chapter 49 :this is just the beginning

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Third person POV

Eun byul stop in front of Soo Jin as she cross her arms on her chest and glare at her ..

"Han Soo Jin, what are you going to do again this times?"

Soo Jin sigh in disbelief "Ko Eun bi, what are you doing here. This is not our fight, so back off!!!"

Seoul Eun bit her lips and let go of yi An hand as she stood beside Eun byul "Han Soo Jin, do you know how to respect people.."

Soo Jin chuckle and fake smile at Seoul Eun as she clap her hands slowly "Joo Seoul Eun, you know how to entertain me right? The one that always advice me to be a great person but turn out herself is make a hole too"

Hae In frown his eyebrows and clench his jaw "Han Soo Jin, there's no time to play your game..what do you mean by she's make a're the one that make a hole by don't have any clue what Seoul Eun had went through..and now you want to accuse her!"

Soo Jin glare at Hae In and sigh in disbelief "Yah Jung hae In!!! You don't know anything so keep your mouth shut!!"

"I'm confused right now, Eun byul how did you know about Seol Eun ..and why Soo Jin said you're Eun bi.." Yi An said as he look back and fourth at the twins and Soo Jin

Seoul Eun take a deep breath and slowly said "actually I am--" but cut off by Soo Jin

"Her twins" Soo Jin smirk

Hae In laugh hardly while the twins hold their hands

"Yah,Han Soo Jin ..of course I know that Seoul Eun and Eun byul twins..hahahahah,that's all?" Hae In said as he start to laugh again

Yi An blink his eyes "wait, twins? What do you mean by twins?"

Seoul Eun look at Yi An with sad eyes "Yi An--ahh, I can explain it.."

"You don't have to explain it, this girl in front of Eun byul and Eun bi twins..that's why she wear a mask cause she didn't want you to know she is their twins and by the way..The mask girl that you always love is Joo Seoul Eun who was pretending as Ko Eun byul" Soo Jin yell at the last part in front of Seoul Eun

Hae In slowly stop laughing and cough "wh--what do you mean"

Soo Jin chuckle "don't you get it, Ko Eun byul and Joo Seoul Eun exchange place.."

Eun byul quickly run to Soo Jin and hold her by her collar shirt "Han Soo Jin!"

Yi An tears fill in his eyes as he slowly turn to look at Seoul Eun and step back "'s not true ..nooooo're lier!!!"

Seoul Eun slowly let her tears fell and use her right hand to open her mask

"No,don't do it..please,no" Yi An beg her as he shake his head

Eun byul look at Seoul Eun "Seoul"

Seoul Eun close her eyes as the mask slowly fell on the ground "I'm sorry"

Yi An sob and fall on his knee "no,it's impossible!!! Yo--you lie to me..why whyyyyyy"

Eun byul look at Yi An and let her tears fell as she slowly loose her grip from Soo Jin collar

Soo Jin laugh evily "Joo Seoul Eun ..I had told you..stay on your way..this is what you get after what you had did to me.."

Seoul Eun sobs and wipe her tears away, as she walk closer to Yi An "Yi An--ahh ..I am reall--"

"Stop..I don't want to hear anything that came out from your mouth" Yi An get up and glare at her "you lied to me, you lied to me from the beginning!! I don't want to hear  anything from you"

Yi An start to walk away but Seoul Eun hold his arm "I can expla--"

"I don't want to hear anything!just go away" Yi An shrug it hardly and make Seoul Eun fell on the ground as she hiss in pain

Hae In quickly crotch down beside Seoul Eun "are you okay?"

Seoul Eun look at Hae In and hug him tightly while cry loudly "Hae In--ahh, I'm hopeless now ..I don't know what to do, there's no light after the dark and There's no star after the rain..I'm sorry, I'm really me"

Eun byul crotch down beside Seoul Eun "Seoul Eun-ahh this is all my fault ..if I--"

Eun byul was cut off by Seoul Eun look everywhere in panick ..

"Seo--seoul Eun ..yah,Joo Seoul Eun!!" Hae In Pat her cheeks as she slowly close her eyes

Hae In quickly get up and carry Seoul Eun in bridal style as he start running to the street and calling for taxi

Eun byul start to following them but stop as Soo Jin called her

"Ko Eun bi, you think this is the end for you? Hope that Gong Tae Kwang still remain in your heart after you know something that you shouldn't know" Soo Jin smirk and raised her eyebrows

Eun byul glare at her as her hands turn into fist "maybe you win this time, but I should be the one that say this is not the end..this is just the think I can't win this game..chh"

Soo Jin sigh in disbelief "do what you want Ko Eun bi, you think you're higher than me? I'm president daughter! Who can be higher than me! Only one call, I can make you life miserable"

"Promise what you had said Han Soo Jin, cause one day you will be the one that beg think I don't know what your father had done just to sit in that're wrong Han Soo Jin..I know more than you know about your father!you can go higher than me, but you will not pass my way" Eun byul smirk evily and turn around as she walk out

Soo Jin clench her jaw as her hands turn to fist "You think I'll trust you! My father will never done anything that illegal, think what you want Ko Eun bi..just you wait, tomorrow will be the day that you will crash into million pieces"

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Girls I'm backkkk lol..

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