chapter 36 :a mother

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Seoul Eun POV

"I had a fun day today, I think let's do it again after this" I smile

Yi An scoff "yeah , ditched the class..or are you have fun with this handsome guy spend time with you"

I frown and rolled my eyes "alright ,alright.. just go inside before you're late for your training or you will blame me for that"

Yi An smile and ruffle my hair "of course ,I will blame on you wether I'm late or not"

I chuckle and pinch his arm "you're very polite guy ,I ever met .Don't mess my hair again"

"Dangyonhaji (of course) ,I will do it again" Yi An chuckle and turn around to walk inside his training building

I smile "Han Yi An .. Hwaiting"

I turn around and saw none other than Han Soo Jin,my smile drop "what are you doing here"

Soo Jin smirk and walk toward me "I should said it to you ..what are you doing here"

We look at each other intensely until someone broke out eye contacts ..

"Han Soo Jin ,what are you doing here" Eun byul eonnie said from behind Soo jin

She start to walk toward us, my eyes widen "eonnie"

She walk beside me and glare at Soo Jin

Soo Jin smirk " Lee Eun bi I told you don't you get into my way.. don't I"

Eun byul eonnie use her index finger and point harshly at Soo Jin forehead "What are you talking about"

She glare at Soo Jin "your stink and trash mouth doesn't fit with my sister name ..don't talk like you had known me ..Han Soo Jin,this is our first meet and you had went too far"

Soo Jin bit her lips and sigh in disbelief "Lee Eun bi don't you acting like a duck ..I don't know what are you talking about ..but I'm sure I had warn you"

I look at Eun byul eonnie and held her wrist "let's go ..everyone is watching"

I look around and saw a crowd of people look at us and whisper

Eun byul hands turn to fist "we're not done yet .."

Soo Jin smirk "of course .. Lee Eun bi ,you will see what I will did toward you ..if you still behave like this"

Eun byul glare at her and take her hands up to punch her but I held her fist and shook my head "she's not worth it..let's go she a trash..she can't recycling back even we told her everything"

I hold eonnie hand and start to walk..but Soo Jin block us by put her arm in front of me

Soo Jin smirk "you will know ..what will happen next after this Ko Eun byul..your secret will be reveal..and your friends will be slowly and slowly leaving you"

She pat my cheek a few time before Eun byul pull her hand away ..


"Seoul Eun ,I want two packs of jellybeans" Eun bi eonnie glance at me and went back to look at her phone ..

I sigh loudly and went down to kitchen as I mimicking with high pitch "Seoul Eun,I want two packs of jellybeans"

I rolled my eyes and open the pantry ...I take two packets and turn around

Eun bi eonnie told to Eun byul eonnie that I ditched the class this is my punishment to be a slave for 24 hours

school 2015: Who Are You x reader (Another Way) PART 1Where stories live. Discover now