chapter 43 : transgender? child abandonment? a father figure?

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Third person POV

Soo Jin yank her wrist away from Soo Young and glare at her "do you know you had hurt my wrist,*(she pout) why did you pull me away when I'm talked to Yi An oppa"

Soo Young glare at her "why did you do that, do you want to cause the trouble toward me..I know that, the news was from you"

Soo Young had pull Soo Jin to the rooftop, after teacher Kim had left..

"Kang Soo Young,you should appreciate that I beg to my father to clean your name than shouting at me .. you should save your energy to take down that girl not me" Soo Jin glare at her

Soo Young bit her lower lip and close her eyes desperately before open her eyes back "did you know what you had done! My life was miserable after the event and you had made it more worse than that !"

"Kang Soo Young, if this didn't satisfied for you ..then, it's your dad.. you should be appreciated that I'm getting your father a place where he had dream for" she smirk and lean close to her ear "I'll tell you when is the time that you should pay it for me"


Seoul Eun sigh "teacher Kim, shouldn't make a joke.. seriously, aren't he know that we're in serious scene..that time, I think my life is like walking on the plank .."

"That's true, he almost made me had a heart attack.." Eun bi rolled her eyes

They were laying on the bed and facing each other while chatting about the times when teacher Kim scared them to shit


Yi An look at her "what are you talking about? You don't have any evidence to state that"

"Maybe I have" teacher Kim walk in and look at everyone ..

They turn to look at teacher Kim as their eyes went wide ..

Seoul Eun make an eyes contact with him and mumble "teacher Kim"

The class was silent, looking at teacher Kim who is making eyes contact with a few students as he looking around the class

Soo Jin on the other hand, smirking and thought that this is the end for Seoul Eun ..everyone will know her secret and she had defeat her..

"Teacher Kim, I can explai--" Seoul Eun was cut off by teacher Kim

"Maybe I had a reason why I want you all to be punish to wash the whole school toilets" Teacher Kim put his hands on his hips

Seoul Eun blinks her eyes a few times "what?"

He look at his students and raise his eyebrows again "are you all done staring at me now?I want you all get back to your seat before I force you to wash the whole school toilets for a week"

Everyone quickly went back to their place and look at teacher Kim with narrowed their eyes..

He shook his head as he walk toward the teacher desk and take the file that he had forgot to take just now..

"Am I disturb all of you just now? Why are you looking at me like that" Teacher Kim turn around and saw the whole class looking at him intensely

Gi Tae look at him and sigh "it's the best part drama and you disturb all of it ..whatever it is, I'm lucky to have you as a teacher"

End off flashback

"He is the best teacher that I had ever seen in my whole life" Seoul Eun giggle

Eun bi smile "yeah,he's really cool guy. *(there's a silent between them for awhile before she blinks her eyes) I had called Eun byul eonnie and she said that they will be back in a two days"

school 2015: Who Are You x reader (Another Way) PART 1Where stories live. Discover now