chapter 57: Yi An found Miss Poop

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Third Point Of View

"Wha-- what did you ..just said?" Han Yi An looked at Eun Bi with confusion as his eyes start to fill with the tears

Eun Bi bit her lips and took a deep breath "Joo Seoul Eun.. never exist in this world, all of this is just an act to stop you remembering about our past"

Han Yi An shook his head few times and run toward Eun Bi as he grab her shoulder hardly "its impossible, IMPOSSIBLE.. how could she's not exist??? So all this time you just pretend to be? You are liar!!!!!!"

Eun Bi looked at Yi An with sad eyes and wince "I.. I'm just telling you for your own good. Its up to you to trust me or not, I know its impossible but.. I hope you have a good day.. Han Yi An"

Eun Bi used her hands and pulled Yi An hands away from her shoulder as she bow her head and walk away from the scene

"Its.. impossible, I will find her no matter what" Yi An sigh in impossible and slowly leans against the wall while put his palm hands on his face and cried hardly

Unknown by them, a middle age guy had spying them and record the scene

"Did you heard clearly Miss?" The middle age looked at the scene in unbelievable

Out of the blue, the phone end by itself

The middle age shook his head "I hope she change to be a good girl one day.. she just need to less her ego (he said while looked at Yi An who is crying)"

Seoul Eun POV

Its been few months since I got stabbed, now I'm staying in a small apartment with ajussi and the guy who stabbed me called Yeon Jun

"Seoul Eun--ahh it may seems hurt but I think you should watch this before we start our planned" Yeon Jun walked inside my room and handed his phone to me

I looked at him in curious and wiggle my eyebrows "you want me to join you to watch porn?"

"Its not like that Seoul Eun! But I just want you to know that I'm here for you" he sat next to me and gave me a sad smiled

I smiled at him and nudge his arm "why are you being so serious about"

I pressed the screen and the video start to loading, my heart ache and the beating increase slowly once Yi An appeared on the screen

"Eonnie?" I frowned my eyebrows because Eun Bi eonnie at there


Yi An looked at Eun bi who is walking toward him, "Are you.. the one that give ..the bracelet to him?

How can Eun bi eonnie have the bracelet? How did she knew

Eun bi looked up and give him a sad smiled "Yes, we had promised about it remember?"

What promise that she's being talking about?

Yi An looked at her in confused "We?"

"Aren't you forget? We had talked about it that the boy is our fate that bring us met till now" Eun bi gave him a fake smiled sweetly

Its me that tell not her ..

Yi An chuckled and crossed his both arms on his chest "yah lee Eun bi, don't pretend to be your sister"

Eun bi looked down and bit her lips "Yi An--ahh actually.. "

She looked at Yi An with her sad eyes "I am Joo Seoul Eun"

Video end

"Actually.. it's Han Soo Jin send me, I don't understand why your sister did like this and--" Yeon Jun tried to talked but cut off by me

school 2015: Who Are You x reader (Another Way) PART 1Where stories live. Discover now