chapter 37 :chapstick issue

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Before I start the book,you don't have to worry .I will continue the book,I had amazing plan to continue this book and thanks for 1.02k reads

Third person POV

Seoul Eun rolled her eyes and look at Yi An "are you always eating like a sloth ..we had to discuss about this assignment"

Yi An frown and use his chopsticks and point at the paper that Seoul Eun wrote "we had 3days alright ..if you have too much brain to think about this ..then do it for me too,I'm too clever to made this rubbish.."

After the bell rang, they went to cafeteria to bought some lunch and went straight to the school rooftop to discuss about assignment

" thing,give me only one thing ..who do you reminded about your mother" Seoul eun look at him with puppy eye

Yi An swallow and put his chopsticks "I don't know ,I don't had a mother ..I think it's you"

Seoul Eun frown "why me? I'm not that old to be your least I can be your sister.."

Yi An bit his lips "I don't know..then who do you think it is "

Seoul Eun look around "umm,Mr Kim?"

She giggle while Yi An chuckle , "Not ,Mr Kim ..his a man not a woman unless his transgender"

They start to laugh until the school bell rang , Yi An chuckle "let's go,before we're late to know Miss Park anger will be a volcano if we late "

"I know,sometimes I want to punch her..she will just accuse someone without ask or investigate it .."Seoul Eun rolled her eyes

Yi An nod "I don't like her but we must getting to class before the bom nuclear or bom atom came .."


Miss Park look around the class "today, I won't teach you about science but I want to teach you about discipline ..Gong Tae Kwang how could you asleep in the class while I teaching"

Everyone turn to look at Tae Kwang who is sleeping soundly at the back

Miss Park bit her lips and put her hands on her hips "Mr Gong Tae Kwang,are you listen to me ..I warn you one last time,before I punish you"

Tae Kwang slowly look up and stand up while rubbing his eyes "Miss atom,you must be appreciate me that I'm,Gong Tae Kwang had represent in your class because of my sweet pretty girlfriend . You always argue with me something stupid and none existence things in my life,example homeworks "

Tae Kwang yank his bag on his shoulder before he take Eun bi hand and walk out

"Yah,Mr Gong Tae Kwang!! You had to--"Miss Park shout but Gi Tae cut off by clap his hands

"Wahh..he must be take a thousands years of courage to did that ..Miss Park ,please don't listen anything that boy had said you're not a bom atom .. you're a rocket" Gi Tae use his hand waving around before he made it down and a bom sound

Some of them laugh quietly but still can heard and some of them bit their lips to prevent from laughing

Miss Park sigh loudly,and take her bag before stomping out ..

And that's when the class laughing hardly ..Song Joo shook her head "she must be explode and told Mr Gong that she quick the job"

Shi Jin nod and chuckle "of course who wouldn't did .."

The class President stood up "alright Mr Kim won't be here because he had meetings and he said he want us to---"

"Where's my chapstick!! It's limited edition made from Paris " Hae Na look around her desk and turn to her bag and continue to search

Everyone frown and look at her, Seung Jo sigh "maybe,you forgot to put it back in your bag"

Hae Na glare at him "No,after I use it ..I put it inside back..I remember everything when it's come to my things"

Gi Tae shook his head "you just lost it..just bought the new one you think someone will st--"

Ha Yun cut him off by yelling frantically "My brand new lipstick !! Have anyone saw it ,it's lost "

Then,every girls that bought lipstick or chapstick look at their little bag and yelling at each other that they lost it and didn't found

Song Joo open her make up bag and put everything out,she look at her desk and saw all her chapstick and lipstick disappear "I just bought my limited edition chapstick, it's hard to get it ..that chapstick only had three in korea..and now it lost"

Hae Na bit her lips and glare at the class "it's only chapstick and lipstick but other things still here.."

Soo Jin look at Hae Na "my chapstick that I bought at New York City .. I'm also didn't found it,someone must stole it because they envy and want it.."

Gi Tae rolled his eyes "who want to steal that things .. everyone can buy it alright"

Soo Jin shook her head "it's not ordinary lipstick's limited edition and expensive,so there must be someone stole it"

Hae Na sigh frustrating and run her hand thru her hair "who stole it "

Seoul Eun shrug her shoulders and take her books out ,she took out her pencil case "why is it so heavy?"

She open her pencil case and saw brand new and limited edition chapstick and lipstick poor out from her case ..

Because of the sound , everyone made their attention on Seoul Eun desk ..their eyes went wide except Soo Jin who smirk

"How did-- Why is this thing .." Seoul Eun eyes went wide

Soo Jin cross her arms on her chest "Ko Eun byul stole our things ..why?"

Song Joo stood up in shock "that's my chapstick?"

"It's impossible Eun byul will do it" Min suk look at Seoul Eun who froze in her seat

Yi An frown and look at Seoul Eun from his desk

Hae Na walk to Seoul Eun desk,and took one chapstick "this is my chapstick that made from Paris's limited edition can see that it crave my name because I scare that someone will stole it so I told the store to crave my name on it"

Soo Jin walk toward Seoul Eun desk "Ko Eun byul how dare you stole our things ..I don't know that you're lower than the worm in the earth"

Seoul Eun stood up "I--"

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