

With a little hesitation, he decided to carry on for another hour or so before stopping for the night, which seemed reasonable enough.

Sighing again he grabbed the map he had from his bag. Orious has given it to him after they'd figured out roughly where the source of the magic should be, but as the Centaur had said, it was only a rough guess and could be anywhere within a few miles of the "x" marked on the map.

Staring at the map as he walked, Peter's mind wandered back to his brother, wondering how he was, if he was alright, but more importantly it kept going over the fact that absolutely no one knew how long it would be until he died.

No one had ever beaten the magic and gotten their memories back, no one had ever fallen ill because of that, so no one knew, because it had never happened before, and this scared Peter.

Edmund could die tomorrow for all he knew... he could already be dead-

"Stop." Peter muttered to himself, voice firm and he squeezed his eyes shut and stopped walking, shaking his head a little to get rid of the thought. "He's not dead. He's not dead."

He continued chanting this quietly to himself for ages until he realised that it was almost too dark to see, and swore under his breath when he realised he'd been walking for much more than an hour.

Returning the map to his bag, he set about trying to collect firewood and build a fire, which was easier said than done in the dark.

He eventually got the fire lit though, but it took him a good half an hour, and lucky for him it was quite a warm night anyway.

Taking a deep breath he settled against a nearby tree, allowing his eyes to slip shut as he did.

It took him a lot longer than he would've liked, but he eventually fell into a deep sleep, and he was glad.

"I'm here Peter."

Peter looked around to where the voice had come from, and smiled a little when he spotted Edmund, sat crossed legged a little way from him.

He hurried over and sat beside him, unsure of what to say for a little while, but he eventually took a deep breath. "How you feeling?" He asked hesitantly. "And - and be honest."

Edmund glanced up at him, not saying anything for a while before sighing. "Not good." He whispered.

Peter's face fell. Was he really feeling this bad this soon? "Ed?" He murmered.

Edmund swallowed hard. "It's killing me quicker than I thought it was going to." He sighed. "And it hurts too, really hurts."

Peter felt his heart breaking, and he immediately pulled Edmund into a tight hug. "I promise you everything's gonna be fine." He choked, burying his face against his brother's hair.

"You're still two days away from the source of the magic Peter." Edmund choked, wrapping his arms around Peter's neck with a shaky sigh.

"I - I know Ed." Peter replied slowly. "But I will get there in time, mark my words."

"It may seem like that now." Edmund said, shaking his head slightly as he buried his face against Peter's shoulder. "But once you're close enough for the magic to reach you, it won't be so easy."

"Hey, I defeated the magic before didn't I?" Peter tried to sound reassuring, but he didn't know if he was doing a very good job, so instead he just tightened his grip around his brother and placed a comforting kiss to the top of his head.

"This magic is different." Edmund whispered. "It knows you defeated it last time, that's why it's killing me Peter."

Peter swallowed hard. "I'll do this Ed." He said firmly. "I promise."

Edmund sighed. "You're gonna see a dead me at one point Pete." He murmered. "Susan was talking to me earlier about what happened to you the last time you believed I was dead."

Peter took a deep breath, swallowing hard and forcing back his tears.

"It destroyed you apparently-"

"There's no "apparently" about it." Peter cut in, voice choked with emotion.

Edmund sighed. "Exactly!" He said. "I dont know if you'll be able to cope seeing me dead again. And it won't just be in a dream Peter, these things will appear to you in real life, they'll be there, right in front of you..."

"You know that?" Peter murmered, sounding curious.

"I do." Edmund said with a nod, before his sighed again. "I'm just worried about you is all."

Peter couldn't help but smile gently, but it was only a little. "I will do my very best to persuade myself that it isn't real okay?" He said firmly. "Just like you promised you'll hold on for as long as you can."

Edmund took a deep breath and nodded his head slightly. "Yeah, I did promise." He murmered. "And I will try and hold on... but I dont know if I'll be able to, it hurts Peter, its painful, and what makes it worse is that I can't move, I'm basically asleep. I can't do anything, tell anyone, no one knows I'm in pain, no one can help... and on top of that there's still the pain from the wolves scratches, and it's just too much..." he broke down into sobs, burying his face further against Peter's shoulder.

Peter's heart shattered then and there and he pulled Edmund closer. "I'll try and send a note back to Cair okay?" He murmered. "I'm sure there's a bird that'll fly back for me okay?"

Edmund let out another sob but nodded anyway. "Okay." He choked out.

Peter sighed. "I promise Ed." He whispered. "This won't last for much longer."


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