17: He did it

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Edmund's eyes all of a sudden shot open as he gasped, his heart pounding in his chest as he fought to breathe properly.

He lay there, panting before a cry of his name reached his ears, causing him to glance beside him, where Susan was now sitting on the edge of the bed, eyes wide and filled with so much love and joy Edmund would've smiled if he wasn't so concentrated on breathing.

"That's it." Susan murmered, running her hand gently through his hair. "Breathe, calm down, breathe. In and out Ed, that's it."

It took a moment or two but Edmund eventually calmed down, his breathing evening out as he relaxed into the pillows.

"You're awake." Susan choked, tears filling her eyes.

Edmund gave her a weak smile. "Yeah." He whispered, voice hoarse and choked. "Yeah I'm awake."

Susan laughed through her tears. "How you feeling?" She murmered, still running her hand continuously through Edmund's hair.

"I feel weak and tired." Edmund sighed, before smirking. "Which is odd seeming as I've done both but sleep for half a week."

Susan chuckled slightly before shaking her head slowly. "You're already making jokes." She teased.

"That's me." Edmund whispered, swallowing hard before sighing.

Susan took a deep breath. "You know what this means don't you?" She murmered.

Edmund nodded slowly. "He did it." He said. "Peter defeated the magic... again."

"He sure did." Susan said gently.

"Do you reckon he's alright though?" Edmund asked hesitantly. "He's seen his worst fears Su, I know some of what he's seen, it's awful, he's been terrified."

"I - I'm sure he'll be okay." Susa reassured him. "He'll be home before you know it."

Edmund stared at her for a while before slowly nodding and taking a deep breath. "Su?" He asked after a moment of silence.

"Hmm?" Susan answered, never once taking her eyes off her brother.

"You - you knew how close it was, didn't you?" Edmund sighed.

Susan took a deep, shaky breath. "Yeah." She whispered. "I knew it was close. You - you were cold to the touch, your heartbeat was so slow, your breathing was slow too, and it scared me because I knew."

"I tried my best." Edmund said softly. "And I guess it paid off."

Susan managed a small laugh. "I guess it did." She said quietly, before wrapping an arm around his shoulders and pulling him close. "And I'm glad."

Edmund smiled and took a deep breath, hugging her back with as much strength as she could manage. "So am I." He whispered.

The two were silent for a very long time before Edmund spoke again. "I feel really sick." He whispered against his older sisters shoulder, shaking a little.

Susan frowned for a moment or two before sighing. "We need to get some food into you." She whispered with a small nod. "You haven't eaten in way too long."

Edmund nodded. "I agree." He whispered. "I am feeling extremely hungry."

"You okay by yourself for a while?" Susan asked hesitantly.

Edmund froze, fear all of a sudden consuming him, and before he knew it, his grip around Susan had tightened.

Susan swallowed hard. "Oh Ed." She murmered, resting her chin on the top of his head. "Alright, I won't leave you. Lucy will be up here any minute anyway, I'll go then and she can stay okay?"

It took a moment or two for Edmund to calm down, but he eventually nodded his head, relaxing against his sister. "Thanks." He whispered. "And sorry."

"Theres no need to apologise Ed." Susan said gently. "I understand completely."

Edmund gave her a weak smile and a grateful nod before sighing. "I hope Peter hurries home." He murmered. "I miss him."

"We all hope he'll be home soon." Susan agreed. "But don't worry, he's probably on his way as we speak, you'll see him in a few days."

"Do you ever wonder what the source of the magic was?" Edmund asked slowly, a small frown on his face. "Like, what did he have to destroy?"

"I've thought about it yeah." Susan breathed, staring at the wall beside the bed with a distant look on her face. "No one knew, not even Peter."

"You reckon it was obvious once he found it?"

Susan nodded. "I reckon it was." She said quietly. "But hey, the most important thing is that he destroyed it, and you're alive."

Edmund swallowed hard. "I didn't think I was gonna be able to hold on for much longer." He whispered.

"Neither did I to be honest." Susan murmered, before a thought struck her. "Are you still in any pain?" She asked quickly, sounding worried.

Edmund sighed. "My whole body aches." He admitted. "But its definitely not as bad as it was."

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that Ed." Susan choked.

Edmund only shook his head. "You don't need to apologise Susan." He sighed. "It wasn't your fault."

Susan placed a gentle kiss to the top of his head before looking up when the door opened.

"Susan, you should really go and have some tea, its getting cold and you're probably-" Lucy stopped dead, the door closing with a bang behind her.

Edmund gave her a sheepish smile. "Hey Lu." He whispered, pulling away from Susan as much as he could without losing his balance.

Lucy was frozen to the spot, her mouth open and her eyes wide as she stood there, before she finally took a deep breath. "Edmund?" She choked.

Edmund chuckled slightly. "Well who else?" He teased, grinning at her.

It took a moment or two, before a huge grin spread across Lucy's face, and before they knew it, she was across the room and had jumped onto the bed, flinging her arms around her brother and holding onto him as tightly as she could.


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