chapter 14 :hate turn to love?

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Seoul Eun POV

that name by Jong Hyun and tae min
(Best with song)

"And that's actual what happened " I scratch my head and smile sheepishly

Eun bi ,Song Joo and Shi Jin shook their heads while looking at me with disbelief face

Eun bi sigh "I'm glad that you didn't did anything like that ..and when you two fell on each other . the worker found you two there .. I will just said Wow "

Song Joo shook her head "you know what Eun byul ..I know that Yi An is annoying sometimes and you hate that but I don't know that you actually REALLY hate him"

I look at them "I'm not hate him..I just irritated know his behavior and his kinda annoyed sometimes ..he will give me high blood pressure .."

I sigh and shook my heads while eating chips

Shi jin nod "I know how you feel even I'm not experienced that things but don't you know *(Shi Jin nudge at me) if you hate him too long you will fell in love on him .."

I chocked and quickly take mineral water beside me and drink

Song Joo wiggle her eyebrows "if you really hate him will fell for him really hard ..I think in the future you will get marry and have a kids with him .."

I spilt my drinks and cough.."yah neo michyeoss-eo (are you crazy)"

Eun bi smile "how many kids do you want ..5 ..10..12 ..15 *(she look at me with her eyes widen)"

I punch them lightly "what are you three thinking about ..I hate him and I'm not gonna marry him..never and ever ..and who said I'm gonna have kids with's ridiculous to have so much kids 15 Eun bi ..15 !! "

I quickly get up "I will be back's really hot here ..*(I pat my cheeks and walk out)

The three of them nudge each other playfully

Song Joo grins "I think they will be a cute couple"

I shout at them "I HEAR THAT SONG JOO!"

the three of them giggle at each other and high five with each other


"And that's really happened ..Aishhh I think I'm the unlucky guy in the world " I look at Tae Kwang and eat my chicken noodle

"Jin-jja (really) ,I think you're really lucky to kiss infamous short temper Miss Ko" Tae Kwang Chuckle..

I chocked and put down my chopsticks "yah ,are you sick you have eat your pill you want me to call ambulance to take you to hospital"

I quickly drink my juice that I bought just now

Tae Kwang look at me while resting his arms on the table and leaning across the table "hey you like the kiss "

Tae kwang wiggle his eyebrows..while I spilt my juice on Tae kwang face

I choked "you really crazy..why should I like the kiss know it's my nightmare ..a big bad nightmare"

Tae kwang use his napkins and wipe the juice on his face that I spilt just now "Aishhh face ..I ask you a question do you hate her ?"

I tilt my head ..

do I hate her? Of course not ..I just want to tease her ..but why did her behavior change .. she's not like Ko Eun byul that I know ..and her behavior just like someone I meet ..

Joo Seoul Eun ..

That mask girl name give my heartbeat beats fast ..

Dup dap dup dab

Her eyes really beautiful .. when she mad she look really cute ..even she wear her mask

Aishh ..I just met her ..Han Yi An you're crazy

I was lost in thought until Tae Kwang smack my head down..

I groan and look at him "what?"

Tae kwang raise his eyebrow "I ask you you like Ko Eun byul "

I blinks my eyes "why should I ..I don't like her "

Tae Kwang look at me with smug face "why do you really sure about that .."

I glare at him "because I ..*(sigh)"

I bite my lips and get up "I don't know .. I want to take some fresh air ..this place full with mosquito"

Tae Kwang frown "what with mosquito and fresh air.. they're not related..but isn't outside more mosquito than inside .."

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