11: Breakdown

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Peter wanted to carry on walking, but the shock that voice brought him was enough to bring him to a dead halt.

He knew he shouldn't be shocked, after all it was only the magic, but he couldn't help it, the magic was strong, and deep down be knew he was starting to believe what he saw.

Taking a deep breath he hesitantly turned around, his eyes widening as he saw what was behind him.

The stone table had appeared, fully restored, no crack down the middle, perfectly intact.

Stood on the table was the white witch, a cold, cruel smirk on her face and the stone knife gripped tightly in her hands.

But this only caught Peter's attention for a second before he spotted someone else.

Edmund was laying on the table, hands and feet bound together, ropes securing him to the stone, a gag preventing him from speaking or even probably breathing.

Peter's heart skipped a beat, and he went to run forward... but stopped himself just in time.

It wasn't real.

So that means he could just walk away.

But that was easier said than done.

Just the look on Edmund's face caused Peter's heart to shatter and tears to fill his eyes. "What - What's going on?" He murmered eventually, looking up at the witch.

Jadis smirked. "I'm killing your brother on the stone table." She replied. "I thought that much was obvious."

Peter took a deep breath. No she's not, no she's not. Edmund's at Cair and if you don't get a move on he really will die.

"You see, Aslan never offered to take his place." Jadis continued, smirking hard. "And since he's a traitor, the deep magic says all traitors must die."

Peter swallowed hard, his heart pounding.

It's not real

It's not real

It's real.

What?! No!

Peter shook his head. "Edmund's at Cair." He said quickly, but he sounded much too unsure for his liking.

The witch only laughed. "If you say so." She said. "Anything you'd like to say?"

Peter swallowed hard, his heart pounding.

It's not real!

He wanted to say something, well, the side of him that believed it wanted to say something, the other side of him was screaming at him to just leave, to just turn his back and run.

Jadis smirked. "This is as real as can be Peter." She laughed. "See."

Peter winced when the witch kicked Edmund harshly in the side, earning a choked gasp from him followed by a quiet groan, his eyes squeezing shut from the pain.

"No..." Peter whispered, even though his brain was screaming at him to help.

Help his brother.

But it's not my brother!

"But I guess if you really don't believe." Jadis said, the smirk still spread across her face. "Then..." She trailed off and glanced down at Edmund, before raising her dagger and bringing it down, straight into his chest.

Real or not, Peter couldn't contain the scream that ripped from his throat when his little brothers eyes went wide.

He watched in horror as all the life drained from the chocolate brown eyes, before they slowly closed, one tear falling down his cheek as they did.

Peter stood there, having a battle with his own mind.

He's dead.

It's not real.

He's gone.

Edmund's back home.

She killed him.

He's at Cair.

Peter squeezed his eyes shut. His head was spinning, he felt sick, he felt dizzy, he was crying, crying so hard that he couldn't stop.

He couldn't do this anymore.

"HE'S NOT DEAD!" He screamed suddenly, almost without realising he'd done so.

Seconds later he collapsed to the floor, tears streaming down his cheeks as he silently cried.

He waited at least a minute before he opened his eyes, finding himself alone in the woods, no stone table, no jadis, no Edmund.

No Edmund! He panicked.

That's because he's back at Cair! That didn't sound right...


"Shut up-" Peter practically growled out loud, sitting up on his knees and taking a deep breath. He ran a hand through his hair slowly, glancing around to make sure he truly was alone and that no other vision was going to appear to him.

Once he allowed himself to relax, he wiped the tears away quickly and stood, trembling from fear and from the exhaustion of fighting the magic.

He had no idea that trying to fight the magic would make him this tired, but he wasn't liking it one bit.

His vision was slightly blurry, and he had to blink a few times before the world came back into focus again... much to his relief.

Without so much as a second thought, he began walking through the woods again, fighting back the exhaustion and the slightly nauseous feeling he had.

Seeing his brother on the stone table made him feel like he wanted to throw up, seeing him tied that tightly to it made him want to start crying.

But somewhere deep down he knew it wasn't real, even if his brain was telling him it was.

Peter knew to trust his heart over his head, especially in a situation like this.

"Edmund's alive, he's not dead, Jadis did not kill him on the stone table." Peter kept repeating this under his breath as he walked, keeping his eyes on the ground and hardly daring to look up.

That vision had been cruel... so, so cruel.

Out of literally anything, his brother (or any of his siblings) dying was the worst thing that could ever happen. Them losing their lives, scared him so much, and seeing that made him want to run all the way back to Cair just to make sure his brother was actually alive.

But he knew he couldn't do that, not when his heart was telling him the truth.

So he continued walking, not slowing in his pace.

The magic was strong, but at the moment it seemed... Peter was stronger.


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