30: Your love means everything to me

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"It's later now."

Edmund hesitantly turned his head from where he was sat up in Peter's hammock (having woken up around half an hour before), staring at his brother who was sat on the chair beside him. "I-"

"You said we would talk." Peter mumbled. "Please?"

Edmund sighed but eventually nodded. "Alright." He said quietly. "But I don't really think there's much to talk about."

"Ed listen." Peter sighed. "I really am sorry."

Edmund shook his head. "You have absolutely nothing to be sorry for Peter." He breathed. "You haven't done anything wrong."

"She hurt you to get to me!" Peter choked. "Because I love you."

"What, so you'll just stop loving me?" Edmund said, not sounding impressed.

"Well no, you know I'll always love you." Peter practically whispered. "It's just - the fact that people feel the need to hurt you to get to me, why not just hurt me?!"

Edmund sighed and shook his head. "Some people know it's probably not a good idea to hurt the High King." He said with a smirk.

"What and they think it's okay to hurt the Just King!" Peter exclaimed, eyes wide.

Edmund sighed. "Pete don't get yourself worked up." He mumbled.

"I don't care." Peter replied. "What if this happens again Ed! I'll never forgive myself if you get hurt again for something I did."

"When you put it like that it sounds like you did something bad this time." Edmund said, shaking his head a little. "But listen Peter, you saved me, you got your memories back, and destroyed the magic."

Peter snorted. "I wish I'd never gotten my memories back now." He muttered. "You were tortured because of that, and if I could've prevented that, then I would've."

"Don't be stupid Peter." Edmund snapped, wincing suddenly before sighing. "You not getting your memories back would've destroyed me, and what would you rather have? A half mad little brother, who you don't even know is your brother, or a little brother who's just been banged up a little but is perfectly fine and you actually know he's your brother?"

Peter sighed. "The second I suppose." He whispered. "But still... all that just because I love you."

Edmund smiled weakly. "Peter listen to me and listen very closely." He said, taking hold of his brothers hand and squeezing it tightly. "Your love means absolutely everything to me, after everything I've done to you it means more than you'll ever know. I treasure your love, because there were times in my life when I thought you'd never give it to me again. I know I do not deserve it, and don't argue, but you give it to me anyway, and that - that's everything to me. You're my brother Peter, my big brother, and I love you as much as you love me. I do not care if people try and get to you through me, I would quite happily bare a thousand scars if it meant you loved me, and I mean it. Peter please don't blame yourself for this, please don't blame your love for me. You love me, love us all, so much, you'd do anything for us, and I truly believe that. Your love means more than the world to me, so don't ever doubt it again, don't ever think it's what gets me hurt, because I do not think of it like that okay? Never stop loving me, no matter what happens, and if something does happen to me, don't blame it on your love, because I promise... I would not."

Peter had absolutely no idea what to say, his eyes were filled with tears, mouth open slightly and a look of shock on his face.

Edmund chuckled lightly. "Close your mouth Peter." He muttered.

Peter did as he had said without a second thought, and I didn't take long before two tears rolled slowly down his cheeks. "Ed I-"

"Don't say anything Peter." Edmund breathed. "Just give me a hug."

This time Peter laughed too, moving over to sit on the edge of the hammock and pulled Edmund carefully into his arms. "Thank you Ed." He whispered. "You're the best."

"I think that's you." Edmund mumbled, a small smile on his face.

"I doubt that very much." Peter chuckled.

"I don't." Edmund replied, wrapping an arm around Peter's waist.

"Just be quiet." Peter teased, burying his face against Edmund's hair with a sigh.

"Okay." Edmund said with a smirk and did as he was told... for once.

"Doing as you're told I see." Peter whispered.

"Don't get used to it." Edmund laughed, wincing when he smiled too widely and it pulled at his cheek.

"Don't worry." Peter muttered, rolling his eyes playfully. "I won't."

"Good." Edmund breathed, before moving to rest his head against Peter's chest.

"Edmund?" Peter asked after a while of silence.


"What exactly was the spell?" Peter said hesitantly.

"I'd believe I deserved it all and think of myself as a traitor so I'd surrender to her." Edmund breathed.

"So... you surrendered because it was only a spell?" Peter mumbled.

"Well..." Edmund choked.

"Ed no." Peter cut him off. "What she said wasn't true, I promise."

"But it is true, I did betray you all and deserved some sort of punishment for what I did." Edmund argued.

"It wasn't your fault. And you were punished, Ed you were stabbed for goodness sake! If that's not punishment enough then I dont know what is." Peter said, before sighing. "Let's just put this behind us okay? At least for the time being."

Edmund hesitated but nodded his head slowly. "Okay." He mumbled, before burying his face against Peter's neck.

"So glad you're home Eddy." Peter whispered after a while.

Edmund smiled gently. "So am I."


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