chapter 19 :Jung Hae In moment

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Eun byul POV

It's love by Jung yup
Best with song

I'm waiting for Jung Hae In ..he said he wants to meet me ..I look around me but I don't saw him anywhere

I sigh until I feel a tug on my wrist..I look down and saw a little girl ..

I smile and bend down "what's your name"

The little girl didn't said anything ,she smile and give me a card

I take the card and stand up , "what's this"

I look at the card and frown


Turn around Joo Seoul Eun

Your beloved friend

I slowly turn around and saw Jung Hae In..

I smile and walk to him "Yah ,do you know you had late for 5 minutes"

Hae In smile "at least ,this five minutes worth ins't it "

I rolled my eyes "five minute standing just for you to let me turn around "

Hae In shake his head and wink at me "no,I have a surprise for you today ,so that you will have a happy start and get the memory back about us"

I raise my eyebrow "us"

Hae In slowly nod "Gaja (let's go) Seoul Eun-ahh"

He take my hand and start to ran while holding hands

I shout at him "Jung Hae In ! "

He laugh "don't be so slow like a snail Seoul Eun-ahh !!!"

We laugh while running ...this is the first time I feel free like this beside Han Yi An ..

We ran inside the bus before he take off...we find seats at the behind and sit beside each other didn't realize we still holding hand

"Where did you want to take me to?"I turn to look at him

He tilt his head "somewhere you had been want to go"

I tilt my head "where?"

He smile and shake his head "I will not tell you ..this is a surprise aren't you know "

I hit his head "you idiot"

He quickly rub his head where I had hit him "yah ,I don't know that you're so strong .."

I hit him again on the chest "why ,just because I'm woman ..I'm not that strong"

He wince again and cover his chest .."you know you're pervert ..hit my chest"

I shake my head "such a kid "

I quickly push the button to stop the bus and walk out ..

school 2015: Who Are You x reader (Another Way) PART 1Where stories live. Discover now