14: Do it for Peter

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Susan swallowed hard as she placed her fingers to Edmund's neck, holding her breath as she waited for his pulse. 

"So?" Lucy choked out from where she was sitting at the end of the bed.

"He's still alive." She murmered after a short while. "But his pulse is slow."

Lucy took a deep breath. "You - You'll keep fighting won't you Ed?" She whispered as she shuffled across the bed and curled against her brother, staring up at his too pale face. "You have to, we're right here, we'll wait for you when you wake up."

Susan sighed sadly as she watched her younger sister, tears filling her eyes as she sat there, her fingers still placed to Edmund's neck, the slow pulse somewhat calming her.

"We love you Ed and we need you to hold on." Lucy whispered. "Peter needs you to hold on, do it for Peter Ed, he wants to come home and find you alive, and he will come home, I promise."

Edmund of course said or did nothing in reply to his little sister, which caused Lucy to bury her face against his shoulder, taking a deep breath as she did.

"He'll be alright Lu." Susan reassured her after a little while of silence. "He's Edmund, of course he'll be alright."

Lucy glanced slowly up at her and hesitantly nodded at her. "I know he will be." She whispered. "I just can't help but worry, about him and Peter."

"It's okay for you to be worried Lu." Susan said gently. "I'm worried too, but we just have to be strong, you reckon you can do that?"

Lucy took a deep breath before nodding slowly. "I'll try." She whispered.

Susan gave her a sad smile, she really did feel sorry for her, Lucy was only 9 years old and was having to deal with all of this, it really wasn't fair.

But then again, Edmund was only 12 and he'd been to hell and back since first stepping into Narnia, and Susan could never forget that, never forget how much he suffered, and she doubted anyone else could forget either, especially Edmund himself.

Susan patted Lucy's shoulder as Lucy lay with her head rested against Edmund's chest, smiling gently down at her. "Peter should reach the source of the magic today okay?" She murmered. "Everything's gonna be fine... hear that Ed? I promise. You're gonna be absolutely fine."

She didn't know if she even believed herself though. Edmund was extremely pale at this point, and his pulse was way too slow for her liking, but as long as his heart beat, he was safe.

The only question was, how long would it continue to beat? And would Peter manage to destroy the magic before it stopped beating forever?


Peter couldn't help but glance warily around every so often as he walked, unsure of when his next fear was going to show up.

He didn't want it to show up at all, but he knew that wasn't a decision he could make, he'd see something soon, very soon he reckoned, especially since he was only about an hour away from where the source of the magic should be.

He walked on in silence for probably around ten minutes, before a heartbreaking scream reached his ears.

Peter tried his hardest not to react, tried his hardest to fight against it, but he couldn't help himself as he swung around, because he knew that scream, and that was the one scream that could bring him to tears, that could cause him more pain than he could cope with, that could shatter his heart and leave him a complete mess.

The scream belonged to Edmund.

Peter spotted his brother a second or two later, laying on the ground a short distance away. He was on his back, tears streaming down his cheeks as he cried... as he cried for Peter.

Peter hesitantly walked a little closer, but only until he could see that his brothers injuries. His chest, stomach and probably his back were covered in whip lashes, deep and bleeding... bleeding a lot.

But, to Peter's worry, they weren't bleeding nearly as much as the stab wound in his lower stomach, which was pouring blood and soaking the ground and Edmund's shirt at an alarming speed.

Peter felt sick as he stood there, shaking from trying to fight the magic, tears stinging his eyes, which were wide open, shock filling them.

"Peter!" Edmund choked out suddenly having spotted his brother and coughing harshly, staining his lips red with blood. "Please!"

Peter's eyes went wide and his heart pounded in his chest as he stood there, shaking his head slowly back and forth, but he wasn't too sure why.

That was his brother! His little brother, his baby brother! His everything, his world! So why an earth wasn't he helping him?

Because it's not your brother, and deep down you know that.

Edmund let out another heartbreaking sob. "I - I can't breathe!" He choked out, shaking hard from the amount of pain he was in "Please Peter, please help me."

Peter nearly started sobbing where he stood, but he instead slowly shook his head back and forth. "I can't." He practically whispered, although the words caused him physical pain to say.

"Peter!" Edmund cried, clearly having trouble breathing, and Peter wasn't surprised. "Please, I - I can't breathe! Peter please, please don't just stand there, do something, anything!"

Peter took a deep breath, what in the world was he supposed to do?!

Part of him knew this wasn't real, but the other part, the part he was slowly listening to, was telling him to help his brother.

He stood there for the next ten seconds, before his heart shattered and he broke.

Without another second of hesitation, he let out a sob, and ran over, falling to his knees beside his brother.


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