9: You're stronger than you think you are

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"Peter please."

Peter squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head. "You're not real." He choked.

Edmund let out another sob. "Please, it hurts Peter." He sobbed.

Peter's heart pounded in his chest as he told himself over and over again to just keep walking, but when he opened his eyes and looked back at "his brothers" face, he froze.

The pain in his eyes was unbearable.

"Peter help me." Edmund choked out, his eyes flickering as if he was trying his hardest to keep them open.

"Y - you're not real." Peter murmered, although even he didn't sound too sure at this point.

"Peter it hurts, please!" Edmund choked out, tears still rolling quickly down his cheeks. "You're my brother, you're supposed to help me, please, don't just stand there."

Peter took a deep breath. "No." He whispered suddenly, shaking his head and forcing himself to take a step forward, followed by another until he was running.


Peter's heart shattered at the heartbreaking scream that reached his ears, and it took everything he had not to turn back around.

It's not Edmund!

He repeated this over and over again in his head as he ran, before he simply had to stop.

He collapsed against a tree, gasping for air and extremely out of breath.

He let the tears fall as he sat there, not really caring.

If that was the magic at its weakest, he'd hate to see what it was like closer to the source.

He let out a quiet sob as he realised there was no way he'd be able to fight the magic, he'd believe it sooner or later, which was what made him worry.

He would never get back to Edmund in time.

But that didn't mean he wasn't going to at least try.

So once he'd got his breath back, he slowly stood from the ground.

He'd stop for lunch a little later than he had originally planned, but he didn't care.

He just wanted to try and destroy the magic... and save his brothers life.


"You saw one of your worst fears."

Peter swallowed hard and slowly turned around, hesitantly joining Edmund sat on the floor. "Yeah." He whispered.

"I take it you fought against the magic." Edmund said, sounding almost proud.

"Just." Peter choked, squeezing his eyes shut and shaking his head. "It looked so real, the pain on your face was heartbreaking."

"What was it?" Edmund whispered.

"You were hurt." Peter answered quietly. "Bleeding, in pain. Your shoulder. You begged me to help you, said that was what I was supposed to do, I - I almost did Ed, I almost helped it."

Edmund sighed. "But the most important thing is you didn't." He said gently.

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