24: I deserve it

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Peter swallowed hard as he sat down on the edge of his bed the next day, running a hand through his hair and sighing.

He had absolutely no idea how he was going to make it through the next week, but he also knew that going to find Edmund would be absolutely pointless, Susan was right, the hag wouldn't go anywhere that was easy to find, or hard to find... she'd go somewhere that was impossible to find, and this annoyed Peter to no end.

He lay down slowly, placing his hands behind his head as he did, images flashing in his minds eye, images of what he'd experienced over the last week or so. Of Edmund in pain, of him dead, and whilst he knew none of it had been real, it still got to him and caused his heart to break, because just the thought of his little brother in that much pain was almost too much to cope with.

Which is why it was probably a good thing that he wasn't with his brother right at that moment.

Edmund, where he was, was currently sat against the wall, tears trickling down his cheeks as he held his arm close to his chest, knowing it was broken, and badly too.

He had been left alone for the last two or so hours, although Edmund didn't know how.

The room he was in had no door, no windows, no way of leaving or entering, the hag just used her magic and she could appear or disappear whenever she wanted, causing Edmund to always be on edge.

He was glad though that his hands had been untied, even if it was to just torture him easier.

He shuddered as he recalled the torture he'd experienced that night. It wasn't torture that gave him any injuries, except his broken arm of course.

The hag would use her magic to cause him as much pain as humanly possible, leaving him pretty much unconscious by the time she stopped.

The only good thing was that once she stopped, the pain would stop too, he wasn't in continuous pain, which he was grateful for, although his arm was rather sore, but he tried his hardest to ignore it as best he could.

Edmund was still under the hags spell though, and he still believed that this was all punishment for what he'd done to his siblings, therefore he never fought against the hag and never put up any sort of struggle. He willingly allowed the hag to do what she was doing, just sitting there and waiting for her to use her magic on him.

The torture was almost unbearable, and he had practically lost his voice thanks to all the screaming he'd done, and what with having no water since he'd gotten there the day before, it just made it even worse.

He swallowed hard as he sat there, resting his head back against the stone wall with a sigh. He told himself over and over again that he only had a week of this, and then it would stop, but a week still sounded like far too long.

He wasn't alone for much longer, for the hag suddenly appeared in front of him, a smirk on her ugly face.

"Come back for more?" Edmund spat.

The hag shook her head. "Don't get sassy with me." She said. "You and I both know you deserve this don't you?"

Edmund sighed, nodding his head without even realising he was doing so. "I do." He mumbled, having no control over what he was saying anymore.

"So you're going to take your punishment without complaint." The hag told him. "Do I make myself clear?"

Edmund nodded slowly. "Yes." He choked out, lowering his head.

"Good." The hag said, before clicking her fingers.

Edmund at once double over in pain, his hands going to his stomach and his eyes slamming shut.

Pain shot through his stomach, where his scar was, and Edmund would've believed the witch had just stabbed him again if it were possible.

He tried to scream, make some sort of noise, but he couldn't even gasp.

"You can try and scream all you want but you won't get very far." The hag laughed as she watched. "I have the ability to take your voice for a short amount of time, so you aren't able to scream right now. You have to suffer in silence, but you should be used to that after what happened to you."

Tears rolled fast down Edmund's cheeks as he sat doubled over, his mouth open in a silent scream and his eyes squeezed shut in immense pain. He told himself over and over again that he's dealt with this before, and at least he didn't have to feel the wand inside his body, but unfortunately that didn't make it any less painful.

This continued for a further fifteen minutes, before the hag stopped her spell and Edmund collapsed onto the hard, stone floor, almost unconscious and his face tear stained.

"I also forgot to mention you won't be able to pass out." The hag added quickly.

Edmund sighed, glad that the pain was over even if he was still exhausted. He closed his eyes as he lay there, taking deep breaths to calm his pounding heart.

"Never forget you deserve this." The hag laughed, pushing Edmund's hair away from his eyes, causing them to snap open as he glared up at her. "And wipe that look off your face, you know you deserve it, for the pain you caused your siblings."

Edmund swallowed hard, the hags spell working on him as he slowly nodded his head. "I know I deserve it." He whispered.

"Good." The hag smirked, before she disappeared completely.

Edmund sighed and he pushed himself up to sit against the wall, wincing when his arm twinged and holding it gently against his chest.

With another sigh he let his eyes slip shut, and finally let himself fall asleep for the first time since he was taken from his family.


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