32: I don't think I'd change this for the world

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Peter glanced over at Susan, frowning a little, but when she nodded at Edmund, he turned straight to his brother, only to find him fast asleep in his arms, mouth slightly open and a peaceful look on his face.

Despite everything Peter couldn't help but smile gently. "He's so tired." He murmered. 

"He'll be alright soon." Susan said gently. "Just let him sleep for as long as he needs."

Peter nodded in agreement. "Don't worry I will." He said.

"Why - why do you reckon the hag wanted your blood?" Susan mumbled after a while.

Peter slowly shook his head. "I don't know." He breathed. "But I hope she is just using it to experiment, as she put it."

"Well I mean, what else could she do with a few drops of blood." Susan said slowly.

Peter thought for a moment before sighing. "She can't bring the witch back." He almost whispered. "We sent someone to retrieve the wand from her castle after the - the spell? she cast on Edmund."

Susan nodded. "Yeah," She mumbled. "At least we have no fear of that."

"Should - should we fear something else though?" Peter choked. "I mean - I'd never forgive myself if anything else happened to him because I willingly gave a hag my blood."

"You gave her it to save his life Peter." Susan told him gently, gripping the reins of her horse as tight as she could.

"Yeah I know." Peter breathed, before shaking his head. "I'm sure its nothing, hags are always after something to make their magic work better or something."

"Exactly." Susan said with a hesitant smile. "Besides, you heard her yourself, shes not one to kill for revenge. She got her revenge by hurting Edmund so she'll leave it at that."

Peter sighed and nodded, smiling weakly back at Susan before reaching a hand up to brush the hair from Edmund's eyes.

"We should be home soon." Susan told him, smiling a little more now. "And then he can get some proper rest."


Peter sighed sadly when Edmund groaned after being layed in his bed. He was hoping he wouldn't wake up, but when his eyes flickered open he knew that wouldn't happen.

"Pete?" Edmund whispered, looking confused.

"We're home." Peter told him. "You slept pretty much the whole way."

Edmund stared at him. "What time is it?" He choked.

"It's late." Peter answered. "Probably nearly midnight."

"We did the while journey?" Edmund asked.

"I needed to get you home as soon as possible." Peter explained. "You weren't looking very well."

Edmund frowned. "I feel better than I did this morning." He told his brother.

Peter smiled and nodded, sitting down on the edge of the bed. "That's good." He breathed. "But you still have to take it easy for a while, and no walking with that leg."

Edmund sighed but nodded his head, knowing there was no point in arguing. "Okay." He whispered, giving Peter a weak smile.

"You'll feel better in no time Ed." Peter mumbled, placing a kiss to the top of Edmund's head. "I promise."


And sure enough, within two weeks he was back on his feet. His arm was still in a sling, but his leg had all but healed and so had his chest, only leaving behind a faint scar. Luckily his cheek didnt scar, and Peter could tell Edmund was grateful for that.

He found his brother one afternoon sat out in the gardens, enjoying the sunshine as he sat against one of the trees.

He slowly wandered over to join him, sitting to his left and taking a deep breath. "You have really got to stop wandering off Ed." He breathed, closing his eyes and resting his head back to lean against the trunk of the tree.

Edmund turned his head, and smirked. "Sorry." He said after a while. "I just had a bit of a headache, thought I'd come out here and relax for a while."

"Sounds like a good idea." Peter breathed, having been stuck in a meeting for most of the morning.

"Get far with your meeting?" Edmund asked.

"It went alright." Peter said with a nod as he opened his eyes again.

"I would've helped you know." Edmund said slowly. "If only you'd woken me up this morning."

But Peter shook his head. "You've been suffering from nightmares Ed." He said gently. "I'm gonna let you sleep for as long as you can in the mornings."

Despite everything Edmund couldn't help the small smile that he gave Peter, before shuffling over and resting his head against his older brothers shoulder.

Peter rested his head against Edmund's, sighing warmly. "Despite everything that's happened, I don't think I'd change this for the world." He murmured, glancing around the gardens.

Edmund smiled. "I agree." He said quietly. "Narnia really is the best thing that's ever happened to us, no matter how much pain we've been through."

"Because we've been through it together and get through it together." Peter said firmly. "And that's the only reason we ever get through it."

Edmund chuckled and nodded in agreement. "It really is." He breathed. "You've helped me through so much this last two or so months."

"And I could say the same about you Ed." Peter said with a smile, placing a kiss to the top of Edmund's head. "And I promise I will always be here when you need help."

"I'll always be here when you need help too Peter." Edmund replied. "I promise."

Peter smiled before carefully wrapping his arms around his little brother. "You mean the world to me Ed, never forget that." He whispered. "Ever."

Edmund smiled and buried his face against Peter's neck. "I know" He mumbled. "And don't worry, I could never forget... ever, because you mean the world to me too, and I'm pretty sure I'd be dead if it wasn't for you."

Peter chuckled. "Well it's a good thing I've stuck around then isn't it." He laughed.

Edmund laughed too, hugging Peter as tightly as he could, never wanting to let go. "It certainly is." He whispered with a smile, before settling against his brother and eventually falling asleep... Peter not far behind.

- The End -

And that's the end!! 😭 Thank you so much to everyone who read and voted and commented, it means a lot to me!

I'm sad this book is over cause I had such fun writing it, but at least now I can concentrate more on some of my other books :)

Thanks for reading, love you all!

Nina xx

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