chapter 51: Soo Young having Tae Kwang child?

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Seoul Eun POV

I lost in thought and look down on my hand while using my both thumbs rubbing each other..


"Huh,don't pretend like you're innocent and don't touch me ever again..go touch your little boyfriend. Ohh, how could I forget about this..Joo Seoul Eun you know your boyfriend is playing your heart,he with a girl another night,before you meet him at the park" Yi An yank his hand and start to walk

Seoul Eun blinks her eyes "That night?"

When she puzzle every information that Yi An said just now

She realized, that night that Yi An feel jealous is because of Hae In, and he think that Hae In is her boyfriend ..

Seoul Eun giggle and yelled at Yi An who is two meters away from her "Yah!! Han Yi An you misunderstood it..Hae In is not my boyfriend!!!"

Yi An stop his track and frown as he turn around "what are you talking about? I saw you feed him and sat so close to each other!"

She smile and take the groceries bags and walk toward him "sometimes you're a dork, he is my best friend and his not my boyfriend but if you want to,I can ask hi--"

"Ani!!(No) I don't think so that ...that's nice things to do..but he is a playboy,I saw that she with another girl before" Yi An said

I sigh and looking around at the hospital garden as I leans against the bench

"Seoul Eun-ah~" I look at the way where someone called my name and saw known other than.. Jung hae In

Hae In smile and sit beside me "I called you many times and you didn't answer, are you okay?"

I give him a weak smile as I look up at the sky, "Why the fate didn't fair to me? Why it chose me? It's really hard for me to take this things to be a reality hae In, day by day .. I felt like I had fall more deeper to darkness" I said as my tears slowly fall

"There is a reason, why he chose you.. Joo Seoul Eun, It chose you cause it know, you can went through it, it chose you cause you will know the world more than you think, it chose you cause.. (hae in look at me with tenderness.. his hand slowly come to my face and cares my cheeks) it know someone will be by your side and guide you to where you belong" Hae In said as he kiss my forehead

I close my eyes as I feel his lips on my forehead..

Third POV

Unknown by anyone..

Han Yi An look at the scene from their back with unemotional and sad chuckle "I think I know where her ending belongs to.."

His hand that hold a bouquet of flower turn into a fist while gritted his teeth

"Han Yi An.." he turn around and saw Eun byul called him

"Don't even called my name, You happy what you had done to me? Twice.. TWICE I thought the one that I love is you, you think I'm what! I'm a human who have feeling! (His tears slowly fall down on his cheeks) I thoug--I thought, I fall for two people and it's really hard for me.. and the past keep haunting me, but YOU just thought me as a paper who felt nothing!" He look at Eun byul with his eyes filled with tears

Eun byul shake her head and her eyes slowly filled with tears as well "Yi An-ah I'm sorry, I really sorry, please forgive me.. I know what I did is wrong, I admit it.. Eun bi actually had told me about it (she look down while her tears fall) but I ignore it cause.."

She look at Hae In who kiss Seoul Eun forehead and continue "..I blind by the power of the love, what she said is true, and I didn't thought about it cause it's not me that went through, I'm just a bird that fly and know about the world but a bird that inside the cage who didn't experience anything about the world"

Yi An look at the way where Eun byul stare at and look back at her "if you don't want the same mistake happen, you should prevent it earlier, even.. sacrifice everything just to make the water peaceful, Everything had happened, you can't even turn back.. the only things you can do is, make everything where it belongs like puzzle.."

"Desire for someone till we don't know that we will hurt someone in the future, give you impact much, but the one that get more.. is the one that always be by your side" He look at her in cold eyes one last time and slowly walk away

She close her eyes and sobs while fall on the ground

Eun bi hold tae kwang hand who is laying on the bed, she smile "you are so cute when you close your eyes"

"Your father just faint, so don't worry, he will be a good father" She put her hand on her belly and rub it

Out of the blue, her phone make a notification sound

She take her phone from the desk beside her and look at it

"Hmm? Kang Soo Young?" She ask and she press the message

"What do you want from me" Eun bi look at soo young with stern eyes

She look down and give her an envelope "I just want to give you this.."

Eun bi take it from Soo young hand, she look at soo young and slowly open it "what is this? DNA?"

Her eyes become widen as she look at Soo Young "What is this? Where did you got it? Why have tae Kwang name? Is this ultrasound baby pic?"

Soo Young walk one step in front of Eun bi and put her hand on her belly
" This.. is.. Tae Kwang baby, he didn't tell you that I had be with him night?"

I'm sorryyyyy I didn't publish it long time dy, and make you guys wait for me so long, hope you guys enjoy it🥺👉🏻👈🏻 does any of you still remember my novel? Next episode I will follow all of your requests Please comment so that I know you still alive🥺

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