chapter 44 :the case close and I had learn from Gi Tae

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"Mrs Park, you shouldn't slapped my student. The school is still investigate, and there's no evidence that Eun byul haksaeng is the thief" teacher Kim said

Mrs Park clench her jaw and turn to look at teacher Kim "Mr Kim, all the things that had been stole was in her bag. That's the evidence that she's the thief"

Eun bi stood up from her seat "Mrs Park, you can accuse that Eun byul did this trash thing but you can't use physical on her.. it's out of law"

Everyone in the classroom look at the scene silently.

Yi An unconsciously turn his hands into fist, as he look at Seoul Eun who is looking down at her shoes.

Seoul Eun slowly put her hand down from her cheek and look up at the woman in front of her "Mrs Park, I know you're scared that your son is study with a thief. But I'm sure that, I'm not a thief. I don't had a prove but you know me well, I'm not a girl who did this dirt thing"

"Maybe you are, Miss Ko. I know that since I had met your mom. A chip off the old block, that's what everyone said, right?" Mrs Park said

Seoul Eun bit her lower lips that trembling as her eyes were bloodshot and tears were begining to blur her visions ..

She took a first step close toward Mrs Park and glare at her "Mrs Park, you don't had the right things to said like that to my mother. She's the best mother that I had seen. You may curse or accuse me but you can't said any bad things toward her."

Unbeknownst to them, Ji Na is panting from running and standing in front of the class door. She put her palm over her mouth, as she listen to the speech.

"My mother is the best mother in the world. She's always smile and happy every time when I saw her. But I had learn today that everyone is blind by the cover and that same as me. She always helping others, but she can't help herself. She had solution for the problem, but she never had a solution on herself. She always help others smile, but she can't help herself to smile." Seoul Eun let her tears fell

Gi Tae smile as he point at himself when Seoul Eun said that she learns from him ..

"A mother, is the best word that I learn and said.. I appreciate that I had a mother like her, a strong, kind and generous mother..not like you, a mother that seem to look on the cover before the contents" Seoul Eun said

Mrs Park sigh in disbelief "A thief like you is still can talk sweet things about your mother .. impressive, how dare you talk to me like that, is this what your mother taught you .. I'm older than you !!!"

Ji Na let a tears fell as she inhale..she slowly walk inside before she saw that Mrs Park is about to slap Seoul Eun..

Yi An quickly stood up and went to defend Seoul Eun but Ji Na had quickly went toward the scene and take the slap..

Everyone look in shock at Ji Na who's suddenly out burst..

Mrs Park put her hand over her mouth in shock..and step back

"I'm sorry, you're all misunderstood about her..she's not the one that stole it.. I did it, I stole it .. and put it inside her bag .." Ji Na look up as she sobs

Soo Jin frown as her smirk slowly fade away and thought 'why did she--'

"Thats impossible, why did you did this?" Hae Na frown her eyebrows

Ji Na bit her lips "I envy on her, she had much of attention than me.. I always heard from everyone that 'Eun byul is brilliant', 'Eun byul is the prettiest'.. but I only name as none mouth girl.."

Seoul Eun shook her head "no, this is not your fault .. you're not the one that did th--"

Ji Na look around the class as she wipe the tears that continued to seep down her cheeks "you always put an attention toward someone that popular, pretty, clever but what about me? I did my best thing too, to get the attention from everyone.. but I'm always known as a low case person"

Tae Kwang sigh "the fate rewind back"

Eun bi shook her head "there's must be misunderstood.. it's not Ji Na that did it, she will not did it if---"

Soo Jin stood up and glare at Ji Na "you should have tell us that you're the one that had did it.. and now we had accuse on someone that innocent.."

Tae kwang cringe and muttered to himself with sascarm "I like her, she's so sweet and caring..she turn herself into an innocent's a brilliant idea that I had seen"

Ji Na look at Mrs Park and bow "I'm sorry, I will take the punishment by expelled from this school.."

Mrs Park glare at Seoul Eun and look at teacher Kim "I need to talk to you"

Teacher Kim nod slowly and turn to look at his students "stay here"

Everyone look at him walk out from the class before shouting in unbelievable ..

"Wahhhhh, it's not Eun byul that did it but Kim Ji Na.. yah! Hae Na, I had told you that Miss Ko not a thief and you still accuse her..chh" Gi Tae rolled hi eyes

Hae Na rolled her eyes back "whatever"

Yi An walk toward Seoul Eun "are you okay, your cheek is a bit swollen.."

She smile and slowly nod "yeah, it's fi--"

Yi An poke her cheek where the swollen part are while she hiss in pain .. and smack his hand away

"Yah, it's hurt" Seoul Eun hiss while glaring at him

Yi An smile and hold her hand "let's take you to infirmary"

"Yah, Han Yi An!" She said as he pull her to school infirmary

Ji Na sigh and took out her phone that ringing from her bag "yeah, I had told them..I will be there quick...bye"

Eun bi look at her and smile "thank you.."

Ji Na nod and smile at her "your welcome"

Soo Jin turn her hands into fist and lost in thought 'this is not what I want, how dare that girl ruin this plan!!! It's a good thing that she didn't said my name or else'

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Can someone give me an idea about Yi An and Seoul Eun ?

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