3: He's gonna die if I don't

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The healer sighed sadly before explaining. "You got your memories back." He said slowly.

Peter frowned deeply. "I know." He said. "But what's that got to do with it?"

"It's got everything to do with it I'm afraid." The healer told him. "You see, the magic of the flower was supposed to take away your memories in order to heal someone else, so it's like, someone's memories for someones life."

Peter's heart had started pounding somewhere in the middle of that sentence and he had to take a deep breath to try and calm himself down. "So... because I got my memories back..." He paused, swallowing hard. "Edmund's gonna die?"

The healer sighed and nodded. "I'm afraid so." He said. "The magic will put him to sleep for a while whilst slowly killing him."

"But... not eating and drinking will kill him anyway." Susan spoke up, her voice quiet.

The healer shook his head. "He will not need to eat and drink." He explained. "The magic will keep him alive for as long as it wants."

Tears stung Peter's eyes as he slowly sat down on the edge of the bed, letting go of Lucy as he did. "What-" He stopped and took a deep breath. "What if I just went to go and get another flower, and this time just stay away from him? So there's no chance of me getting my memories back."

"The magic has already been used on you Sir." The healer told him. "It won't work again, so therefore the flower won't work on your brother."

Peter felt sick. "He's really going to die." He choked.

Susan looked shocked... Peter was actually giving up?

"Tell him." Lucy choked suddenly, her voice nothing but a whisper.

Susan frowned at her. "Tell him what?" She asked slowly.

The healer sighed. "There's a way to stop this magic." He explained.

Peter's head snapped up. "What?" He whispered, voice choked and full of emotion.

"There's a way to save your brother." The healer said. "But it puts another person in immense danger."

"I don't care." Peter said quickly, voice firm. 

The healer stared at him for a second before nodding. "The way to stop the magic is to find the source of it, the source of the flower's magic, and destroy it." 

Peter frowned. "That doesn't sound too bad." He murmered, a questioning tone to his voice.

The healer sighed. "One thing you should know..." There was a short pause before he continued. "The magic will make you imagine your worst fears, so vividly you'll think they're real. Fears you know you have and even fears you don't know you have, you'll have to be very strong to even get to the source."

"Worst fears?" Peter mumbled. "What worst fears?"

The healer was quiet for a while. "An example would be loosing family and friends." 

Peter sucked in a breath, his heart skipping a beat. "But - But it's not real." He said firmly.

"Your mind won't believe that." The healer said. "It will seem so real you'll want to - well, some people have imagined everyone they know being dead... so they've-"

"Ended their lives." Peter sighed, looking down and nodding his head. "So you will think it's real?"

"I'm afraid so." The healer said quietly.

Peter took a deep breath. "Where is the source of the magic?" He asked, reaching back to place a hand on Edmund's shoulder.

"Around two days ride from here." The healer said. "Three days walk maybe."

Peter swallowed hard before turning to his sisters, Susan's eyes going wide at the look on his face. "You can't actually be thinking of going?" She whispered.

Peter sighed. "He's my brother." He whispered. 

"No Peter." Susan choked. "You've been through enough... I'll go."

"No!" Peter snapped quickly, before taking a deep breath. "No Susan, you aren't going. If anyone is it's going to be me, and you can't change my mind no matter what you do."

"Peter please." Susan swallowed hard. "What would Edmund say?"

"He'd say no to either of us going." Peter said slowly. "But he can't tell me no, he can't stop me. I'm telling you no, I'm going."

Susan stared at him for a while before sighing and nodding, knowing there was no way she was going to be able to get Peter to change his mind.

Peter gave her a small nod before turning back to the healer. "I want Orious informed of what's going on." He said. "Tell him that I am going to destroy the source of the magic, and me alone. I will not let anyone else go through the pain of their worst fears, and tell him not to argue with me on this decision, that's an order. I want to leave by tomorrow morning so please make sure he has everything sorted by then."

The healer nodded at him before silently leaving the room, closing the door quietly behind him.

"Are you sure about this?" Susan murmured.

Peter glanced back at her and sighed. "No." He said. "But I have to do it, he's gonna die if I don't."

Susan scowled. "I am sick and tired of that sentence." She muttered. " "He's gonna die if I don't." The amount of times you've both said it is ridiculous!"

Peter sighed sadly. "I know Su." He murmured. "But hopefully after this it will all be over."

"Or you could both be dead!" Susan cried. "I - I can't do this-"

Lucy sighed a little and wrapped her arms around her older sister, hugging her tightly which managed to calm her down a little.

"Sorry." Susan choked.

Peter shook his head. "You don't need to apologise." He sighed. "We're all dealing with a lot at the moment, you're reaction was natural."

Susan gave him a grateful smile before wrapping her arm around Lucy's shoulders, giving her a firm squeeze as she placed a kiss to the top of her head. "You alright?" She asked, sounding worried.

Lucy hesitated before swallowing hard. "Feeling a bit like you I think." She breathed out after a while, staring across at Edmund.

Susan nodded, before taking a deep breath. "Peter?" She choked.

"Hmm?" Peter replied, a small frown on his face.

"P - Promise me that no matter what you imagine," Susan paused and took a deep breath. "You won't end your life."

Peter swallowed hard before giving her a firm nod. "I promise."


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