20: He'll be fine when he sees you

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"He could be literally anywhere." Edmund muttered as he sat atop Philip, wrapped in a thick cloak by order of Susan, who was on her horse beside him, Lucy the other side and Orious and five soldiers behind.

"We'll follow the map to where the source of the magic was." Susan told him. "Then we'll start from there."

"It's gonna take us atleast two or three days." Edmund choked.

But Susan shook her head. "Not if we gallop." She said. "Peter went on foot, we have horses."

Edmund's eyes lit up and he quickly nodded his head.

"Although I don't know if you can cope with galloping." Susan added after a moment silence.

Edmund had to stop himself from rolling his eyes and instead just sighed. "I'm fine Susan." He muttered.

"Don't try denying it Ed." Susan said to him, a firm frown on her face. "You still haven't recovered properly."

Edmund swallowed hard. "Maybe I have, maybe I haven't." He said. "But all that matters right now is finding Peter. Susan, he believes he's killed me, can you imagine how that is making him feel?"

Susan sighed. "I know Ed." She almost whispered, before nodding her head. "Alright."

Edmund gave her a grateful nod before kicking his horse into a gallop, Susan and Lucy following behind and the soldiers behind them.

They galloped all day, of course with plenty of breaks for the horses, before Orious announced they were near where the source of the magic had been.

It was almost dark by this point, and two of the soldiers lit torches so they could see, staying with the King and Queens at all times.

"Shall we search on foot?" Lucy suggested, glancing around the dark wood.

Edmund nodded. "That's a good idea." He muttered, slipping down from Philip and giving the horse a pat on his neck.

"Ed are you sure?" Susan questioned, even as she slipped down from her own horse.

Edmund nodded and hesitantly let go of Philip, swaying a little before standing up straight. "Yeah." He said as firmly as he could. "I'm sure."


"No Susan." Edmund snapped, but still sounded rather calm. "I need to find my brother, he's sacrificed everything for me, the least I can do is find him and remind him that I definitely am not dead."

Susan stared at him for a long while before sighing and nodding her head. "Alright." She muttered, helping Lucy down from her horse.

"Split up." Edmund said suddenly. "Susan, Lucy, Orious with me, everyone else go a different direction. If you haven't found him before midnight, report back here."

Everyone nodded their agreement before the group of soldiers headed off to the left, one of them handing their torch to Orious before hurrying off after the others.

"Let's find him then shall we?" Lucy said, trying to sound as confident as she could as she grabbed Edmund's hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

Edmund nodded and gave her a soft smile before he began walking. His steps were shaky at first, and he was sure Susan noticed, but he ignored her and carried on walking until he was a bit more steady on his feet, only then allowing himself to relax a little.

But he was far from completely relaxed, and he knew he wouldn't be until Peter was found, so he'd have to hurry.

They searched until it got dark, before Edmund sighed. "Peter!" He cried for the hundredth time, his voice hoarse from screaming and face white from exhaustion.

"Ed here." Susan muttered, handing Edmund a bottle of water and giving him a look that clearly told him to drink it.

Edmund did as he was told, and didn't even fight when Susan sat him against a nearby tree, pressing a hand to his forehead. "You're making yourself ill again Ed." She sighed. "I knew this would happen."

"I'm fine." Edmund mumbled, pushing her hand away and taking another mouthful of water. "Honest."

"It's not honest Ed." Susan said, raising an eyebrow at her younger brother. "Your temperature is a little higher than it should be."

"I don't care." Edmund breathed, resting his head back against the trunk of the tree. "I need to find Peter, he wouldn't give up just because he caught a cold."

"This isn't a cold Ed." Susan told him. "This is you having not fully recovered from the brink of death, and you being out and about really isn't helping."

Edmund blinked at her. "He needs to see me Susan." He whispered. "Even you can't tell me to go home, because you know that to."

Susan stared at him for a short while before swallowing hard and nodding her head. "Yeah I  know." She mumbled. "Why don't you just rest for twenty minutes okay, otherwise I fear you very well might collapse, and then you'll be no use to Peter will you?"

Edmund hated to admit it, but he agreed with Susan, so he slowly nodded his head. "Okay." He whispered. "I'll rest for a while, but then we're straight back to searching right?"

Susan gave him a soft smile. "Right." She agreed, sitting beside Edmund and hugging him tightly, Lucy curling up on his other side and Orious standing guard a little way off.

"He'll be fine when he sees you Ed." Susan reassured him. "And we will find him, he can't of gone far."

Edmund nodded and rested his head against Susan's shoulder. "I know that." He whispered, his throat really beginning to hurt now... perhaps he shouldn't of screamed for Peter that much.

"Theres no need to worry." Susan breathed, once again smiling as she pressed a kiss to Edmund's head. "I promise."


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